Message to the People. Marcus Garvey

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Message to the People - Marcus Garvey Dover Thrift Editions

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Now that we know better, it is for us to adjust these things within our own race.

      Teach the people to respect all shades of their own race and never to have prejudice against anyone because he is black, brown, yellow or any shade that whites claim is not white.

      Never allow any other race to preside over your affairs. If they come as visitors, they must conduct themselves as visitors. They must never have executive control over you in your affairs, because they will always say and do things to suit themselves and that are against your interest; even though they profess the greatest amount of friendship.

      If they swear on the Bible, don’t believe them. If they swear in God, don’t believe them. Accept their friendship for all its worth to you and nothing more. Their interest as a race can never be yours, whether they be Europeans, Asiatics, Jews or whatever.

      Never trust a Jew; don’t let him know that. He is playing the odds against you all the time. He plays with loaded dice. His cards are marked. You can never win against him. Make this secret whispering propaganda in every community when you go into a Negro home. Whisper all the time that the Jew is bad. Flatter him as he flatters you and robs you. Never give him a square deal because he is never going to give you one. Tell him how much you love his people and how kind and nice his people are. Get all you can from him and give him nothing back except good words and pleasant smiles; this is his policy.

      The policy of the Jew is; if he sees a Gentile dying on the pathway and a penny covers his eye, as a hope for recovery, he will take it off and let him die; he will not do this to a Jew. You have your answer to this. Treat him similarly. Always try to get something from the Jew because he has always robbed you and your fathers in that he believes he is the chosen of God and as such all other men must pay tribute to him. This is false and fictitious. It is Jewish propaganda. Ignore it and let him pay tribute to you; if tribute must be paid.

      Lesson 3


      1.To establish a universal confraternity among the race.

      We mean by this that there must be a linking up of fraternal relationship with all the members of the Negro race to the exclusion of none.

      Every Negro in the world must be a part of the confraternity. Every Negro’s interest must come first in all the things of humanity. Not until you have served every Negro in the world should you seek to be kind to others. Charity begins at home.

      The home of the Negro race is all over the world. You must attend to them first before you think of others. If you have a shilling or twenty-five cents to give away to charity, before you give it to other charities see that all other Negro charities are first attended to. So long as there is need in your race, attend to it first and always. Never deny help to your own race.

      This is the meaning of confraternity. One for all and all for one. Never depart from this.

      2.To prompt the spirit of pride and love.

      It must be the mission of all Negroes to have pride in their race. To think of the race in the highest terms of human living. To think that God made the race perfect, that there is no one better than you; that you have all the elements of human perfection and as such you must love yourself.

      Love yourself better than anybody else. All beauty is in you and not outside of you. God made you beautiful. Confine your affection to your own race and God will bless you and men will honor you.

      Never be unkind to your race. Never curse your race. If anything is being done that is wrong by a member of your race, try to put him right. Don’t condemn him without hearing him. Give him a chance to do what is right, before you denounce him. If he provokes you, try to put up with his ignorance and persuade him to be kind, good and gentle.

      3.To reclaim the fallen.

      Whenever a member of your race is down; pick him up. Whenever he wants genuine help and you can help him; do so. Never leave him stranded and friendless. If you cannot help him yourself, send him to someone of the race who can help him. Put an arm of protection around him and keep him from going wrong and feeling absolutely friendless.

      4.To administer and assist the needy.

      Let it be your highest purpose in life to assist the needy members of your race. Use all your influence in your country, state and town to help the needy elements of your race.

      Seek government help for them. Seek philanthropic help for them. Seek help anywhere you can find it so that they may improve their condition.

      5.To assist in civilizing the backward tribes of Africa.

      Africa is the motherland of all Negroes. All Negroes were taken from Africa against their will and forced into slavery. Africa is the natural home of the race. One day all Negroes hope to look to Africa as the land of their vine and fig tree. Therefore, it is necessary to help the tribes that live in Africa to advance to a higher state of civilization. The white man is not conscientiously doing it; although he professes to do so. This is only his method of deceiving the world.

      It is the Negro who must help the Negro. To help the African Negro to achieve civilization is to prepare him for his place in a new African state that will be the home of all Negroes.

      6.To assist in the development of independent Negro nations and communities.

      The Negro should develop every section of the communities in which he lives that is his, so that he may control that section or part of that community.

      He should segregate himself residentially in that community so as to have political power, economic power and social power in that community.

      If he scatters himself about the community, or if other people live in the community, he will be scattering his power and dividing it up with other people. If there are ten thousand Negroes in a town, they should live close to each other. If there are five hundred, one thousand, or one million in a town, they will have the power of their numbers to do business, to appeal to the governor, and to voice their rights as citizens. In this respect segregation is good. To do otherwise is bad.

      7.To establish commissionaries or agencies in the principal countries and cities of the world for the representation and protection of all Negroes, irrespective of nationality.

      This means that there must be someone in every city whose business it will be to look after the interest of Negroes who may come into that city or country. His position will be like that of an ambassador, consul, or consular agent of a nation.

      He will interest himself in all the things affecting the Negro race and see to it that no advantage or abuse is taken or made of a Negro who comes into the city or country.

      He is to report all happenings affecting the Negro; and those happenings in which the Negro is interested, to the U.N.I.A. This will not be necessary where Negroes have a community of their own, but is applicable only to foreign countries, such as Europe, Asia, and South America, where the Negro may live in large numbers and have no contact with the government.

      8.To promote a conscientious spiritual worship among the native tribes of Africa.

      Considering that there are so many different religious thoughts, the Negro should be brought under the influence of one system of religion and the belief in one God. An honest effort should be made to instruct him in his particular desires

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