Ascension Saga: 7. Grace Goodwin

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Ascension Saga: 7 - Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides® Program

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a queen. But he wasn’t kneeling, his chin was up, his breathing silent—even with my incredible hearing.

      He was holding his breath. Listening.

      For what?

      “Destiny? I know you are in here.” His voice was deep. Sensual. The low timbre slid over my skin and I shivered, literally shivered, the tone going straight to my clit and zinging through my body as if he had his mouth on me.

      What. The. Fuck?

      I didn’t move. I didn’t dare. And I didn’t breathe, either. Holding the air in my lungs as if my life depended on it. I knew that voice. Somehow, I knew it. But from where?

      He rose, but didn’t step in any direction, still as a statue. He whispered, but his voice was full volume to my sensitive hearing. “Destiny. I know you are here. Your sisters sent me. In the conversation you shared, you said you were in danger. Let me help you. I am getting you out of here.”

      My sisters? Oh, hell no. This had to be the voice of the man on that comm call with Trin and Faith. The one who’d point blank asked me if I was in danger. And I’d given two taps to reply yes.

      I should have lied, but something about that damn voice had made me want to tell him the truth. More than that, it had made me want to claw my way through the comm channel and rub my naked all over his naked. Not that he was naked right now. Oh, it would have been great if he were, but no.

      That thought was the last straw. I was losing my mind. Romeo didn’t climb through the window naked.

      “Be quiet or you’ll get us both killed,” I hissed.

      Instantly, his head turned and I watched as he zeroed in on my exact location. Before I could move, or even think, he was close. Too close. Inches. I could feel his body heat. Smell the musky, male scent of him. My nipples hardened and I swear I had a little mini-orgasm. I stifled a whimper.

      “Destiny, come with me. I will take you back to the palace where you will be safe.”

      “Not happening,” I countered. “But you should leave. You’re going to get me killed. You move like a giant; big and heavy and slow.” Lies. Lies. Lies. But I needed him to go. Right now. Before I did something really, really stupid. Like breathe in again. Smell him. Climb him like a tree. God help me if he touched me. I was holding onto my control by a thread. And he was hot. Navy SEAL, superhero, movie star hot. I could see his face. Strong jaw. Full lips. Eyes focused on me with such intensity I couldn’t look away. Everything about him, from the way he moved, to the way he gazed at me said he was a predator. A hunter. A protector. He was a soldier.

      Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. If ever I lusted, it was after a stud in a uniform.

      “You are in danger here,” he repeated.

      “No shit, Sherlock.”

      He frowned. “My name is not Sherlock and he will not keep you safe as I will. You need to come with me. Let me handle this. I will find your mother. I give you my word.” His words melted into my skin, warming me like he’d just dipped me in melted caramel. Jesus, he was dangerous. Stupid, eff-ing Ardor.

      I was turning into a lunatic.

      When I remained silent, his heartbeat sped up. So did his breathing; I could hear both changes easily. A shudder moved through him and I watched, in awe, as he closed his eyes. Clenched his jaw, as if he were in pain. He was in my space. Too close.

      “Who are you?” I shouldn’t have asked. I knew it. But I wanted to know. Maybe after I got this job done, and this Ardor business handled, I’d ask Trinity about him. Look him up. Look him up. Ha. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to slam him up against the wall and take him for a ride. Right fucking now.

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