Nicky-Nan, Reservist. Arthur Quiller-Couch

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Nicky-Nan, Reservist - Arthur Quiller-Couch

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and if you was helpful you'd lend us that knife o' yours."

      "What for, missy?"

      "Why, to take off the injured limb. 'Bert's knife's no good since the fore-part o' the week, when he broke the blade prizin' up limpets an' never guessing how soon this War'd be upon us."

      "I did," maintained 'Bert. "I was gettin' in food supplies."

      "If I was you, my dears, I'd leave such unholy games alone," Nicky-Nan advised them. "No, and I'll not lend 'ee my knife, neither. You don't know what War is, children: an' please God you never will. War's not declared yet—not by England, anyway. Don't 'ee go to seek it out until it seeks you."

      "But 'tis comin'," 'Beida persisted. "Father was talkin' with Mother last night—he didn' go out with the boats: and 'Bert and I both heard him say—didn' we, 'Bert?—'twas safe as to-morrow's sun. The way we heard was that Mother'd forgot to order us to bed; which hasn't happened not since Coronation Night an' the bonfire. When she came up to blow out the light she'd been cryin'. … That's because Father'll have to fight, o' course."

      "I wish they'd put it off till I was a man," said 'Bert stoutly.

      At this point the wounded hero behaved as he always did on discovering life duller than his hopes. He let out a piercing yell and cried that he wanted his tea. 'Beida dropped her end of the ambulance, seized him as he slid to the ground, shook him up, and told him to behave.

      "You can't have your tea for another hour: and what's more, if you're not careful there won't be no amputation till afterwards, when Mother's not lookin' an' we can get a knife off the table. You bad boy!"

      'Biades howled afresh.

      "If you don't stop it,"—'Bert took a hand in threatening—"you won't get cut open till Monday; because 'tis Sunday to-morrow. And by that time you'll be festerin', I shouldn't wonder."

      "—And mortification will have set in," promised his sister. "When that happens, you may turn up your toes. An' 'tis only a question between oak an' elum."

      'Biades ceased yelling as abruptly as he had started. "What's 'fester'?" he demanded.

      "You'll know fast enough, when you find yourself one solid scab," began 'Bert. But Nicky-Nan interrupted.

      "There, there, children! Run along an' don't ee play at trouble. There's misery enough, the Lord knows—" He broke off on a twinge of pain, and stared down-stream at the congregated masts in the little harbour.

      Polpier lies in a gorge so steep and deep that though it faces but a little east of south, all its western flank lay already in deep shadow. The sunlight slanting over the ridge touched the tops of the masts, half a dozen of which had trucks with a bravery of gilt, while a couple wore the additional glory of a vane. On these it flashed, and passed on to bathe the line of cottages along the eastern shore, with the coast-guard hut that stood separate beyond them on the round of the cliff-track—all in one quiet golden glow. War? Who could think of War? … Nicky-Nan at any rate let the thought of it slip into the sea of his private trouble. It was as though he had hauled up some other man's "sinker" and, discovering his mistake, let it drop back plumb.

      While he stared, the children had stolen away.

      Yet he loitered there staring, in the hush of the warm afternoon, lifting his eyes a little towards the familiar outline of the hills that almost overlapped, closing out sight of the sea. A verse ran in his head—"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. … "

      The slamming of a door at the street-corner beyond the bridge recalled him to the world of action.

      On the doorstep of the local Bank—turning key in lock as he left the premises—stood a man respectably dressed and large of build. It was Mr. Pamphlett, the Bank-Manager. Nicky-Nan thrust his hands in his trouser-pockets and limped towards him.

      "If you please, sir—"

      Mr. Pamphlett faced about, displaying a broad white waistcoat and a ponderous gold watch-chain.

      "Ah! Nanjivell?"

      "If you please, sir—" Nicky-Nan, now balanced on his sound leg, withdrew a hand from his pocket and touched his cap. "I've been waitin' your convenience."

      "Busy times," said Mr. Pamphlett. "This Moratorium, you know. The

       War makes itself felt, even in this little place."

      If Nicky-Nan had known the meaning of the word Moratorium, it might have given him an opening. But he did not, and so he stood dumb. "You have come to say, I hope," hazarded Mr. Pamphlett after a pause, "that you don't intend to give me any more trouble? … You've given me enough, you know. An Ejectment Order. … Still—if, at the last, you've made up your mind to behave—"

      "There's no other house, sir. If there was, and you'd let it to me—"

      "That's likely, hey? In the present scandalous laxity of the law towards tenants, you've cost me a matter of pounds—not to mention six months' delay, which means money lost—to eject you. You, that owe me six pounds rent! It's likely I'd let you another house—even if I had one!"

      "Even if you had the will, 'twouldn' be right. I understand that, sir. Six young men, as I know, waitin' to marry and unable, because the visitors snap up cottage after cottage for summer residences, an'll pay you fancy prices; whereas you won't build for the likes o' we."

      "Your six young men—if six there be—" said Mr. Pamphlett, "will be best employed for some time to come in fighting for their country. It don't pay to build cottages, I tell you."

      Nicky-Nan's right hand gripped the knife in his pocket. But he answered wearily—

      "Well, anyways, sir, I don't ask to interfere with them: but only to bide under my own shelter."

      "Owing me six pounds arrears, and piling up more? And after driving me to legal proceedings! Look here, Nanjivell. You are fumbling something in your pocket. Is it the six pounds you owe me?"

      "No, sir."

      "I thought not. And if it were, I should still demand the costs I've been put to. If you bring me the total on Monday—But you know very well you cannot."

      "No, sir."

      "Then," said Mr. Pamphlett, "we waste time. I have been worried enough, these last few days, with more serious business than yours. In the times now upon us a many folk are bound to go to the wall; and the improvident will go first, as is only right. Enough said, my man!"

      Nicky-Nan fumbled with the knife in his pocket, but let Mr. Pamphlett pass.

      Then he limped back to the house that would be his until Monday, and closed the door. Beyond the frail partition which boarded him off from the Penhaligon family he could hear the children merry at tea.

       Table of Contents



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