Shoulder the Sky. Lesley Choyce

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Shoulder the Sky - Lesley Choyce

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      “You have to give it time,” Jake said. I could tell he genuinely felt sorry for me and my failure at smoking.

      So it was Saturday and I was trying to figure a way to commit acts of random goodness. I thought of phoning Darrell to come along but I was not sure he was ready for this. It might not work out at all, so I figured I would go it alone for a while. Where to begin?

      All I could think of was mowing lawns. Two doors down lived Mr. Sheldon. Gus Sheldon. He was downsized when one bank bought another bank. He ran into some personal slippage after that. Wife left him to work in a casino in Las Vegas. Then Gus settled into a job doing people’s taxes at H&;R Block, but he started drinking on the job. Then came a job working nights at a Quick-Way. He drank there, too. Now he just drank at home and slept in late.

      So I mowed his lawn with our mower and he woke up around noon to see that someone had cut his grass while he slept in. Later, I would learn that he thought he did it himself while he was tanked and couldn’t remember. Afraid that he might do it again and maybe cut off his toes or something, he put his lawnmower out for the trash. He wasn’t interested in lawn care anymore anyway.

      I know my mother would have liked the random kindness business. She used to give her paintings to sick friends until she discovered that giving away homemade pies worked better. Even if they didn’t eat it, people cheered up when my Mom delivered a pie. Not everybody “got” my mother’s paintings. She was pretty far out there.

      Because of my mother and the pies, I decided not to give up. There were other acts of random kindness. I sent anonymous compliments to people by e-mail. Darrell showed me how to do this so no one would know it was me. I told ugly girls they were pretty. I told losers they were admired. I would always be very specific, nothing generic.

      I tried in vain to do some nice things for people at the mall, but somehow it just didn’t feel right there. I told one of my classmates, Julie, that the shoes she was about to buy in one store were actually ten dollars cheaper in another store. She just gave me a dirty look.

      I opened the glass mall door for a woman carrying two heavy bags, but she walked through without acknowledging me at all. I even cleaned up the scraps of paper on the floor around the money machine. That was what brought the security guard.

      “What do you think you’re doing?” the uniformed guy asked. You could tell he’d watched a few too many cop movies.

      “Tidying up,” I answered.

      “There’s no loitering allowed in the mall.”

      “I understand the need for rules,” I said.

      “Good. Then you’ll understand why I have to ask you to leave.”

      “No problem.”

      I was going to offer to buy him a cup of coffee but I’d lost confidence.

      I told Lilly about my efforts.

      “How do you get into this stuff?” she asked.

      “You’re such a dork.”

      Then she went into one of her well-rehearsed acts of exasperation for an audience that wasn’t even there. “My brother is such a dork,” she said to herself in the mirror. Lilly often talked to herself in the mirror when she needed to express an important thought. “He is like so not-there.”

      I didn’t take any of it personally. I waited for her to turn around.

      “Nice outfit.”

      “This old thing? I hate it.”

      “It looks good on you.”

      “Oh pa-lease.”

      “What are we going to do about Dad?” I asked, changing the subject.

      “What is there to do? He’s invisible. Not on the radar at all. He is who he wants to be. Why should we intrude on his coping mechanism?”

      “Maybe he shouldn’t be invisible.”

      “Martin, you’re the one with the wise-ass shrink.

      What would he say?” she asked.

      “He’d say that Dad has to get mad at something.”

      “Great. Then he’d start yelling at us like he used to.”

      “He didn’t yell that much.”

      “Not at you. You’re such a dork. You never got into trouble.”

      “I tried.”

      “No one thinks like you do, Martin. You’re on your own little planetoid. The Moon of Martin.”

      “It’s who I am.”

      “Martin. Face it. We have a weird family. All families are weird as soon as you get to know them. We’re no different.”

      “Except that we lost Mom.”

      “Why did you have to bring that up?”


      I turned to leave.

      “Come back here,” she said. Suddenly my sister was giving me a big hug. She was crying but pretending not to be. “Martin from the Moon. My little brother.”


      Quote of the Day

      “I’ll be damned if I’ll let any old nebula get in our way.”

      Captain Katherine Janeway,

       Star Trek:Voyager




      Meaning of Life

      For those who need something new to agonize about: some scientists occasionally worry that something really catastrophic will happen if all of the planets line up on the same side of the sun. You know, they’re all spinning around in their own orbits and there’s a kind of balance. But about once every thousand years, say, they end up on the same side of the solar system and all in a straight line. Something weird could happen.

      The great thing about getting serious about worrying about catastrophes that are of a solar system proportion is that you can stop fussing with dumb little worries that clutter up your life. Suppose the scientists say that next Thursday all the planets will line up on the same side of the solar system and we might experience earthquakes, increased solar radiation, firestorms, and waves that are two hundred feet high crashing against the continent.

      This all sounds pretty wicked and you decide that the problem you have with your chequing account or those new shoes you can’t afford or the

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