MURDER MADNESS (Unabridged). Murray Leinster

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MURDER MADNESS (Unabridged) - Murray Leinster

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upon Bell's hands, tearing at them. Ortiz looked at him with a ghastly supplication.

      "Now," he said with difficulty, "if you will open the door, Senor Bell...."

      Bell slid the door aside. They went in together. People were making the best of boresome weather within, frankly yawning, most of them. But the card-room would be full, and the smoking-room steward would be busy.

      "My cabin is upon the next deck below," said Ortiz through stiff lips. "We—we will descend the stairs."

      * * * * *

      Bell went with him, his face expressionless.

      "My cabin should be unlocked," said Ortiz.

      It was. Ortiz entered, and, with his hands still in his pockets, indicated a steamer-trunk.

      "Please open that." He licked his lips. "I—I had thought I would have warning enough. It has not been so severe before. Right at the top...."

      Bell flung the top back. A pair of bright and shiny handcuffs lay on top of a dress shirt.

      "Yes," said Ortiz steadily. "Put them upon my wrists, please. The poison that has been given to me is—peculiar. I believe that one of your compatriots has experienced its effects."

      Bell started slightly. Ortiz eyed him steadily.

      "Precisely." Ortiz, with his face a gray mask of horror, spoke with a steadiness Bell could never have accomplished. "A poison, Senor Bell, which has made a member of the Secret Service of the United States a homicidal maniac. It has been given to me. I have been hoping for its antidote, but—Quick! Senor Bell! Quick! The handcuffs!"


       Table of Contents

      The throbbing of the engines went on at an unvarying tempo. There was the slight, almost infinitesimal tremor of their vibration. The electric light in the cabin wavered rhythmically with its dynamo. From the open porthole came the sound of washing water. Now and then a disconnected sound of laughter or of speech came down from the main saloon.

      Ortiz lay upon the bed, exhausted.

      "It is perhaps humorous, Senor Bell," he said presently, in the same steady voice he had used upon the deck. "It is undoubtedly humorous that I should call upon you. I believe that you are allied with the Secret Service of your government."

      Bell started to shake his head, but was still. He said nothing.

      "I am poisoned," said Ortiz. He tried to smile, but it was ghastly. "It is a poison which makes a man mad in a very horrible fashion. If I could use my hands—and could trust them—I would undoubtedly shoot myself. It would be entirely preferable. Instead, I hope—"

      He broke off short and listened intently. His forehead beaded.

      "Is that an airplane motor?"

      Bell went to the port and listened. The washing of waves. The throbbing of the ship's engines. The dismal, long-drawn-out moaning of the fog-horn. Nothing else.... Yes! A dim and distant muttering. It drew nearer and died away again.

      "That is a plane," said Bell. "Yes, It's out of hearing now."

      Ortiz clamped his jaws together.

      "I was about to speak," he said steadily, "to tell you—many things. Which your government should know. Instead, I ask you to go to the wireless room and have the wireless operator try to get in touch with that plane. It is a two-motored seaplane and it has a wireless outfit. It will answer the call M.S.T.R. Ask him to use his directional wireless and try to guide it to the ship. It brings the antidote to the poison which affects me."

      Bell made for the door. Ortiz raised his head with a ghastly smile.

      "Close the door tightly," he said quietly. "I—I feel as if I shall be unpleasant."

      * * * * *

      Closing the door behind him, Bell felt rather like a man in a nightmare. He made for the stairway, bolted for the deck, and fairly darted up the ladder to the wireless room.

      "Ortiz sent me," he said to the operator. "You heard that plane just now. See if you can get it."

      The operator looked up at him beneath a green eyeshade and grinned crookedly.

      "Talking to 'em now," he said.

      The key flicked up and down, and a tiny dancing spark leaped into being and vanished beneath its contact-point. The wireless room was dark save for the bright, shaded light above the sending table. A file of sent messages by an elbow. A pad for messages received was by a hand. Stray wreaths of tobacco smoke floated about the room, leaping into view as they drifted beneath the lamp.

      "Is he bad?" asked the operator fascinatedly, his eyes fixed on his key.

      Bell felt his eyelids flicker.

      "Very bad," he said shortly.

      "They tell me," said the operator and shuddered, "your hands get working and you can't stop 'em.... I'm playing, I am! I'm playing The Master's game!"

      * * * * *

      The key stopped. He listened.

      "They're going to try to swoop over the ship and drop it," he said a moment later. "I don't think they can. But tell Ortiz they're going to try."

      Bell's eyes were narrow. It is not customary for a radio operator on a passenger ship to speak of an ex-Cabinet Minister of the Argentine Republic by his surname only. It bespeaks either impertinence or a certain very peculiar association. Bell frowned imperceptibly for an instant, thinking.

      "You've—had it?" he asked sharply.

      "God, no! I never took the chance! I saw the red spots once, and I went to Rib—Say! You got a password?"

      He was staring up at Bell. Bell shrugged.

      "I'm trying to help Senor Ortiz now."

      The operator continued to stare, his eyes full of suspicion. Then he grimaced.

      "All right. Go tell him they're going to drop it."

      * * * * *

      Bell went out. Gray fog, and washing seas, and the big ship ploughing steadily on toward the south.... The horn blared, startlingly loud and unspeakably doleful. Bell listened for other sounds. There were none.

      Down the steep ladder to the promenade deck. Paula Canalejas nodded to him.

      "I saw you speak to Senor Ortiz," she said quietly. "You see?"

      Bell was beginning to have a peculiar, horrible suspicion. It was incredible, but it was inevitable.

      "I think I see," he said harshly. "But I don't dare believe it. Keep quiet and don't speak to me unless I give you some sign it's safe! It's—hellish!"


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