The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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What, my Lord Envoy? May I not be suffered

       To understand, that folks are tired of seeing 205

       The sword’s hilt in my grasp: and that your court

       Snatch eagerly at this pretence, and use

       The Spanish title, to drain off my forces,

       To lead into the empire a new army

       Unsubjected to my control. To throw me 210

       Plumply aside, — I am still too powerful for you

       To venture that. My stipulation runs,

       That all the Imperial forces shall obey me

       Where’er the German is the native language.

       Of Spanish troops and of Prince Cardinals 215

       That take their route, as visitors, through the empire,

       There stands no syllable in my stipulation.

       No syllable! And so the politic court

       Steals in a-tiptoe, and creeps round behind it;

       First makes me weaker, then to be dispensed with, 220

       Till it dares strike at length a bolder blow

       And make short work with me.

       What need of all these crooked ways, Lord Envoy?

       Straight-forward man! His compact with me pinches

       The Emperor. He would that I moved off! — 225

       Well! — I will gratify him!

      [Here there commences an agitation among the Generals

       which increases continually.

      It grieves me for my noble officers’ sakes!

       I see not yet, by what means they will come at

       The moneys they have advanced, or how obtain

       The recompense their services demand. 230

       Still a new leader brings new claimants forward,

       And prior merit superannuates quickly.

       There serve here many foreigners in the army,

       And were the man in all else brave and gallant,

       I was not wont to make nice scrutiny 235

       After his pedigree or catechism.

       This will be otherwise, i’the time to come.

       Well — me no longer it concerns. [He seats himself.

      Max Piccolomini. Forbid it. Heaven, that it should come to this!

       Our troops will swell in dreadful fermentation — 240

       The Emperor is abused — it cannot be.

      Isolani. It cannot be; all goes to instant wreck.

      Wallenstein. Thou hast said truly, faithful Isolani!

       What we with toil and foresight have built up,

       Will go to wreck — all go to instant wreck. 245

       What then? another chieftain is soon found,

       Another army likewise (who dares doubt it?)

       Will flock from all sides to the Emperor

       At the first beat of his recruiting drum.

      [During this speech, ISOLANI, TERTSKY, ILLO and MARADAS

       talk confusedly with great agitation.

      Max Piccolomini (busily and passionately going from one to

       another, and soothing them). Hear, my commander! Hear me,

       generals! 250

       Let me conjure you, Duke! Determine nothing,

       Till we have met and represented to you

       Our joint remonstrances. — Nay, calmer! Friends!

       I hope all may be yet set right again.

      Tertsky. Away! let us away! in the antechamber 255

       Find we the others. [They go.

      Butler (to Questenberg). If good counsel gain

       Due audience from your wisdom, my Lord Envoy!

       You will be cautious how you shew yourself

       In public for some hours to come — or hardly

       Will that gold key protect you from maltreatment. 260

      [Commotions heard from without.

      Wallenstein. A salutary counsel —— Thou, Octavio!

       Wilt answer for the safety of our guest.

       Farewell, Von Questenberg! [QUESTENBERG is about to speak.

       Nay, not a word.

       Not one word more of that detested subject!

       You have performed your duty — We know how 265

       To separate the office from the man.

      [As QUESTENBERG is going off with OCTAVIO, GOETZ,

       TIEFENBACH, KOLATTO, press in; several other

       Generals following them.

      Goetz. Where’s he who means to rob us of our general?

      Tiefenbach (at the same time). What are we forced to hear?

       That thou wilt leave us?

      Kolatto (at the same time). We will live with thee, we will die

       with thee.

      Wallenstein (pointing to Illo). There! the Field-Marshal knows

       our will. [Exit. 270

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      SCENE — A small Chamber.


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