Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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mind learns and knows not, turning its back to truth;

      It studies surface laws by surface thought,

      Life’s steps surveys and Nature’s process sees,

      Not seeing for what she acts or why we live;

      It marks her tireless care of just device,

      Her patient intricacy of fine detail,

      The ingenious spirit’s brave inventive plan

      In her great futile mass of endless works,

      Adds purposeful figures to her purposeless sum,

      Its gabled storeys piles, its climbing roofs

      On the close-carved foundations she has laid,

      Imagined citadels reared in mythic air

      Or mounts a stair of dream to a mystic moon:

      Transient creations point and hit the sky:

      A world-conjecture’s scheme is laboured out

      On the dim floor of mind’s incertitude,

      Or painfully built a fragmentary whole.

      Impenetrable, a mystery recondite

      Is the vast plan of which we are a part;

      Its harmonies are discords to our view

      Because we know not the great theme they serve.

      Inscrutable work the cosmic agencies.

      Only the fringe of a wide surge we see;

      Our instruments have not that greater light,

      Our will tunes not with the eternal Will,

      Our heart’s sight is too blind and passionate.

      Impotent to share in Nature’s mystic tact,

      Inapt to feel the pulse and core of things,

      Our reason cannot sound life’s mighty sea

      And only counts its waves and scans its foam;

      It knows not whence these motions touch and pass,

      It sees not whither sweeps the hurrying flood:

      Only it strives to canalise its powers

      And hopes to turn its course to human ends:

      But all its means come from the Inconscient’s store.

      Unseen here act dim huge world-energies

      And only trickles and currents are our share.

      Our mind lives far off from the authentic Light

      Catching at little fragments of the Truth

      In a small corner of infinity,

      Our lives are inlets of an ocean’s force.

      Our conscious movements have sealed origins

      But with those shadowy seats no converse hold;

      No understanding binds our comrade parts;

      Our acts emerge from a crypt our minds ignore.

      Our deepest depths are ignorant of themselves;

      Even our body is a mystery shop;

      As our earth’s roots lurk screened below our earth,

      So lie unseen our roots of mind and life.

      Our springs are kept close hid beneath, within;

      Our souls are moved by powers behind the wall.

      In the subterranean reaches of the spirit

      A puissance acts and recks not what it means;

      Using unthinking monitors and scribes,

      It is the cause of what we think and feel.

      The troglodytes of the subconscious Mind,

      Ill-trained slow stammering interpreters

      Only of their small task’s routine aware

      And busy with the record in our cells,

      Concealed in the subliminal secrecies

      Mid an obscure occult machinery,

      Capture the mystic Morse whose measured lilt

      Transmits the messages of the cosmic Force.

      A whisper falls into life’s inner ear

      And echoes from the dun subconscient caves,

      Speech leaps, thought quivers, the heart vibrates, the will

      Answers and tissue and nerve obey the call.

      Our lives translate these subtle intimacies;

      All is the commerce of a secret Power.

      A thinking puppet is the mind of life:

      Its choice is the work of elemental strengths

      That know not their own birth and end and cause

      And glimpse not the immense intent they serve.

      In this nether life of man drab-hued and dull,

      Yet filled with poignant small ignoble things,

      The conscious Doll is pushed a hundred ways

      And feels the push but not the hands that drive.

      For none can see the masked ironic troupe

      To whom our figure-selves are marionettes,

      Our deeds unwitting movements in their grasp,

      Our passionate strife an entertainment’s scene.

      Ignorant themselves of their own fount of strength

      They play their part in the enormous whole.

      Agents of darkness imitating light,

      Spirits obscure and moving things obscure,

      Unwillingly they serve a mightier Power.

      Ananke’s engines organising Chance,

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