Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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his soul adores:

      The ruler there is one with all he rules;

      To him who serves with a free equal heart

      Obedience is his princely training’s school,

      His nobility’s coronet and privilege,

      His faith is a high nature’s idiom,

      His service a spiritual sovereignty.

      There were realms where Knowledge joined creative Power

      In her high home and made her all his own:

      The grand Illuminate seized her gleaming limbs

      And filled them with the passion of his ray

      Till all her body was its transparent house

      And all her soul a counterpart of his soul.

      Apotheosised, transfigured by wisdom’s touch,

      Her days became a luminous sacrifice;

      An immortal moth in happy and endless fire,

      She burned in his sweet intolerable blaze.

      A captive Life wedded her conqueror.

      In his wide sky she built her world anew;

      She gave to mind’s calm pace the motor’s speed,

      To thinking a need to live what the soul saw,

      To living an impetus to know and see.

      His splendour grasped her, her puissance to him clung;

      She crowned the Idea a king in purple robes,

      Put her magic serpent sceptre in Thought’s grip,

      Made forms his inward vision’s rhythmic shapes

      And her acts the living body of his will.

      A flaming thunder, a creator flash,

      His victor Light rode on her deathless Force;

      A centaur’s mighty gallop bore the god.

      Life throned with mind, a double majesty.

      Worlds were there of a happiness great and grave

      And action tinged with dream, laughter with thought,

      And passion there could wait for its desire

      Until it heard the near approach of God.

      Worlds were there of a childlike mirth and joy;

      A carefree youthfulness of mind and heart

      Found in the body a heavenly instrument;

      It lit an aureate halo round desire

      And freed the deified animal in the limbs

      To divine gambols of love and beauty and bliss.

      On a radiant soil that gazed at heaven’s smile

      A swift life-impulse stinted not nor stopped:

      It knew not how to tire; happy were its tears.

      There work was play and play the only work,

      The tasks of heaven a game of godlike might:

      A celestial bacchanal for ever pure,

      Unstayed by faintness as in mortal frames

      Life was an eternity of rapture’s moods:

      Age never came, care never lined the face.

      Imposing on the safety of the stars

      A race and laughter of immortal strengths,

      The nude god-children in their play-fields ran

      Smiting the winds with splendour and with speed;

      Of storm and sun they made companions,

      Sported with the white mane of tossing seas,

      Slew distance trampled to death under their wheels

      And wrestled in the arenas of their force.

      Imperious in their radiance like the suns

      They kindled heaven with the glory of their limbs

      Flung like a divine largess to the world.

      A spell to force the heart to stark delight,

      They carried the pride and mastery of their charm

      As if Life’s banner on the roads of Space.

      Ideas were luminous comrades of the soul;

      Mind played with speech, cast javelins of thought,

      But needed not these instruments’ toil to know;

      Knowledge was Nature’s pastime like the rest.

      Investitured with the fresh heart’s bright ray,

      An early God-instinct’s child inheritors,

      Tenants of the perpetuity of Time

      Still thrilling with the first creation’s bliss,

      They steeped existence in their youth of soul.

      An exquisite and vehement tyranny,

      The strong compulsion of their will to joy

      Poured smiling streams of happiness through the world.

      There reigned a breath of high immune content,

      A fortunate gait of days in tranquil air,

      A flood of universal love and peace.

      A sovereignty of tireless sweetness lived

      Like a song of pleasure on the lips of Time.

      A large spontaneous order freed the will,

      A sun-frank winging of the soul to bliss,

      The breadth and greatness of the unfettered act

      And the swift fire-heart’s golden liberty.

      There was no falsehood of soul-severance,

      There came no crookedness of thought or word


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