Chili Cauldron Curse. Lynn Cahoon

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Chili Cauldron Curse - Lynn Cahoon Kitchen Witch Mysteries

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a favor. So she’d run up here.

      But that was water under the bridge now. She had less than a week to get this food pantry up to code and a working rotating system set up so Tasha, and hopefully a few more volunteers, could keep the place successful. Good intentions didn’t feed people. Hard work did.

      “So, what’s up?” Christina had followed her inside and now stood next to her gazing at the mess. “Holy heck. That’s a lot of boxes.”

      “Yes, it is.” Mia led her over to the table where she’d drawn out a map of the warehouse. “This is the plan. We need to get the boxes where they need to be unloaded, check all the food labels and make sure nothing’s expired, and then stack them, oldest first on the shelves.”

      “That’s going to take forever. I sure hope you have a lot of people coming in to help.” Christina pointed to the paper products. “I’ll take that section. No buy-by dates.”

      “Okay, but once you’re done, you need to move to the next section.” Mia held back the sigh she wanted to release. Christina always looked for the easy way out. She’d hoped she’d matured at least a little living on her own.

      “Sure.” The red hair was pulled up into a loose ponytail and she grinned at Mia. “You got it.”

      Which was her way of saying catch me if you can? Mia headed over to the still looming stack of boxes that hadn’t been opened and moved to their new sorting place. She’d put up signs for Tasha where the new, incoming contributions should go to keep the stock from being mixed together. And, once she’d set up the system, she’d go over it with Tasha. Then she’d tell Grans the food bank needed at least two additional volunteers to come every week to help. If they stayed with Mia’s plan, the food pantry could be successful, without any future interventions.

      At least that was the plan.

      When the other volunteers showed up at two, Mia, Christina, and Tasha had just finished lunch. Mia closed the pizza boxes and asked Christina to take them out to the dumpster. Then she went to talk to Kev.

      “Thanks for coming.” She looked around for Tasha but she must have disappeared into the office. “By the way, Tasha thinks you’re a gaming group, so let’s keep the magic stuff under wraps, okay?”

      “No worries. I’m used to dealing with the non-magical locals. We can hide in plain sight with the best of them. Besides, I’m the one who kind of led her to believe that cover story.” He gave her a quick hug. “Are you coming out to the coven meeting Saturday night?”

      “Probably not. You know I don’t like all the group activity stuff.” She glanced over at Christina. “Besides, my boyfriend’s sister is here and I can’t very well bring her along.”

      Kev’s gaze darted over to Christina and a wide grin showed off very white teeth. “I don’t know. I think she would look amazing in circle.”

      “You’re a perv.” Mia shook her head. Kev had to be at least ten years older than Christina.

      “A man can look.” He smiled at her. “I’d like you to think about joining the coven. Between us, there is a power struggle going on, and I’m not sure anyone would like it if one of the up-and-comers took over for the current warlock. It feels like there’s a vote coming soon.”

      “Who is in charge now?” Mia hadn’t kept up with the politics of the leadership. Mostly because she hated any type of politics.

      “Your grandmother’s new beau, Dorian Alexander. He’s a nice guy. He wants the coven to grow but not at any cost. This other guy, Silas Miller, he’s militant. He wants the coven to take over Magic Springs. Make this some kind of refugee camp for the magical residents of the world.”

      “And you support the kinder, less militant side.” Mia had known Kev a long time. He typically stayed out of the coven politics. She’d never seen him use his magic for anything but good for others.

      “You know me. A few spells and good wishes for an awesome ski season is about all I conjure lately. I’d hate to be a part of a group that sees the good of the coven as a mandate to take over the world.” He glanced at Christina who was walking toward him. “Anyway, Dorian could use another sane voice of reason when the vote happens.”

      “Let’s say I’ll think about it and talk to Grans. For now, come on over and I’ll explain what we’re doing.” Mia moved toward the table where the inventory notebook and design for the warehouse sat. She went through the work that needed done, and started the group on the pile in the middle. As she worked, she thought about the coven. Circle was their closing ceremony and typically was done in the nude. Of course, since they lived in a mountain community, they had to use magic to keep the outdoor ceremony area warm enough to not freeze, especially in winter months. She’d heard that once snow fell, they moved their ceremonies to a local hot springs where they used the heat from the warm water to keep them from freezing.

      Another reason she didn’t play with the coven crowd, either here or in Boise. She had a relationship and didn’t want to have to explain why she needed to stay out all night once a month. Her magic was more of a personal thing. A part of herself she couldn’t walk away from, but that she didn’t want to let take over her world. She had her job and Isaac to do that.

      At six, she glanced at the dwindling pile of boxes. Christina’s paper shelves were looking well stocked and a few of the others had started stocking the shelves in the vegetable section since they were running out of room in front to stack boxes.

      Kev stood next to her. “I think you need us back tomorrow. I’ll see who’s not working and bring them over in the afternoon. Same time?”

      “Works for me.” Mia rubbed an aching shoulder and then stretched her neck. “I’m heading back to Grans and to bed early.”

      “I could come rub out some of those aches.” He winked at her. “No charge, no commitment.”

      “I don’t even have the energy to slap you down for that comment.” Mia tapped his arm. “I’ve told you before, I’m not going to be one of your notches. See you tomorrow.”

      “A guy can dream. Have a good night, Mia.” He smiled and then whistled. “Come on guys, I’ll buy everyone dinner over at the Hook and Hoof tonight.”

      Christina came up to Mia. “Are we going with them?”

      “I’m not, but you can. Do you know how to get to Grans?”

      When Christina hesitated, Kev waved her toward the door. “You can ride with me.” He paused and waited for Mia to catch up. “Don’t worry, I’ll get little sister home safe and sound. She’s still got a lot of work here to do.”

      Christina sighed. “I’m so counting this as my community service project for the parents. They better be happy with me when I get home or I’m going to tell them about all the starving children I saved, over and over.”

      Mia laughed. “Just be in by ten. Grans is a light sleeper and I’d hate for you to wake her up late at night.”

      “Curfews are my life.” Christina waved at a girl that was leaving the warehouse. “Hold up Lacey, I’m coming with you guys.”

      As she left, Kev put a hand on Mia’s shoulder. “I’ll watch out for her. And the crew knows not to talk magic while muggles

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