The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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style="font-size:15px;">       uninterrupted.

      Octavio (introducing Maradas to Butler). Don Balthasar

       Maradas! likewise a man of our stamp, and long ago your admirer. 60

      [BUTLER bows.

      Octavio (continuing). You are a stranger here—’twas but

       yesterday you arrived — you are ignorant of the ways and means

       here. ‘Tis a wretched place — I know, at our age, one loves to

       be snug and quiet — What if you moved your lodgings? — Come,

       be my visitor. (BUTLER makes a low bow.) Nay, without 65

       compliment! — For a friend like you, I have still a corner


      Butler. Your obliged humble servant, my Lord


      [The paper comes to BUTLER, who goes to the table to

       subscribe it. The front of the stage is vacant,

       so that both the PICCOLOMINIS, each on the side

       where he had been from the commencement of the

       scene, remain alone.

      Octavio (after having some time watched his son in silence, advances

       somewhat nearer to him). You were long absent from us,

       friend! 70

      Max. I —— urgent business detained me.

      Octavio. And, I observe, you are still absent!

      Max. You know this crowd and bustle always makes me

       silent. 75

      Octavio. May I be permitted to ask what business ‘twas that

       detained you? Tertsky knows it without asking!

      Max. What does Tertsky know?

      Octavio. He was the only one who did not miss you.

      Isolani. Well done, father! Rout out his baggage! Beat 80

       up his quarters! there is something there that should not be.

      Tertsky (with the paper). Is there none wanting? Have the

       whole subscribed?

      Octavio. All.

      Tertsky (calling aloud). Ho! Who subscribes? 85

      Butler (to Tertsky). Count the names. There ought to be

       just thirty.

      Tertsky. Here is a cross.

      Tiefenbach. That’s my mark.

      Isolani. He cannot write; but his cross is a good cross, and 90

       is honoured by Jews as well as Christians.

      Octavio (presses on to Max). Come, general! let us go. It is late.

      Tertsky. One Piccolomini only has signed.

      Isolani (pointing to Max). Look! that is your man, that statue

       there, who has had neither eye, ear, nor tongue for us the 95

       whole evening.

      [MAX receives the paper from TERTSKY, which he looks

       upon vacantly.

      [After 4] (making the usual compliment after meals) 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [After 15] [He continues to fix his eye on the whole following scene.

       1800, 1828, 1829.

       should 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 53] Octavio (stepping nearer to him friendlily). 1800, 1828,


      [Before 68] Butler (coldly). 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 76] Octavio (advancing still nearer). 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 80] Isolani (who has been attending to them from some distance,

       steps up). 1800, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents

      To these enter ILLO from the inner room. He has in his hand the golden

       service-cup, and is extremely distempered with drinking: GOETZ and

      BUTLER follow him, endeavouring to keep him back.

      Illo. What do you want? Let me go.

      Goetz and Butler. Drink no more, Illo! For heaven’s sake,

       drink no more.

      Illo (goes up to Octavio, and shakes him cordially by the hand,

       and then drinks). Octavio! I bring this to you! Let all grudge

       be drowned in this friendly bowl! I know well enough, ye 5

       never loved me — Devil take me! — and I never loved you! — I am

       always even with people in that way! — Let what’s past be past — that

       is, you understand — forgotten! I esteem you infinitely.

       (Embracing him repeatedly.) You have not a dearer friend on

       earth than I — but that you know. The fellow that cries rogue 10

       to you calls me villain — and I’ll strangle him! — my dear friend!

      Tertsky (whispering to him). Art in thy senses? For heaven’s

       sake, Illo! think where you are!

      Illo (aloud). What do you mean? — There are none but friends

       here, are there? Not a sneaker among us, thank heaven! 15

      Tertsky (to Butler). Take him off with you, force him off,

       I entreat you, Butler!

      Butler (to Illo). Field Marshal! a word with you.

      [Leads him to the sideboard.

      Illo. A thousand for one! Fill — Fill it once more

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