From Friend To Fake Fiancé. Jules Bennett

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From Friend To Fake Fiancé - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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together. We’re not doing anything but pretending to be lovers. After this week, my family will think we just decided to stay friends. That’s all. I can’t do more and if you’re honest with yourself, you can’t, either.”

      Oh, he could do plenty more. Starting with peeling that dress from her curvy body. But he wouldn’t push her. She was already feeling stressed and recovering from the betrayal of her asshat ex. The last thing she needed was for her best friend to force her into anything. But that didn’t mean he would stop his attempts to get her into his bed. For years he’d wondered how it would feel to have his best friend in every way possible and now he had this week to seduce her. Bora Bora provided the perfect backdrop for temptation, with its sultry nights and lazy days on the beach. Seducing Jenna would be so easy, so perfect. Before these seven days were up, he’d know exactly how amazing they were together.

      But Mac didn’t want her to feel forced, to feel pressured. He wanted her willing and aching for him. He wanted her to admit that the attraction was mutual. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind she wanted him. She may be lying to herself, but her actions spoke volumes.

      Stroking his thumbs along her delicate skin, Mac bent slightly to hold her gaze. “I’m not putting any pressure on you. You’ve got enough going on now.”

      Beneath his palms, her shoulders relaxed. “I still have all those flowers to do and Amy has changed her mind about the arrangements twice already. My ex will be showing up any day and I’m exhausted from my mother’s questions. If you add more stress on me, I’m going to smother you in your sleep.”

      Laughing, Mac pulled her in and wrapped his arms around her. She literally fell against his chest as if the fight had gone out of her. This would be the perfect opportunity to seduce her...if he wanted to be a complete, uncaring jerk. He’d already planted the seed. She knew exactly what he wanted. Now he had to let his actions speak louder than his words. Not a problem at all. In his line of work, actions always got the job done.

      “Why don’t you go out on the deck and relax?” he suggested, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “I’ll bring you some tea. I’m sure you packed an assortment.”

      Jenna wasn’t a drinker, not of alcohol, anyway. Her mother had once battled alcoholism, but had been clean for the past several years. So, while booze was off the table for Jenna, Mac knew the girl never went out of town without her tea collection. It was one thing she took quite seriously. No doubt she’d brought the antique tin that he’d gotten her for Christmas several years back. She’d seen the piece before an auction and had coveted the item, so Mac had anonymously placed the bids and gotten it for her as a surprise.

      Nearly all bidding was anonymous.... But in this instance, he’d simply done something for his best friend, not for a billionaire client or the good of the family business.

      Jenna pulled away and offered him a tired smile. “You’re too good to me.”

      “I’ll let you return the favor one day when I need you to pretend to be my fiancée,” he joked. “Do you want a particular flavor?”

      He watched the sway of her hips as she walked away. “Surprise me.”

      Mac laughed. She’d better watch what she asked for. Because by the end of this week, she’d be surprised all right. Seduction would never taste sweeter.

      This might be the only chance to be this close to her, at her invitation. He planned to take full advantage of this week posing as her boyfriend. This was the exact opportunity he needed to get closer, by her invitation. He planned on playing his role flawlessly every minute of the next seven days.

      * * *

      Jenna crossed her ankles and stared out at the sparkling water just beyond her deck. With bright blue skies, the sun just on the horizon and her best friend brewing her tea, Jenna should be the most relaxed woman in the world.

      Unfortunately, she couldn’t relax when her lips were still tingling, her body was still aching and her mind was still reeling from her best friend’s bombshell admission that he wanted to sleep with her.

      She hadn’t seen that coming. Yes, he’d tried to pick her up with some overly cheesy line many years ago, but Mac was a professional flirt. And they’d agreed not to take things in that direction back then. She’d told him she only wanted long term and she knew he couldn’t offer permanence. No way would she make herself vulnerable when she knew nothing serious could come of her attraction to Mac.

      But the way he’d kissed her, held her and stared into her eyes when he delivered that shocking blow...this man wasn’t joking anymore. He was full-on trying to get her into his bed, and if she wasn’t careful that’s exactly where she’d find herself. Talk about an awkward morning after, and she just couldn’t risk their friendship.

      Stretching her arms out, she clasped her fingers behind her head. She really needn’t get too worked up, though. Mac loved women and women, understandably, loved Mac. He had charm, power, a killer body and a smile that could melt the clothes right off your body.

      But she had to remind herself the proposition had nothing to do with her personally. Mac was a world-renowned playboy. He’d earned his reputation by his actions over the years and Jenna wasn’t naive. She’d seen firsthand what a damaging relationship could do. Granted, her parent’s situation was much different, but her mother had still been crushed, destroyed and ultimately had turned to the bottle when Jenna’s father walked out. Jenna didn’t think she’d ever be dependent on alcohol, but she was vulnerable to the same emotional damage her mother had suffered. Jenna knew if she allowed herself to be intimate with Mac two things would happen: she would love every single erotic moment, and he’d leave her wanting more as he walked away. She refused to be dependent on her feelings, to let her emotions lead her common sense around on a leash. Jenna had to keep a level head about this and remember everything going on here was all for show.

      So, while her lips may still be tingling from their earlier encounter, she had to ignore the urge to take what he so eagerly offered.

      Mac’s heavy footsteps hit the wood deck. “Here you go.”

      After handing her a glass of iced tea, peach she guessed from the scent, he walked to the edge of the deck and took a seat. With the huts and decks built right on the water, his feet rested in the crystal-clear ocean. His black T-shirt pulled across his broad shoulders. His dark, unruly hair curled just slightly on the ends. Jenna didn’t care that she was checking out her best friend. She’d done it for years, and the older he got, the sexier Mac O’Shea became. This combination ocean/hottie view was definitely one she would be enjoying all week.

      “So, tell me what’s on the agenda for tomorrow.” He threw a glance over his shoulder, offering her an evil, lopsided grin. “Kissing on the beach, you unable to keep your hands off me, frolicking in the ocean?”

      Jenna took a hearty drink of her iced tea and rolled her eyes. “I think we’ll stick with hand holding, a few hugs and some lingering glances. Can you handle that?”

      With a shrug, he turned back to the ocean. “I can handle anything. I’m in Bora Bora with my best friend and I have everything under control with the upcoming auction. I could use a few days to rest up, even if I’m pretending to be in love.”

      A sliver of guilt started to course through her. “I know I’m putting you in a weird position, so if you want to back out, do it now before we get too far.”

      Mac turned, rested his back against one of the posts and drew one knee up as he met her gaze. “Jenna,

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