Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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Thought came in and spoiled the harmonious world:

      Matter began to hope and think and feel,

      Tissue and nerve bore joy and agony.

      The inconscient cosmos strove to learn its task;

      An ignorant personal God was born in Mind

      And to understand invented reason’s law,

      The impersonal Vast throbbed back to man’s desire,

      A trouble rocked the great world’s blind still heart

      And Nature lost her wide immortal calm.

      Thus came this warped incomprehensible scene

      Of souls emmeshed in life’s delight and pain

      And Matter’s sleep and Mind’s mortality,

      Of beings in Nature’s prison waiting death

      And consciousness left in seeking ignorance

      And evolution’s slow arrested plan.

      This is the world in which thou mov’st, astray

      In the tangled pathways of the human mind,

      In the issueless circling of thy human life,

      Searching for thy soul and thinking God is here.

      But where is room for soul or place for God

      In the brute immensity of a machine?

      A transient Breath thou takest for thy soul,

      Born from a gas, a plasm, a sperm, a gene,

      A magnified image of man’s mind for God,

      A shadow of thyself thrown upon Space.

      Interposed between the upper and nether Void,

      Thy consciousness reflects the world around

      In the distorting mirror of Ignorance

      Or upwards turns to catch imagined stars.

      Or if a half-Truth is playing with the earth

      Throwing its light on a dark shadowy ground,

      It touches only and leaves a luminous smudge.

      Immortality thou claimest for thy spirit,

      But immortality for imperfect man,

      A god who hurts himself at every step,

      Would be a cycle of eternal pain.

      Wisdom and love thou claimest as thy right;

      But knowledge in this world is error’s mate,

      A brilliant procuress of Nescience,

      And human love a posturer on earth-stage

      Who imitates with verve a faery dance.

      An extract pressed from hard experience,

      Man’s knowledge casked in the barrels of Memory

      Has the harsh savour of a mortal draught:

      A sweet secretion from the erotic glands

      Flattering and torturing the burning nerves,

      Love is a honey and poison in the breast

      Drunk by it as the nectar of the gods.

      Earth’s human wisdom is no great-browed power,

      And love no gleaming angel from the skies;

      If they aspire beyond earth’s dullard air,

      Arriving sunwards with frail waxen wings,

      How high could reach that forced unnatural flight?

      But not on earth can divine wisdom reign

      And not on earth can divine love be found;

      Heaven-born, only in heaven can they live;

      Or else there too perhaps they are shining dreams.

      Nay, is not all thou art and doest a dream?

      Thy mind and life are tricks of Matter’s force.

      If thy mind seems to thee a radiant sun,

      If thy life runs a swift and glorious stream,

      This is the illusion of thy mortal heart

      Dazzled by a ray of happiness or light.

      Impotent to live by their own right divine,

      Convinced of their brilliant unreality,

      When their supporting ground is cut away,

      These children of Matter into Matter die.

      Even Matter vanishes into Energy’s vague

      And Energy is a motion of old Nought.

      How shall the Ideal’s unsubstantial hues

      Be painted stiff on earth’s vermilion blur,

      A dream within a dream come doubly true?

      How shall the will-o’-the-wisp become a star?

      The Ideal is a malady of thy mind,

      A bright delirium of thy speech and thought,

      A strange wine of beauty lifting thee to false sight.

      A noble fiction of thy yearnings made,

      Thy human imperfection it must share:

      Its forms in Nature disappoint the heart,

      And never shall it find its heavenly shape

      And never can it be fulfilled in Time.

      O soul misled by the splendour of thy thoughts,

      O earthly creature with thy dream of heaven,

      Obey, resigned and still, the earthly law.

      Accept the brief light that falls upon thy days;

      Take what thou canst of Life’s permitted joy;

      Submitting to the ordeal of fate’s scourge


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