Wisdom & Empowerment: The Orison Swett Marden Edition (18 Books in One Volume). Orison Swett Marden

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Wisdom & Empowerment: The Orison Swett Marden Edition (18 Books in One Volume) - Orison Swett Marden

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a form so beautiful in its clear-cut outlines, so imposing in the majesty of its purity and strength, that the beholder involuntarily bows before it.


       Table of Contents

       Chapter I. Steering Thought Prevents Life Wrecks

       Chapter II. How Mind Rules The Body

       Chapter III. Thought Causes Health And Disease

       Chapter IV. Our Worst Enemy Is Fear

       Chapter V. Overcoming Fear

       Chapter VI. Killing Emotions

       Chapter VII. Mastering Our Moods

       Chapter VIII. Unprofitable Pessimism

       Chapter IX. The Power Of Cheerful Thinking

       Chapter X. Negative Creeds Paralyze

       Chapter XI. Affirmation Creates Power

       Chapter XII. Thoughts Radiate As Influence

       Chapter XIII. How Thinking Brings Success

       Chapter XIV. Power Of Self-Faith Over Others

       Chapter XV. Building Character

       Chapter XVI. Strengthening Deficient Faculties

       Chapter XVII. Gain Beauty By Holding The Beauty Thought

       Chapter XVIII. The Power Of Imagination

       Chapter XIX. Don't Let The Years Count

       Chapter XX. How To Control Thought

       Chapter XXI. The Coming Man Will Realize His Divinity

      Chapter I.

       Steering Thought Prevents Life Wrecks

       Table of Contents

      We build our future, thought by thought,

      Or good or bad, and know it not—

      Yet so the universe is wrought.

      Thought is another name jor fate,

      Choose, then, thy destiny, and wait—

      For love brings love, and hate brings hate.

      —Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

      A CERTAIN man of no great learning, so runs an old legend, fell heir to a ship. He knew nothing of the sea, nothing of navigation or engineering, but the notion seized him to take a voyage and command his own ship. The ship was gotten under way, the self-appointed captain allowing the crew to go ahead with their usual duties, as the multiplicity of operations confused the amateur navigator. Once headed out to sea, however, the work grew simpler, and the captain had time to observe what was going on. As he strolled on the forward deck, he saw a man turning a big wheel, now this way, now that.

      “What in the world is that man doing?” he asked.

      “That’s the helmsman. He is steering the ship.”

      “Well, I don’t see any use in his fiddling away there all the time. There’s nothing but water ahead, and I guess the sails can push her forward. When there’s land in sight, or a ship coming head on, there’ll be time enough to do steering. Put up all the sails and let her go.”

      The order was obeyed, and the few survivors of the wreck that followed had cause to remember the fool captain who thought a ship steered herself.

      You say no such man ever existed, and you are right. That isn’t admitting that no such foolishness exists, however. You wouldn’t be so foolish, would you?

      Think a moment. Are you not in command of something more delicate, more precious, than any ship—your own life, your own mind? How much attention are you giving to the steering of that mind? Don’t you let it go pretty much as it will? Don’t you let the winds of anger and passion blow it hither and thither? Don’t you let chance friendships, chance reading, and aimless amusement sway your life into forms you never would have deliberately chosen? Are you really captain of your own ship, driving it to a sure harbor of happiness, peace, and success? If you are not, would you not like to become such a master of the situation? It is simpler than you perhaps think, if you will but realize certain fundamental truths and put to work your own better nature. To tell you how, and to direct your efforts is the object of this series of little talks on the use of thought in life-forming.

      Considering that mind governs everything in our world, that force has been singularly neglected and misunderstood. Even when tribute has been paid to its power, it has been treated as something unalterable, a tool that could be used if one was born with the genius to do so. Of recent years, the control of thought, and its use to modify character already formed, to change even external surroundings, or at least their effect on one’s self, and to bring about health, happiness, and success, have been more and more studied and understood. The possibilities of thought training are infinite, its consequences eternal, and yet few take the pains to direct their thinking into channels that will do them good, but instead leave all to chance, or rather to the myriad circumstances that buffet and compel our mental action if counter-effort be not made.

      There can

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