The Speculations of Jack Steele. Robert Barr

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The Speculations of Jack Steele - Robert  Barr

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I thought you were teaching school?"

      "Not on Saturdays, Mr. Steele," said the girl, laughing. "I see, after all, you are not very much hurt."

      "I'm all right, I think. Fortunately Joe doesn't run sixty miles an hour. Dorothy, I want you to marry me and come to Chicago."

      Again the girl laughed.

      "Dear me," she said. "I thought you had come to buy my stock. I couldn't think of taking advantage of a proposal that had been literally shaken out of a man. I'm afraid your mind is wandering a bit."

      "My mind was never clearer in its life. What is your answer, Dorothy?"

      She sat down beside him, still laughing a little. The rivulet was at their feet, the railway embankment behind them, the highway, shrouded by trees, in front.

      "Suppose we talk business first, and indulge in sentiment after?" said the girl, with a roguish twinkle in her eye. "I have been offered ten thousand dollars for my shares. Are you prepared to pay as much?"


      "I imagine Mr. Dunham would never have come all the way from New York to see me if he were not prepared to pay a much larger sum. I have therefore two further provisos to make. You will pay me ten thousand down. Proviso number one is that you will give me ten per cent. on the profits you make in this transaction. Of course, in spite of Mr. Hazlett's caution, I know there is something very large going on, and naturally I wish to profit by it."

      "You are quite right, Miss Slocum, and I agree to the ten per cent. suggestion; in fact, I offered you a hundred per cent. in the beginning, and myself into the bargain, which proposal you have ignored. What is the second proviso?"

      "I am told you have a great deal of influence in railway circles in Chicago."

      "Yes, I have."

      "Can you get a good place for a capable and deserving young man?"

      "I think so. Does he understand railroading?"

      "Yes, he is the station-master at Slocum Junction."

      "Oh, the station-master! Certainly. I should be delighted to offer him a good position. He is a splendid fellow, and I like him exceedingly."

      "I am charmed to hear you say so," said Dorothy, with downcast eyes, pulling a flower and picking it to pieces; "for that brings us to the sentiment, and I show my confidence in you and the great esteem in which I hold you, by telling you this strict secret—that I am engaged to be married to the station-master, and am anxious to get to Chicago."

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