The Second Deluge (Dystopian Novel). Garrett P. Serviss

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The Second Deluge (Dystopian Novel) - Garrett P. Serviss

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       Garrett P. Serviss

      The Second Deluge

      (Dystopian Novel)

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

       [email protected]

      2018 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-4767-7

      Table of Contents


       Chapter I. Cosmo Versál

       Chapter II. Mocking at Fate

       Chapter III. The First Drops of the Deluge

       Chapter IV. The World Swept with Terror

       Chapter V. The Third Sign

       Chapter VI. Selecting the Flower of Mankind

       Chapter VII. The Waters Begin to Rise

       Chapter VIII. Storming the Ark

       Chapter IX. The Company of the Reprieved

       Chapter X. The Last Day of New York

       Chapter XI. "A Billion for a Share"

       Chapter XII. The Submergence of the Old World

       Chapter XIII. Strange Freaks of the Nebula

       Chapter XIV. The Escape of the President

       Chapter XV. Professor Pludder's Device

       Chapter XVI. Mutiny in the Ark

       Chapter XVII. The Jules Verne

       Chapter XVIII. Navigating Over Drowned Europe

       Chapter XIX. To Paris Under the Sea

       Chapter XX. The Adventures in Colorado

       Chapter XXI. "The Father of Horror"

       Chapter XXII. The Terrible Nucleus Arrives

       Chapter XXIII. Robbing the Crown of the World

       Chapter XXIV. The Frenchman's New Scheme

       Chapter XXV. New York in Her Ocean Tomb

       Chapter XXVI. New America


       Table of Contents

      What is here set down is the fruit of long and careful research among disjointed records left by survivors of the terrible events described. The writer wishes frankly to say that, in some instances, he has followed the course which all historians are compelled to take by using his imagination to round out the picture. But he is able conscientiously to declare that in the substance of his narrative, as well as in every detail which is specifically described, he has followed faithfully the accounts of eyewitnesses, or of those who were in a position to know the truth of what they related.

      Chapter I.

       Cosmo Versál

       Table of Contents

      An undersized, lean, wizen-faced man, with an immense bald head, as round and smooth and shining as a giant soap-bubble, and a pair of beady black eyes, set close together, so that he resembled a gnome of amazing brain capacity and prodigious power of concentration, sat bent over a writing desk with a huge sheet of cardboard before him, on which he was swiftly drawing geometrical and trigonometrical figures. Compasses, T-squares, rulers, protractors, and ellipsographs obeyed the touch of his fingers as if inspired with life.

      The room around him was a jungle of terrestrial and celestial globes, chemists' retorts, tubes, pipes, and all the indescribable apparatus that modern science has invented, and which, to the uninitiated, seems as incomprehensible as the ancient paraphernalia of alchemists and astrologers. The walls were lined with book shelves, and adorned along the upper portions with the most extraordinary photographs and drawings. Even the ceiling was covered with charts, some representing the sky, while many others were geological and topographical pictures of the face of the earth.

      Beside the drawing-board lay a pad of paper, and occasionally the little man nervously turned to this, and, grasping a long pencil, made elaborate calculations, covering the paper with a sprinkling of mathematical symbols that looked like magnified animalcula. While he worked,

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