Albrecht. Bates Arlo

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Albrecht - Bates Arlo

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      Erna shuddered.

      "I cannot understand how it can be pleasure," she said, "to put one's life in danger, or to take the life of a beast that has never injured thee."

      Baron Albrecht regarded her in some surprise.

      "I have never thought of that," he returned frankly. "Why should one consider the beasts? They are made for our sport, are they not?"

      "I know you men think so," she responded with a smile; "but I cannot bear that they should suffer for my amusement."

      The guest still looked puzzled, and apparently was on the point of questioning further, when Lady Adelaide, evidently fearing lest the words of her niece might offend the baron or give him the idea that Erna was full of strange fancies, said quickly:

      "And yet thou canst sing very prettily of the hunting. Let us get nearer the fire, and thou shalt sing for us now. Beshrew me, but this storm is enough to freeze one's bones."

      The night had indeed darkened into a storm such as it was unusual to experience at that time of year. Outside the castle turrets they could hear the wind and rain beating, and all the wild uproar of the tempest, as it howled and raged along over the wood. They drew close about the broad hearth, where a cheerful fire had been lighted, despite the fact that the month was June; and in accordance with her aunt's wish, Erna took her lute and sang a gay little ditty in praise of hunting.

      "I do not mean it," she protested as she ended, and smiled in pleasant fashion, as if it were his opinion which she was anxious should be set right.

      "Perhaps," Father Christopher said, "thou also canst sing, Sir Baron? If so, it will delight us to hear thee."

      The request was warmly seconded by Lady Adelaide. Erna said nothing.

      "Is it thy wish that I should sing?" the stranger knight asked, turning toward her.

      She flushed a little as she answered in the affirmative, and then said to herself that her confusion arose from the fact that there was so seldom any need to consult her wish in such a matter that the attention seemed unusual.

      The knight took the lute, which in his large and strong hands looked absurdly out of place, yet which he handled with a great deal of dexterity, and after a brief prelude began in a voice of wonderful richness to sing


      The kobold's life is full of glee.

       For him the forest is made;

       For him the leaf swells on the tree,

       The fount wells in the glade.

       Well he knows every nook,

       Every pool where the brook

       Breeds him trout in the sun or the shade;

       Where the wild berries grow,

       Where the cool waters flow;

       Where dappled deer hide them

       With sleek fawns beside them;

       And where the wood-dove's eggs are laid.

      He knows the hidden mountain mine

       Where wondrous jewels lie;

       The caves in which their glorious shine

       Dazzles his feasting eye;

       He heaps up the red gold

       Till his treasures untold

       Would the souls of a multitude buy!

       All the wealth of the earth

       Is his dower from birth.

       Who can strength with him measure?

       Who baffle his pleasure?

       What kings with his riches can vie?

      When winds rush whistling through the wood,

       The kobold's merry heart bounds;

       For well he knows the bugle good

       That calls up horse and hounds.

       The Wild Huntsman rides past

       On the wings of the blast,

       And the forest with tumult resounds;

       The blithe wood-elves are there,

       With the sprites of the air;

       And as faster and faster

       They follow their master,

       He joins in their turbulent rounds!

      The baron would have sung further in his wild praises of the life of the race of forest sprites with whom his verse dealt, but he was interrupted by the Lady Adelaide, who crossed herself fervently, exclaiming:

      "Now beshrew me, Sir Baron, but it is ill to speak of the Wild Huntsman on a night like this when he may be abroad. Heaven send he be not near enough to the castle to have heard your song!"

      The singer stared at her an instant in silent amazement, and then broke into a peal of golden-throated laughter, which was hardly as respectful as was the due of a person of the age and quality of the old dame.

      "By my sword," he cried, "it is, then, really true that thou art afraid of the Wild Huntsman! I give thee my word that he is far too much engaged in his pleasure to bother his head about what may be said of him."

      It was the turn of the company to stare at the speaker, who seemed to realize that his words might seem strange to them, for instantly he hastened to apologize, and laying aside the lute endeavored to give a new turn to the conversation by a reference to the talk which had taken place at table. But the priest, with a gentle smile, brought him back to the song.

      "It is a heathenish ditty, Sir Baron," he said, "with which thou hast favored us, if thou wilt allow me to say so. The treasures of the little men of the hills are doubtless mighty, if half that is said of them be true; but when they boast that their gold can buy the souls of men, they claim too much."

      The guest regarded the speaker with a new look of interest and respect; but as he made no reply, Father Christopher continued:

      "It is said that often the little men, and the Devil who is in league with them, have tried to entice men to barter their souls for gold; but even if they succeed, it is the Evil One to whom the soul goes, and the kobolds are no richer."

      "That is indeed true," the knight responded gravely. "The soul is a curious thing, and the kobolds can have little idea of what it is like. Indeed," he continued, after a moment's pause in which the others regarded him in wonder, "dost thou not suppose, Father, that a kobold might think he were better off for escaping a responsibility so heavy as that of a soul?"

      The priest looked at him in gentle reproof, while the Lady Adelaide again crossed herself with the air of being not a little scandalized.

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