Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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lives within us by ourselves unseen;

      Only sometimes a holier influence comes,

      A tide of mightier surgings bears our lives

      And a diviner Presence moves the soul;

      Or through the earthly coverings something breaks,

      A grace and beauty of spiritual light,

      The murmuring tongue of a celestial fire.

      Ourself and a high stranger whom we feel,

      It is and acts unseen as if it were not;

      It follows the line of sempiternal birth,

      Yet seems to perish with its mortal frame.

      Assured of the Apocalypse to be,

      It reckons not the moments and the hours;

      Great, patient, calm it sees the centuries pass,

      Awaiting the slow miracle of our change

      In the sure deliberate process of world-force

      And the long march of all-revealing Time.

      It is the origin and the master-clue,

      A silence overhead, an inner voice,

      A living image seated in the heart,

      An unwalled wideness and a fathomless point,

      The truth of all these cryptic shows in Space,

      The Real towards which our strivings move,

      The secret grandiose meaning of our lives.

      A treasure of honey in the combs of God,

      A Splendour burning in a tenebrous cloak,

      It is our glory of the flame of God,

      Our golden fountain of the world’s delight,

      An immortality cowled in the cape of death,

      The shape of our unborn divinity.

      It guards for us our fate in depths within

      Where sleeps the eternal seed of transient things.

      Always we bear in us a magic key

      Concealed in life’s hermetic envelope.

      A burning Witness in the sanctuary

      Regards through Time and the blind walls of Form;

      A timeless Light is in his hidden eyes;

      He sees the secret things no words can speak

      And knows the goal of the unconscious world

      And the heart of the mystery of the journeying years.

      But all is screened, subliminal, mystical;

      It needs the intuitive heart, the inward turn,

      It needs the power of a spiritual gaze.

      Else to our waking mind’s small moment look

      A goalless voyage seems our dubious course

      Some Chance has settled or hazarded some Will,

      Or a Necessity without aim or cause

      Unwillingly compelled to emerge and be.

      In this dense field where nothing is plain or sure,

      Our very being seems to us questionable,

      Our life a vague experiment, the soul

      A flickering light in a strange ignorant world,

      The earth a brute mechanic accident,

      A net of death in which by chance we live.

      All we have learned appears a doubtful guess,

      The achievement done a passage or a phase

      Whose farther end is hidden from our sight,

      A chance happening or a fortuitous fate.

      Out of the unknown we move to the unknown.

      Ever surround our brief existence here

      Grey shadows of unanswered questionings;

      The dark Inconscient’s signless mysteries

      Stand up unsolved behind Fate’s starting-line.

      An aspiration in the Night’s profound,

      Seed of a perishing body and half-lit mind,

      Uplifts its lonely tongue of conscious fire

      Towards an undying Light for ever lost;

      Only it hears, sole echo of its call,

      The dim reply in man’s unknowing heart

      And meets, not understanding why it came

      Or for what reason is the suffering here,

      God’s sanction to the paradox of life

      And the riddle of the Immortal’s birth in Time.

      Along a path of aeons serpentine

      In the coiled blackness of her nescient course

      The Earth-Goddess toils across the sands of Time.

      A Being is in her whom she hopes to know,

      A Word speaks to her heart she cannot hear,

      A Fate compels whose form she cannot see.

      In her unconscious orbit through the Void

      Out of her mindless depths she strives to rise,

      A perilous life her gain, a struggling joy;

      A Thought that can conceive but hardly knows

      Arises slowly in her and creates

      The idea, the speech that labels more than it lights;

      A trembling gladness that is less than bliss

      Invades from all this beauty that must die.

      Alarmed by the sorrow dragging at her feet


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