Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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instrument the dim corporeal mind,

      Of celestial insight now forgetful grown,

      He seizes on some sign of outward charm

      To guide him mid the throng of Nature’s hints,

      Reads heavenly truths into earth’s semblances,

      Desires the image for the godhead’s sake,

      Divines the immortalities of form

      And takes the body for the sculptured soul.

      Love’s adoration like a mystic seer

      Through vision looks at the invisible,

      In earth’s alphabet finds a godlike sense;

      But the mind only thinks, “Behold the one

      For whom my life has waited long unfilled,

      Behold the sudden sovereign of my days.”

      Heart feels for heart, limb cries for answering limb;

      All strives to enforce the unity all is.

      Too far from the Divine, Love seeks his truth

      And Life is blind and the instruments deceive

      And Powers are there that labour to debase.

      Still can the vision come, the joy arrive.

      Rare is the cup fit for love’s nectar wine,

      As rare the vessel that can hold God’s birth;

      A soul made ready through a thousand years

      Is the living mould of a supreme Descent.

      These knew each other though in forms thus strange.

      Although to sight unknown, though life and mind

      Had altered to hold a new significance,

      These bodies summed the drift of numberless births,

      And the spirit to the spirit was the same.

      Amazed by a joy for which they had waited long,

      The lovers met upon their different paths,

      Travellers across the limitless plains of Time

      Together drawn from fate-led journeyings

      In the self-closed solitude of their human past,

      To a swift rapturous dream of future joy

      And the unexpected present of these eyes.

      By the revealing greatness of a look,

      Form-smitten the spirit’s memory woke in sense.

      The mist was torn that lay between two lives;

      Her heart unveiled and his to find her turned;

      Attracted as in heaven star by star,

      They wondered at each other and rejoiced

      And wove affinity in a silent gaze.

      A moment passed that was eternity’s ray,

      An hour began, the matrix of new Time.

      End of Canto Two

      Canto Three

      Satyavan and Savitri

      Out of the voiceless mystery of the past

      In a present ignorant of forgotten bonds

      These spirits met upon the roads of Time.

      Yet in the heart their secret conscious selves

      At once aware grew of each other warned

      By the first call of a delightful voice

      And a first vision of the destined face.

      As when being cries to being from its depths

      Behind the screen of the external sense

      And strives to find the heart-disclosing word,

      The passionate speech revealing the soul’s need,

      But the mind’s ignorance veils the inner sight,

      Only a little breaks through our earth-made bounds,

      So now they met in that momentous hour,

      So utter the recognition in the deeps,

      The remembrance lost, the oneness felt and missed.

      Thus Satyavan spoke first to Savitri:

      “O thou who com’st to me out of Time’s silences,

      Yet thy voice has wakened my heart to an unknown bliss,

      Immortal or mortal only in thy frame,

      For more than earth speaks to me from thy soul

      And more than earth surrounds me in thy gaze,

      How art thou named among the sons of men?

      Whence hast thou dawned filling my spirit’s days,

      Brighter than summer, brighter than my flowers,

      Into the lonely borders of my life,

      O sunlight moulded like a golden maid?

      I know that mighty gods are friends of earth.

      Amid the pageantries of day and dusk,

      Long have I travelled with my pilgrim soul

      Moved by the marvel of familiar things.

      Earth could not hide from me the powers she veils:

      Even though moving mid an earthly scene

      And the common surfaces of terrestrial things,

      My vision saw unblinded by her forms;

      The Godhead looked at me from familiar scenes.

      I witnessed the virgin bridals of the dawn

      Behind the glowing curtains of the sky

      Or vying in joy with the bright morning’s steps


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