Black Star's Campaign. Johnston McCulley

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Black Star's Campaign - Johnston McCulley

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Muggs gasped weakly. "That was—some dope! I wonder what it——"

      And then it came to him.

      "I know that feelin' in my head and that taste in my mouth!" he told himself. "Vapor gun! I've had enough doses of it before to know! The—the Black Star——"

      But the Black Star was safe in a cell in the county jail, and due to be taken to the penitentiary in a few hours, Muggs tried to tell himself. However, Muggs did not have a lot of faith in jails, having escaped from them twice himself before Roger Verbeck saved his life and made a man of him.

      Once more he started to get up from the bed, this time slowly and cautiously. He did not experience the nausea now, and though he still felt weak, yet he managed to stagger across the room toward the door.

      He went into Verbeck's bedchamber and snapped on the lights. Verbeck was not there. The room was in confusion. Verbeck's clothes, that Muggs had put out for use in the morning, were gone, and his pajamas were on the floor in a corner.

      Muggs hurried to the bed. It was there, pasted on the headpiece—a tiny black star!

      "If he hurt my boss——" Muggs began, almost sobbing.

      And then he felt moved to sudden action again. He rushed into the living room and to the telephone. He rattled the hook frantically, and presently heard the operator's reply.

      "I want the police!" Muggs cried into the transmitter. "Mr. Verbeck is gone—been taken away!"

      "Say! There are a couple of detectives here now to see Mr. Verbeck," the operator replied. "They're coming right up!"

      Muggs darted back into his own room and began dressing with such speed that he was almost fully clothed when the officers knocked at the door. Muggs hurried to let them in.

      "What's this about Mr. Verbeck?" one of them asked.

      "The Black Star's got him!" Muggs cried. "They doped us while we slept, and——"

      "I guess I can tell you all about that," the detective interrupted. "They put out the night clerk and the telephone operator with those cursed vapor guns."

      "And Mr. Verbeck is gone! They must have taken him! We've got to find him! There's a black star—pasted on his bed——"

      "The chief just sent us up to see Verbeck about this business. The Black Star's gang rescued their leader to-night—turned him loose. He left a note saying that he was going to raid the town."

      "Well, why stand here and gas about it?" Muggs demanded. "Don't you understand that the Black Star's got my boss? He put the big crook in jail before, and you can probably guess what he'll get handed to him for it now, if the Black Star is loose!"

      "Well, what can we do?" one of the detectives asked. "All we found out was that there was a closed auto out in front, and three or four men with it. If they carried Verbeck away, it's a wild guess where they took him. This town has some size, remember, and the Black Star and his gang are smooth customers."

      "You're a fine lot of detectives!" Muggs sneered. "You don't know what to do, huh? Expect to find him by standin' around here smokin' cheap cigars? Why don't you talk to headquarters and tell what you know? Get busy!"

      One of the detectives called the station and made his report to the chief. The police reporters were electrified by the statement that Roger Verbeck had been abducted by members of the master crook's organization. At the time the Black Star was arrested, he had sworn to have vengeance on Verbeck, and though he claimed that he abhorred violence, and seldom resorted to it, there were fears and misgivings lest Verbeck's body be found in some lonely spot, a black star pasted on the forehead.

      The chief had not been idle. Every officer in the city was alert. The police knew that the master criminal must have a headquarters somewhere, and that it was their duty to locate it. Until he was under arrest again, and his band broken up, he was a constant menace. He was liable to strike at any part of the city, at any moment of day or night. The blow might fall upon one of the big banks, or upon some social gathering where a fortune in jewels could be obtained.

      News of Verbeck's abduction was flashed to all officers as soon as possible. Roads leading from the city were under guard, and all vehicles were being stopped and their occupants questioned. Arrangements had been made to quiz real estate and rental firms in the morning, ascertain every recent lease, and investigate it. The chief had given out word that the headquarters of the master criminal had to be found, and without delay.

      Muggs journeyed to headquarters with the two detectives, and told all that he knew. And then he paced the chief's private office, raging, begging them to do something, to give him only as much as a clew regarding where Roger Verbeck had been taken, and he, Muggs, would rescue him alone.

      In vain the chief attempted to quiet Muggs.

      "He's my boss—he ain't yours!" Muggs shrieked. "He saved my life and he showed me how to make a man of myself! Maybe you don't care what becomes of him, but I do. And if that big crook harms him, I'll get Mr. Black Star if it takes me the rest of my life, and I'll choke the life out of him with my bare hands!"

      "Muggs, we're doing all that we can!" the chief protested.

      "What are you doin'? Yellin' over the telephone to a bunch of cops and havin' them run around in circles?"

      "But we can't do anything else!" the chief cried. "All we can do is——"

      The bell of his telephone rang. The chief whirled around and took down the receiver.

      "Hello!" he cried.

      "Hello!" a man's voice answered. "Well, well, it is some time since I had the pleasure of speaking to you over a telephone wire, chief."

      "Who is this?" the chief cried. "We're pretty busy here to-night, and——"

      "I suppose that is all my fault. Don't you recognize my voice? I am the Black Star!"

      "Oh, are you?" the chief shouted. "Well, you put one over on Sheriff Kowen, but we'll pick you up before long!"

      "You think so?" the Black Star asked, laughing.

      "I know it, you crook! We'll get you, and we'll get the men and women of that gang of yours!"

      "Well, well! You are talking violently, chief—but you always were inclined to violence."

      "I'll be violent enough when I get my hands on you, all right!"

      "And I just called you up to give you some information. Are you concerned about Roger Verbeck? One of my men reported a few minutes ago that you were. You see, I am keeping in touch with you, chief. I know every order you issue, every plan you make."

      "What about Verbeck?"

      "Don't worry about him. I had him taken to my headquarters so I could have a little conversation with him. Half an hour ago he was dropped, drugged, and unconscious, at the edge of one of the city parks. No doubt he will be with you soon."

      "Your headquarters, huh?" the chief cried. "We'll locate that little place within twenty-four hours, if it is in the city!"


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