Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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evil a relief from spurious good,

      The ego battened on righteousness and sin

      And each became an instrument of Hell.

      In rejected heaps by a monotonous road

      The old simple delights were left to lie

      On the wasteland of life’s descent to Night.

      All glory of life was dimmed, tarnished with doubt;

      All beauty ended in an aging face;

      All power was dubbed a tyranny cursed by God

      And Truth a fiction needed by the mind:

      The chase of joy was now a tired hunt;

      All knowledge was left a questioning Ignorance.

      As from a womb obscure he saw emerge

      The body and visage of a dark Unseen

      Hidden behind the fair outsides of life.

      Its dangerous commerce is our suffering’s cause.

      Its breath is a subtle poison in men’s hearts;

      All evil starts from that ambiguous face.

      A peril haunted now the common air;

      The world grew full of menacing Energies,

      And wherever turned for help or hope his eyes,

      In field and house, in street and camp and mart

      He met the prowl and stealthy come and go

      Of armed disquieting bodied Influences.

      A march of goddess figures dark and nude

      Alarmed the air with grandiose unease;

      Appalling footsteps drew invisibly near,

      Shapes that were threats invaded the dream-light,

      And ominous beings passed him on the road

      Whose very gaze was a calamity:

      A charm and sweetness sudden and formidable,

      Faces that raised alluring lips and eyes

      Approached him armed with beauty like a snare,

      But hid a fatal meaning in each line

      And could in a moment dangerously change.

      But he alone discerned that screened attack.

      A veil upon the inner vision lay,

      A force was there that hid its dreadful steps;

      All was belied, yet thought itself the truth;

      All were beset but knew not of the siege:

      For none could see the authors of their fall.

      Aware of some dark wisdom still withheld

      That was the seal and warrant of this strength,

      He followed the track of dim tremendous steps

      Returning to the night from which they came.

      A tract he reached unbuilt and owned by none:

      There all could enter but none stay for long.

      It was a no man’s land of evil air,

      A crowded neighbourhood without one home,

      A borderland between the world and hell.

      There unreality was Nature’s lord:

      It was a space where nothing could be true,

      For nothing was what it had claimed to be:

      A high appearance wrapped a specious void.

      Yet nothing would confess its own pretence

      Even to itself in the ambiguous heart:

      A vast deception was the law of things;

      Only by that deception they could live.

      An unsubstantial Nihil guaranteed

      The falsehood of the forms this Nature took

      And made them seem awhile to be and live.

      A borrowed magic drew them from the Void;

      They took a shape and stuff that was not theirs

      And showed a colour that they could not keep,

      Mirrors to a phantasm of reality.

      Each rainbow brilliance was a splendid lie;

      A beauty unreal graced a glamour face.

      Nothing could be relied on to remain:

      Joy nurtured tears and good an evil proved,

      But never out of evil one plucked good:

      Love ended early in hate, delight killed with pain,

      Truth into falsity grew and death ruled life.

      A Power that laughed at the mischiefs of the world,

      An irony that joined the world’s contraries

      And flung them into each other’s arms to strive,

      Put a sardonic rictus on God’s face.

      Aloof, its influence entered everywhere

      And left a cloven hoof-mark on the breast;

      A twisted heart and a strange sombre smile

      Mocked at the sinister comedy of life.

      Announcing the advent of a perilous Form

      An ominous tread softened its dire footfall

      That none might understand or be on guard;

      None heard until a dreadful grasp was close.

      Or else all augured a divine approach,

      An air of prophecy felt, a heavenly hope,

      Listened for a gospel, watched for a new star.

      The Fiend was visible but cloaked in light;


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