Solaris Farm. Milan C. Edson

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Solaris Farm - Milan C. Edson

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4. The Story of a Stone and What Came After 10 5. Fairy Fern Cottage 27 6. Fennimore Fenwick 34 7. An Alaska Kindergarten 37 8. An Interview With the "Fairies" 41 9. The Problem vs. A Good Man Who Is As Rich As He Is Noble 49 10. The Reaping of the Death Angel 53 11. The Martina Mine 58 12. Spirit and Mortal—Father and Daughter 61 13. Questions and Answers 63 14. The Ethics of Planetary Evolution 71 15. The Co-operative Farm As a Factor in Social Evolution 75 16. Fillmore and Fern 87 17. Solaris Farm 93 18. Club Life at Solaris 112 19. Fenwick Hall 121 20. The Beginning of a New Era 133 21. His Wooing Prospers While Our Hero Enjoys His First Vacation 141 22. A Surprise Party and Reception Combined 150 23. Formation of Popular Science Clubs 160 24. A Twentieth Century Love Letter 162 25. The Reply 171 26. Fern Fenwick Arrives at Solaris 179 27. The Festival 185 28. The Oration 187 29. The Story of Gilbert Gerrish; or, the Strength Of the Weakest Unit 216 30. Our Hero and Heroine Discuss Agricultural Statistics 227 31. The Discussion Grows More Interesting 248 32. Social Solutions 256 33. Solaris Scrip 270 34. The Insurance Offered by Co-operative Farming 273 35. The Mothers' Club 287 36. The Co-operative Farm as a Factor in the Capital and Labor Problem 299 37. The Co-operative Farm Triumphant 313 38. The Kindergarten at Solaris 327

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