Charles Dickens' Most Influential Works (Illustrated). Charles Dickens

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Charles Dickens' Most Influential Works (Illustrated) - Charles Dickens

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I have seen him there, since we have been walking here. — It is of no use,” said Biddy, laying her hand upon my arm, as I was for running out, “you know I would not deceive you; he was not there a minute, and he is gone.”

      It revived my utmost indignation to find that she was still pursued by this fellow, and I felt inveterate against him. I told her so, and told her that I would spend any money or take any pains to drive him out of that country. By degrees she led me into more temperate talk, and she told me how Joe loved me, and how Joe never complained of anything, — she didn’t say, of me; she had no need; I knew what she meant, — but ever did his duty in his way of life, with a strong hand, a quiet tongue, and a gentle heart.

      “Indeed, it would be hard to say too much for him,” said I; “and Biddy, we must often speak of these things, for of course I shall be often down here now. I am not going to leave poor Joe alone.”

      Biddy said never a single word.

      “Biddy, don’t you hear me?”

      “Yes, Mr. Pip.”

      “Not to mention your calling me Mr. Pip, — which appears to me to be in bad taste, Biddy, — what do you mean?”

      “What do I mean?” asked Biddy, timidly.

      “Biddy,” said I, in a virtuously self-asserting manner, “I must request to know what you mean by this?”

      “By this?” said Biddy.

      “Now, don’t echo,” I retorted. “You used not to echo, Biddy.”

      “Used not!” said Biddy. “O Mr. Pip! Used!”

      Well! I rather thought I would give up that point too. After another silent turn in the garden, I fell back on the main position.

      “Biddy,” said I, “I made a remark respecting my coming down here often, to see Joe, which you received with a marked silence. Have the goodness, Biddy, to tell me why.”

      “Are you quite sure, then, that you WILL come to see him often?” asked Biddy, stopping in the narrow garden walk, and looking at me under the stars with a clear and honest eye.

      “O dear me!” said I, as if I found myself compelled to give up Biddy in despair. “This really is a very bad side of human nature! Don’t say any more, if you please, Biddy. This shocks me very much.”

      For which cogent reason I kept Biddy at a distance during supper, and when I went up to my own old little room, took as stately a leave of her as I could, in my murmuring soul, deem reconcilable with the churchyard and the event of the day. As often as I was restless in the night, and that was every quarter of an hour, I reflected what an unkindness, what an injury, what an injustice, Biddy had done me.

      Early in the morning I was to go. Early in the morning I was out, and looking in, unseen, at one of the wooden windows of the forge. There I stood, for minutes, looking at Joe, already at work with a glow of health and strength upon his face that made it show as if the bright sun of the life in store for him were shining on it.

      “Good by, dear Joe! — No, don’t wipe it off — for God’s sake, give me your blackened hand! — I shall be down soon and often.”

      “Never too soon, sir,” said Joe, “and never too often, Pip!”

      Biddy was waiting for me at the kitchen door, with a mug of new milk and a crust of bread. “Biddy,” said I, when I gave her my hand at parting, “I am not angry, but I am hurt.”

      “No, don’t be hurt,” she pleaded quite pathetically; “let only me be hurt, if I have been ungenerous.”

      Once more, the mists were rising as I walked away. If they disclosed to me, as I suspect they did, that I should not come back, and that Biddy was quite right, all I can say is, — they were quite right too.

      Chapter XXXVI

       Table of Contents

      Herbert and I went on from bad to worse, in the way of increasing our debts, looking into our affairs, leaving Margins, and the like exemplary transactions; and Time went on, whether or no, as he has a way of doing; and I came of age, — in fulfilment of Herbert’s prediction, that I should do so before I knew where I was.

      Herbert himself had come of age eight months before me. As he had nothing else than his majority to come into, the event did not make a profound sensation in Barnard’s Inn. But we had looked forward to my one-and-twentieth birthday, with a crowd of speculations and anticipations, for we had both considered that my guardian could hardly help saying something definite on that occasion.

      I had taken care to have it well understood in Little Britain when my birthday was. On the day before it, I received an official note from Wemmick, informing me that Mr. Jaggers would be glad if I would call upon him at five in the afternoon of the auspicious day. This convinced us that something great was to happen, and threw me into an unusual flutter when I repaired to my guardian’s office, a model of punctuality.

      In the outer office Wemmick offered me his congratulations, and incidentally rubbed the side of his nose with a folded piece of tissue-paper that I liked the look of. But he said nothing respecting it, and motioned me with a nod into my guardian’s room. It was November, and my guardian was standing before his fire leaning his back against the chimneypiece, with his hands under his coattails.

      “Well, Pip,” said he, “I must call you Mr. Pip to-day. Congratulations, Mr. Pip.”

      We shook hands, — he was always a remarkably short shaker, — and I thanked him.

      “Take a chair, Mr. Pip,” said my guardian.

      As I sat down, and he preserved his attitude and bent his brows at his boots, I felt at a disadvantage, which reminded me of that old time when I had been put upon a tombstone. The two ghastly casts on the shelf were not far from him, and their expression was as if they were making a stupid apoplectic attempt to attend to the conversation.

      “Now my young friend,” my guardian began, as if I were a witness in the box, “I am going to have a word or two with you.”

      “If you please, sir.”

      “What do you suppose,” said Mr. Jaggers, bending forward to look at the ground, and then throwing his head back to look at the ceiling, — ”what do you suppose you are living at the rate of?”

      “At the rate of, sir?”

      “At,” repeated Mr. Jaggers, still looking at the ceiling, “the — rate — of?” And then looked all round the room, and paused with his pockethandkerchief in his hand, halfway to his nose.

      I had looked into my affairs so often, that I had thoroughly destroyed any slight notion I might ever have had of their bearings. Reluctantly, I confessed myself quite unable to answer the question. This reply seemed agreeable to Mr. Jaggers, who said, “I thought so!” and blew his nose with an air of satisfaction.


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