Some Must Watch (British Murder Mystery). Ethel Lina White

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Some Must Watch (British Murder Mystery) - Ethel Lina White

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if it's loaded," she thought fearfully. "I can't even tell which is the dangerous end. I mustn't let her have it. Mrs. Oates warned me."

      "Bring it to me," commanded Lady Warren.

      She made no attempt to disguise her excitement. Her fingers shook with eagerness, as she stretched out her hands.

      Helen pretended not to hear. With affected carelessness, she laid down the revolver on a small table—at a safe distance from the invalid—before she advanced to the bed.

      "Now, you mustn't get worked up," she said soothingly. "It is so bad for your heart."

      Fortunately Lady Warren's attention was distracted by her words.

      "What does the doctor say about me?" she asked.

      "He says your vitality is wonderful," replied Helen.

      "Then he's a fool. I'm a dead woman. But I'm not going to die till I'm ready."

      Her lids closed, so that her eyes were visible only as a narrow black rim. Her shrivelled face seemed to become a worn-out garment, and she spoke in the reedy voice of burnt-out forces.

      "I've a job. Keep putting it off. Weak of me. But it is a job no one likes. Is it?"

      Helen guessed immediately that she referred to her will.

      "No," she replied. "Everyone puts it off."

      And then, because she could not resist her interest in the affairs of others, she added a bit of advice.

      "But we all of us have to do it. It must be done."

      But Lady Warren was not listening. The eclipse was rapidly passing, for her eyes grew alert as they slanted across to the small bundle on the table.

      "Bring. it to me," she said.

      "No," replied Helen. "Better not."

      "Fool. What are you afraid of? It's only my spectacle case."

      "Yes, I know it is. I'm ever so sorry, my lady, but I'm only a machine. I have to obey Miss Warren's orders. And she told me I was only to sit and watch."

      It was plain that Lady Warren was not used to opposition. Her eyes blazed, and her fingers hooked to talons, as she clawed her throat.

      "Go," she gasped. "Get—Miss—Warren."

      Helen rushed from the room—almost glad of the attack, since the crisis of the revolver was postponed. As she reached the door, she looked back and saw that Lady Warren had collapsed upon her pillows.'

      A second later, the invalid raised her head. There was a stir amid the bedclothes, and two feet, in bed-socks, emerged from under the eider-down, as Lady Warren slipped out of bed.

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