Slurs and Thick Terms. Bianca Cepollaro

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Slurs and Thick Terms - Bianca Cepollaro Philosophy of Language: Connections and Perspectives

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The Semantics of Hybrid Evaluatives 2.1 The Evaluative Content 2.1.1 Gradability 2.1.2 Multidimensionality 2.1.3 How to Interpret the Evaluative Content 2.1.4 Inter-variation and Intra-variation 2.2 The Descriptive Content 2.3 When Things Go Wrong: Presuppositional Failure 2.3.1 Reference and Extension 2.3.2 What Exactly Is Presupposed 2.3.3 Failure 2.3.4 A Theory of Value 2.4 Conclusion 3 The Dynamics of Hybrid Evaluatives: Complicity, Propaganda, Rejection, Negotiation 3.1 Slurs in Conversation 3.1.1 Scenario I—Endorsement 3.1.2 Scenario II—Complicity and Propaganda 3.1.3 Scenario III—Rejection or How to Respond to Slurs and Hate Speech 3.1.4 Slurs and Policies: Theoretical Proposals and Empirical Data 3.2 Thick Terms: Negotiation and Conceptual Ethics 3.3 Conclusion 4 Defending a Uniform Presuppositional Account of Slurs and Thick Terms 4.1 Defending the Uniformity Claim: The Residual Differences between Slurs and Thick Terms 4.1.1 Descriptive and Evaluative Content 4.1.2 The Projective Behavior 4.2 Defending the Presuppositionality Claim 4.2.1 Slurs and Presuppositions 4.2.2 Thick Terms and Presuppositions 4.3 Conclusion 5 Non-standard Uses of Hybrid Evaluatives 5.1 Attributive and Echoic Uses of Hybrid Evaluatives 5.1.1 The Relevance-Theoretic Tools: Attributive and Echoic Uses of Language 5.1.2 The Case of Evaluatives 5.2 What’s Special about the Reclamation of Slurs 5.2.1 Initiation and Conventionalization 5.2.2 In-groupness 5.2.3 The Effects of Reclamation 5.3 Conclusion

      10  PART II: RIVAL THEORIES 6 Truth-Conditional Theories: It’s Just a Matter of Semantics 6.1 Truth-Conditional Theories of Slurs 6.1.1 The Case of Apparent Lack of Projection 6.1.2 An Attempt to Explain Away Projection: Derogation and Offense 6.2 A Truth-Conditional Theory of Thick Terms 6.2.1 The Core of the Proposal 6.2.2 Negative Strengthening 6.2.3 Clausal Implicatures 6.3 Conclusion 7 Deflationary Theories: It’s Just a Matter of Pragmatics 7.1 Deflationary Accounts of Slurs 7.1.1 Anderson and Lepore: Violating Prohibitions and Taboos 7.1.2 Bolinger: Co-occurrence Expectations and Contrastive Preferences 7.1.3 Nunberg: Markedness, Affiliation, and Manner Implicatures 7.1.4 A Note on Markedness 7.1.5 Slurs and Speech Acts 7.2 A Deflationary Account of Thick Terms 7.3 Conclusion 8 An Alternative Hybrid Theory: Conventional Implicature 8.1 Potts’ Proposal 8.2 Challenges 8.2.1 Interaction with the At-Issue Content 8.2.2 Complicity, Failure, and Backgroundness 8.3 Conclusion

      11  Conclusion

      12  References

      13  About the Author

      1  i

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  v

      6  vi

      7  vii


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