The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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style="font-size:15px;">       her mother’s arms. The curtain falls. The music

       becomes loud and overpowering, and passes into a

       complete war-march — the orchestra joins it — and

       continues during the interval between the second

       and third Act.

      during this time in each others arms). 1800, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      The Burgomaster’s House at Egra.


      Butler. Here then he is, by his destiny conducted.

       Here, Friedland! and no farther! From Bohemia

       Thy meteor rose, traversed the sky awhile,

       And here upon the borders of Bohemia

       Must sink.

       Thou hast forsworn the ancient colours, 5

       Blind man! yet trustest to thy ancient fortunes.

       Profaner of the altar and the hearth,

       Against thy Emperor and fellow-citizens

       Thou mean’st to wage the war. Friedland, beware —

       The evil spirit of revenge impels thee — 10

       Beware thou, that revenge destroy thee not!

      [Before 1] Butler (just arrived). 1800, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents

      BUTLER and GORDON.

      Gordon. Is it you?

       How my heart sinks! The Duke a fugitive traitor!

       His princely head attainted! O my God!

      Butler. You have received the letter which I sent you

       By a post-courier?

      Gordon. Yes! and in obedience to it 5

       Opened the strong hold to him without scruple.

       For an imperial letter orders me

       To follow your commands implicitly.

       But yet forgive me; when even now I saw

       The Duke himself, my scruples recommenced. 10

       For truly, not like an attainted man,

       Into this town did Friedland make his entrance;

       His wonted majesty beamed from his brow,

       And calm, as in the days when all was right,

       Did he receive from me the accounts of office; 15

       ‘Tis said, that fallen pride learns condescension:

       But sparing and with dignity the Duke

       Weighed every syllable of approbation,

       As masters praise a servant who has done

       His duty, and no more.

      Butler. ‘Tis all precisely 20

       As I related in my letter. Friedland

       Has sold the army to the enemy,

       And pledged himself to give up Prague and Egra.

       On this report the regiments all forsook him,

       The five excepted that belong to Tertsky, 25

       And which have followed him, as thou hast seen.

       The sentence of attainder is passed on him,

       And every loyal subject is required

       To give him in to justice, dead or living.

      Gordon. A traitor to the Emperor — Such a noble! 30

       Of such high talents! What is human greatness!

       I often said, this can’t end happily.

       His might, his greatness, and this obscure power

       Are but a covered pitfall. The human being

       May not be trusted to self-government. 35

       The clear and written law, the deep trod footmarks

       Of ancient custom, are all necessary

       To keep him in the road of faith and duty.

       The authority entrusted to this man

       Was unexampled and unnatural 40

       It placed him on a level with his Emperor,

       Till the proud soul unlearned submission. Wo is me;

       I mourn for him! for where he fell, I deem

       Might none stand firm. Alas! dear General,

       We in our lucky mediocrity 45

       Have ne’er experienced, cannot calculate,

       What dangerous wishes such a height may breed

       In the heart of such a man.

      Butler. Spare your laments

       Till he need sympathy; for at this present

       He is still mighty, and still formidable. 50

       The Swedes advance to Egra by forced marches,

       And quickly will the junction be accomplished.

       This must not be! The Duke must never leave

       This strong hold on free footing; for I have

       Pledged life and honour here to hold him prisoner, 55

       And your assistance ‘tis on which I calculate.

      Gordon. O that I had not lived to see this day!

       From his

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