Ovington's Bank. Stanley John Weyman

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Ovington's Bank - Stanley John Weyman

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were cashed wrought its effect, and by this time the public were accustomed to them.

      Dean's notes bore a big D, and Ovington's, for the benefit of those who could not read, were stamped with a large CO., for Charles Ovington.

      Alone with his daughter that evening the banker referred to this. "Betty," he said, after a long silence, "I am going to make a change. I am going to turn CO. into Company."

      She understood him at once, and "Oh, father!" she cried, laying down her work. "Who is it? Is it Arthur?"

      "Would you like that?"

      She replied by another question. "Is he really so clever?"

      "He's a gentleman--that's much. And a Griffin, and that's more, in a place like this. And he's--yes, he's certainly clever."

      "Cleverer than Mr. Rodd?"

      "Rodd! Pooh! Arthur's worth two of him."

      "Quite the industrious apprentice!" she murmured, her hands in her lap.

      "Well, you know," lightly, "what happened to the industrious apprentice, Betty?"

      She colored. "He married his master's daughter, didn't he? But there are two words to that, father. Quite two words."

      "Well, I am going to offer him a small share. Anything more will depend upon himself--and Clement."

      She sighed. "Poor Clement!"

      "Poor Clement!" The banker repeated her words pettishly. "Not poor Clement, but idle Clement! Can you do nothing with that boy? Put no sense into him? He's good for nothing in the world except to moon about with a gun. Last night he began to talk to me about Cobbett and some new wheat. New wheat, indeed! Rubbish!"

      "But I think," timidly, "that he does understand about those things, father."

      "And what good will they do him? I wish he understood a little more about banking! Why, even Rodd is worth two of him. He's not in the bank four days in the week. Where is he to-day?"

      "I am afraid that he took his gun--but it was the last day of the season. He said that he would not be out again. He has been really better lately."

      "Though I was away!" the banker exclaimed. And he said some strong things upon the subject, to which Betty had to listen.

      However, he had recovered his temper when he sent for Arthur next day. He bade him close the door. "I want to speak to you," he said; then he paused a moment while Arthur waited, his color rising. "It's about yourself. When you came to me I did not expect much from the experiment. I thought that you would soon tire of it, being what you are. But you have stood to it, and you have shown a considerable aptitude for the business. And I have made up my mind to take you in--on conditions, of course."

      Arthur's eyes sparkled. He had not hoped that the offer would be made so soon, and, much moved, he tried to express his thanks. "You may be sure that I shall do my best, sir," he said.

      "I believe you will, lad. I believe you will. Indeed, I am thinking of myself as well as of you. I had not intended to make the offer so soon--you are young and could wait. But you will have to bring in a certain sum, and capital can be used at present to great advantage."

      Arthur looked grave. "I am afraid, sir----"

      "Oh, I'll make it easy," Ovington said. "This is my offer. You will put in five thousand pounds, and will receive for three years twelve per cent upon this in lieu of your present salary of one hundred and fifty--the hundred you are to be paid as Secretary to the Company is beside the matter. At the end of three years, if we are both satisfied, you will take an eighth share--otherwise you will draw out your money. On my death, if you remain in the bank, your share will be increased to a third on your bringing in another five thousand. You know enough about the accounts to know----"

      "That it's a most generous offer," Arthur exclaimed, his face aglow. And with the frankness and enthusiasm, the sparkling eye and ready word that won him so many friends, he expressed his thanks.

      "Well, lad," the other answered pleasantly, "I like you. Still, you had better take a short time to consider the matter."

      "I want no time," Arthur declared. "My only difficulty is about the money. My mother's six thousand is charged on Garth, you see."

      This was a fact well known to Ovington, and one which he had taken into his reckoning. Perhaps, but for it, he had not been making the offer at this moment. But he concealed his satisfaction and a smile, and "Isn't there a provision for calling it up?" he said.

      "Yes, there is--at three months. But I am afraid that my mother----"

      "Surely she would not object under the circumstances. The increased income might be divided between you so that it would be to her profit as well as to your advantage to make the change. Three months, eh? Well, suppose we say the money to be paid and the articles of partnership to be signed four months from now?"

      Difficulties never loomed very large in this young man's eyes. "Very good, sir," he said. "Upon my honor, I don't know how to thank you."

      "It won't be all on your side," the banker answered good-humoredly. "Your name's worth something, and you are keen. I wish to heaven you could infect Clement with a tithe of your keenness."

      "I'll try, sir," Arthur replied. At that moment he felt that he could move mountains.

      "Well, that's settled, then. Send Rodd to me, will you, and do you see if I have left my pocket-book in the house. Betty may know where it is."

      Arthur went through the bank, stepping on air. He gave Rodd his message, and in a twinkling he was in the house. As he crossed the hall his heart beat high. Lord, how he would work! What feats of banking he would perform! How great would he make Ovington's, so that not only Aldshire but Lombard Street should ring with its fame! What wealth would he not pile up, what power would he not build upon it, and how he would crow, in the days to come, over the dull-witted clod-hopping Squires from whom he sprang, and who had not the brains to see that the world was changing about them and their reign approaching its end!

      For at this moment he felt that he had it in him to work miracles. The greatest things seemed easy. The fortunes of Ovington's lay in the future, the cycle half turned--to what a point might they not carry them! During the last twelve months he had seen money earned with an ease which made all things appear possible; and alert, eager, sanguine, with an inborn talent for business, he felt that he had but to rise with the flowing tide to reach any position which wealth could offer in the coming age--that age which enterprise and industry, the loan, the mill, the furnace were to make their own. The age of gold!

      He burst into song. He stopped. "Betty!" he cried.

      "Who is that rude boy?" the girl retorted, appearing on the stairs above him.

      He bowed with ceremony, his hand on his heart, his eyes dancing. "You see before you the Industrious Apprentice!" he said. "He has received the commendation of his master. It remains only that he should lay his success at the feet of--his master's daughter!"

      She blushed, despite herself. "How silly you are!" she cried. But when he set his foot on the lowest stair as if to join her, she fled nimbly up and escaped. On the landing above she stood. "Congratulations, sir," she said, looking over the balusters.

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