Exploratory Factor Analysis. W. Holmes Finch

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Exploratory Factor Analysis - W. Holmes Finch Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences

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in Regression Kaufman

      173 An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling Harris

      174 Introduction to Time Series Analysis Pickup

      175 Factorial Survey Experiments Auspurg/Hinz

      176 Introduction to Power Analysis: Two-Group Studies Hedberg

      177 Linear Regression: A Mathematical Introduction Gujarati

      178 Propensity Score Methods and Applications Bai/Clark

      179 Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Silva/Bosancianu/Littvay

      180 Gathering Social Network Data adams

      181 Generalized Linear Models for Bounded and Limited Quantitative Variables, Smithson and Shou

      182 Exploratory Factor Analysis, Finch

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      Exploratory Factor Analysis

       W. Holmes Finch

       Ball State University

       Los Angeles


       New Delhi


       Washington DC


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      ISBN: 9781544339887

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      Series Editor’s Introduction

      Social and behavioral research rests fundamentally on measurement. Much of what we wish to study cannot be directly observed. Exploratory Factor Analysis describes tools for exploring relationships between observed variables and latent variables, also known as factors.

      The volume provides an accessible introduction to applied exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for those new to the method. Professor Finch’s goal is to give readers sufficient background to embark on their own analyses, follow up on topics of interest, and more broadly engage the literature. In doing so, he draws on his experience teaching this material as well as his expertise as a contributor to the literature. Exploratory Factor Analysis is thorough, but understandable. What the reader needs to know is explained “just in time.” Forty years ago, in the early years of the QASS series, Jae-On Kim and Charles W. Mueller contributed two volumes on factor analysis, one introducing the method and the other explaining its application. This volume replaces them both.

      Professor Finch begins with problems of measurement, explaining that variables of interest are often latent constructs, not directly observable, and discussing the implications. After a quick review of the mathematical underpinnings of factor analysis, Chapters 35 discuss factor extraction, rotation, and retention in that order. Professor Finch walks through the requirements, assumptions, and logic of each of these steps in an EFA. Throughout, he gives much practical advice about how to implement them and about the many choices an analyst must make. For factor extraction, should the analyst use ML (maximum likelihood), PAF (principal axis factoring), or some other method? What are the differences? What is the point of factor rotation? Which is better for a particular purpose, orthogonal or oblique rotation, and given the choice, how does the analyst choose among the many rotation methods available? Which method for determining the number of factors has the most support in the literature? And importantly, for results to be reproducible, how should the analysis be described and results be presented? In the final chapter, Professor Finch discusses factor scores and the problems that can arise using them, determining appropriate sample size, and how to handle missing data as well as introducing some more advanced topics. A strength of the volume is that it clearly differentiates EFA not only from Confirmatory

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