Deja Vu. Fern Michaels

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Deja Vu - Fern  Michaels Sisterhood

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did wave. Maybe there is some kind of Agency rule saying that’s not allowed.” Jack guffawed.

      “I got their pictures,” Espinosa said proudly.

      “Maggie’s going to love you. Did you upload them to her?” Ted asked.

      “I did! And her text says, ‘What else?’ She wants to see us like now.”

      “Are any of you interested in their conversation?” Harry asked.

      “Now that would be nice. They were like two scalded cats, in my opinion. And they didn’t finish their food. Oh, Jesus, I forgot, you can read lips. What? C’mon, Harry, what’d they say?” Jack almost shouted but caught himself in time and lowered his voice.

      All five men leaned into the table. “They said we are untouchable!”

      “No shit!” Bert said in awe. “What else did they say?”

      Harry told them, enjoying the stupid looks on their faces.

      Eyes wide, jaws dropping, the boys listened as they absorbed Harry’s tale.

      Jack bowed his head. “Oh, wise one, I will never ever, as in ever, doubt you again. Harry, I am so impressed, I can’t find the words to tell you.”

      “Eat shit, Jack. It always comes down to brains and brawn, and I’ve got them both. God must have gone to lunch when it was your turn in that department.”

      “You can’t hurt my feelings, Harry, because I know you love me like I was your own brother.” He made a kissing sound with his lips.

      Harry reached across the table and tweaked Jack’s ear. Jack went to sleep. “Anyone else want to take on my prowess? Ha! I didn’t think so.”

      “How … how long is he going to … you know … sleep?” Espinosa asked uneasily.

      “How long do you want him to sleep?” Harry asked.

      “Till we’re out of here, and he gets stuck with the bill.” Ted laughed as he leaned as far back in his chair as he could get so Harry couldn’t reach him.

      “Okay,” Harry said agreeably. “He might not like it when he finds out it was your suggestion.”

      “There is that. Okay, wake him up, and I’ll use my expense account. Maggie will be happy to okay it.” He flagged down the waitress in the yellow boots and handed her his credit card. When she returned, he signed with a flourish and was on his feet a second later. Jack woke up in time to wave good-bye.

      “You put me out, didn’t you, you son of a bitch! Just for that, I’m telling Yoko …”

      “… Nothing. Don’t you feel wide-eyed and alert, ready to take on the world? In other words, refreshed and your thinking is clear and pure? I just let you take a little power nap.”

      “Well, now that you mention it, yeah, I do feel like I could kick your ass all the way to Baltimore and back.”

      “In your dreams.” Harry cackled.

      “Yeah, in my dreams,” Jack said.

      “It’s late, boys. Time for me to head home,” Elias said. “Don’t look at me like that. I only had one glass of beer, and I just had two cups of very strong black coffee. You boys lined up all those soldiers, so I suggest you all take a taxi home. Nellie’s going to be wondering what happened to me.”

      “Who you kidding, Elias? She already knows everything that happened, just like the girls already know. If Maggie knows, they know. You’re right about the taxi, though. I can pick up my car in the morning. Harry, you want to go with me, or I can drop you off.”

      “I drank tea. Not only are you stupid, you are not observant. You and Bert drank all that beer.”

      “Oh, my goodness gracious,” Jack said.

      “Damn,” Bert said.

      “Good night, boys,” Elias said as he made his way to the door. “This place really hops,” he muttered to himself. “I wonder if Nellie would like to come here sometime.” He scratched that thought immediately. Nellie did not like noise, nor did Nellie like bars and raucous laughter.

      Right now he wasn’t even sure if Nellie liked him. Oh, well, tomorrow was another day.

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