Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      Inspires our ascent to viewless heights

      As once the abysmal leap to earth and life.

      His call had reached the Traveller in Time.

      Apart in an unfathomed loneliness,

      He travelled in his mute and single strength

      Bearing the burden of the world’s desire.

      A formless Stillness called, a nameless Light.

      Above him was the white immobile Ray,

      Around him the eternal Silences.

      No term was fixed to the high-pitched attempt;

      World after world disclosed its guarded powers,

      Heaven after heaven its deep beatitudes,

      But still the invisible Magnet drew his soul.

      A figure sole on Nature’s giant stair,

      He mounted towards an indiscernible end

      On the bare summit of created things.

      End of Canto One

      Canto Two

      The Kingdom of Subtle Matter

      In the impalpable field of secret self,

      This little outer being’s vast support

      Parted from vision by earth’s solid fence,

      He came into a magic crystal air

      And found a life that lived not by the flesh,

      A light that made visible immaterial things.

      A fine degree in wonder’s hierarchy,

      The kingdom of subtle Matter’s faery craft

      Outlined against a sky of vivid hues,

      Leaping out of a splendour-trance and haze,

      The wizard revelation of its front.

      A world of lovelier forms lies near to ours,

      Where, undisguised by earth’s deforming sight,

      All shapes are beautiful and all things true.

      In that lucent ambience mystically clear

      The eyes were doors to a celestial sense,

      Hearing was music and the touch a charm,

      And the heart drew a deeper breath of power.

      There dwell earth-nature’s shining origins:

      The perfect plans on which she moulds her works,

      The distant outcomes of her travailing force,

      Repose in a framework of established fate.

      Attempted vainly now or won in vain,

      Already were mapped and scheduled there the time

      And figure of her future sovereignties

      In the sumptuous lineaments traced by desire.

      The golden issue of mind’s labyrinth plots,

      The riches unfound or still uncaught by our lives,

      Unsullied by the attaint of mortal thought

      Abide in that pellucid atmosphere.

      Our vague beginnings are overtaken there,

      Our middle terms sketched out in prescient lines,

      Our finished ends anticipated live.

      This brilliant roof of our descending plane,

      Intercepting the free boon of heaven’s air,

      Admits small inrushes of a mighty breath

      Or fragrant circuits through gold lattices;

      It shields our ceiling of terrestrial mind

      From deathless suns and the streaming of God’s rain,

      Yet canalises a strange irised glow,

      And bright dews drip from the Immortal’s sky.

      A passage for the Powers that move our days,

      Occult behind this grosser Nature’s walls,

      A gossamer marriage-hall of Mind with Form

      Is hidden by a tapestry of dreams;

      Heaven’s meanings steal through it as through a veil,

      Its inner sight sustains this outer scene.

      A finer consciousness with happier lines,

      It has a tact our touch cannot attain,

      A purity of sense we never feel;

      Its intercession with the eternal Ray

      Inspires our transient earth’s brief-lived attempts

      At beauty and the perfect shape of things.

      In rooms of the young divinity of power

      And early play of the eternal Child

      The embodiments of his outwinging thoughts

      Laved in a bright everlasting wonder’s tints

      And lulled by whispers of that lucid air

      Take dream-hued rest like birds on timeless trees

      Before they dive to float on earth-time’s sea.

      All that here seems has lovelier semblance there.

      Whatever our hearts conceive, our heads create,

      Some high original beauty forfeiting,

      Thence exiled here consents to an earthly tinge.

      Whatever is here of visible charm and grace

      Finds there its faultless and immortal lines;

      All that is beautiful here is there divine.

      Figures are there undreamed by mortal mind:


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