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shifted my stance. “You’re here for your mate?”

      He grinned. “Got word a few hours ago that I’ve been matched.” His chest puffed with the obvious pride that I, too, was feeling. “Can’t wait.”

      I slapped him on the shoulder convivially. “Congratulations. I’m here for my mate, too. Just waiting for her to transport.” I sighed. “Fuck, I’m right there with you. The idea of sharing my bed, my life, with the female meant solely for me has me rock hard.”

      Nodding in understanding, he said, “You know us from Sector Two, we love bondage. I can’t wait to tie my mate to my bed.” He leaned in, although he didn’t seem to care if anyone overheard. It wasn’t a secret what those from each sector liked to do sexually. “I’m not going to let her up until she has at least five orgasms. Hells, even then, I probably won’t let her up.”

      The idea of tying my mate to my bed was appealing, not because I was into restraints, but because I’d know she wasn’t going anywhere. No, I’d rather show her off. I might fuck her in private until we got to know each other, until I got this clawing need sated, but then we’d go outside, the public square where everyone could witness just how beautiful she was when she came all over my cock. How she was all mine. I’d flaunt her perfection and let everyone see my seed marking her, know she was off limits, that my Earth woman was all mine and mine alone.

      I growled at the thought of anyone else touching her. I glanced at the transport pad. Where the fuck was she? Anticipation had me glancing at Zed. “Well, congrats again. Don’t let me keep you from your mate.”

      “Right. Same to you. You better get going. I’d hate for you to miss her arrival.”

      I frowned. “I won’t. She’s coming in here.” I pointed to the raised dais where she would appear. Fucking soon. Any second now.

      “No, my mate’s coming in here. This is transport pad three, right?”

      We both turned to glance at the transport technician standing behind his work station. There was a long line of work stations with a technician at each, fifteen all in a row. “Pad three,” he confirmed.

      “There must be some mistake,” I said.

      “That’s right, there must be some kind of fucking mistake.” We looked to the Viken who all but growled those words. He walked toward us, the entry door to this section of the transport center sliding closed behind him. “My mate is arriving on transport pad three.”

      He wore the gray uniform with the spear insignia of a member of Sector Three. His red arm band identified him as royal guard, but the dark eyes and clenched jaw—along with the equally clenched fists—indicated he was all fighter. I’d seen him before. Queen’s guard. Night shift. I was much more active and alert in the morning, so it was no surprise that we hadn’t spoken. There were dozens of us, and we didn’t share quarters. And since Zed didn’t offer a flicker of recognition, it seemed they weren’t known to each other either.

      “Your mate?” Zed and I said at the same time.

      “My mate,” he retorted, patting himself on the chest.

      Something was wrong. All three of us turned to the transport technician. He was small of stature, almost a head shorter than all of us, his eyes widening under our intensity. He swallowed visibly with us looming.

      “We have identified a problem and we need you to resolve it,” I said, placing my hand on the top of his work station. I was used to giving orders—not that the others weren’t—but I’d been waiting here longer and I was done with patience and was ready to go Atlan beast because of any kind of problem. I wanted my mate and I wanted her now. “Discover the pad location of each of our mates at once. Are you set to receive three females here in the next few minutes?”

      “I am Axon. Sector Three. I agree with him. Find our mates at once.”

      Zed crossed his arms over his chest but said nothing other than his name.

      The technician gulped, then looked down at his table and got to work. His fingers flew over the flat surface with quick speed. He was skilled at his task, but there was some kind of colossal mistake he’d have to look into with his superiors. It was possible to have two people waiting in error, but three?

      A fucking mess for his team to figure out. Later. After my mate was safely in my bed and beneath me. Maybe Zed did have the right idea about tying her up. She’d be on her stomach, arms stretched over her head as I slid a pillow beneath her hips, lifting her ass up in perfect placement for me to slip my cock into that tight sheath. She’d scream her pleasure before I was done. The seed power would—

      “There is no mistake,” he said, cutting off my dirty thoughts, although when he glanced at us, there was worry in his gaze.

      “Explain,” Zed said, the one word like an ion blast.

      “A mate is arriving on transport pad three for Royal Elite Calder, Royal Elite Zed and Royal Elite Axon.”

      “Three females from different locations can’t transport at the same time, Technician,” I countered, stating the most obvious thing about his job.

      His head bobbed. “Yes, sir. I’m aware of that, sir. But only one female is transporting.” He glanced down at his station, reading the display. “The details say she is coming from Earth and the Bride Processing Center in Miami.”

      Zed and Axon shifted, nodded. I had an uncomfortable feeling all of a sudden. My mate was coming from the location he mentioned. Why, then, were Zed and Axon agreeing?

      The technician glanced between the three of us. “Um, you’ve been summoned here because the bride that is transporting is matched to all three of you.”

      “What?” Zed said, his voice thundering. Heads turned our way.

      “All three of us?” I asked, glancing at the other two. It was obvious this was news to them as well. While the new kings of Viken had begun the trend of uniting the sectors by bringing three warriors together to claim a mate, I had not asked for, nor agreed to that arrangement, and from the looks on both Axon’s and Zed’s faces, neither had they. Family was everything to me. Everything. And these men, while fine warriors, were not my brothers, not even friends. They were competition for the woman destined to be mine.

      “Check again,” Axon said, pointing at the work station.

      The technician shrugged. “I can send a message to Earth, to Warden Egara who runs that facility, and tell her you refuse the match.”

      “No!” We all answered him in unison, and although I was disappointed that the other two males didn’t back down from the challenge and leave my mate to me, I was also pleased that they were warriors of honor, willing to fight for her, as I was. I could not tolerate losing my mate to a warrior I deemed unworthy of her.

      The technician quickly lowered his head and slid his fingers over the display, faster than before. After a minute, he bit his lip. “Well, um, sirs, there has been a change.”

      I relaxed and I saw the others’ bodies settle a bit.

      “She’s not coming. She refused transport.” The technician didn’t look up, clearly afraid of being killed by not one rejected mate, but three. And retired Coalition fighters as well. “The match was made. It clearly states

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