The Essential Max Brand - 29 Westerns in One Edition. Max Brand

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The Essential Max Brand - 29 Westerns in One Edition - Max Brand

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there ain’t, you and me are dead ones, Jerry. Come along and help me look, anyway.”

      Jerry rose obediently and flashed on his precious pocket torch, and they went down to pass the turn and come again to the ragged wall of earth which terminated the passage. Jerry held the torch and passed it close to the dirt. All was solid. There was no sign of anything wrong. The very pick marks were clearly defined.

      “Hold on,” whispered Ronicky Doone. “Hold on, Jerry. I seen something.” He snatched the electric torch, and together they peered at the patch from which the dried earth had fallen.

      “Queer for hardpan to break up like that,” muttered Ronicky, cutting into the surface beneath the patch, with the point of his hunting knife. Instantly there was the sharp gritting of steel against steel.

      The shout of Ronicky was an indrawn breath. The shout of Jerry Smith was a moan of relief.

      Ronicky continued his observations. The thing was very clear. They had dug the tunnel to this point and excavated a place which they had guarded with a steel door, but, in order to conceal the hiding place, or whatever it might be, they cunningly worked the false wall of dirt against the face of it, using clay and a thin coating of plaster as a base.

      “It’s a place they don’t use very often, maybe,” said Ronicky, “and that’s why they can afford to put up this fake wall of plaster and mud after every time they want to come down here. Pretty clever to leave that little pile of dirt on the floor, just like it had been worked off by the picks, eh? But we’ve found ‘em, Jerry, and now all we got to do is to get to the door and into whatever lies beyond.”

      “We’d better hurry, then,” cried Jerry.

      “How come?”

      “Take a breath.”

      Ronicky obeyed; the air was beginning to fill with the pungent and unmistakable odor of burning wood!

      21. THE MIRACLE

       Table of Contents

      No great intelligence was needed to understand the meaning of it. Fernand, having trapped his game, was now about to kill it. He could suffocate the two with smoke, blown into the tunnel, and make them rush blindly out. The moment they appeared, dazed and uncertain, the revolvers of half a dozen gunmen would be emptied into them.

      “It’s like taking a trap full of rats,” said Ronicky bitterly, “and shaking them into a pail of water. Let’s go back and see what we can.”

      They had only to turn the corner of the tunnel to be sure. Fernand had had the door of the tunnel slid noiselessly open, then, into the tunnel itself, smoking, slowly burning, pungent pieces of pine wood had been thrown, having been first soaked in oil, perhaps. The tunnel was rapidly filling with smoke, and through the white drifts of it they looked into the lighted cellar beyond. They would run out at last, gasping for breath and blinded by the smoke, to be shot down in a perfect light. So much was clear.

      “Now back to the wall and try to find that door,” said Ronicky.

      Jerry had already turned. In a moment they were back and tearing with their fingers at the sham wall, kicking loose fragments with their feet.

      All the time, while they cleared a larger and larger space, they searched feverishly with the electric torch for some sign of a knob which would indicate a door, or some button or spring which might be used to open it. But there was nothing, and in the meantime the smoke was drifting back, in more and more unendurable clouds.

      “I can’t stand much more,” declared Jerry at length.

      “Keep low. The best air is there,” answered Ronicky.

      A voice called from the mouth of the tunnel, and they could recognize the smooth tongue of Frederic Fernand. “Doone, I think I have you now. But trust yourselves to me, and all may still be well with you. Throw out your weapons, and then walk out yourselves, with your arms above your heads, and you may have a second chance. I don’t promise—I simply offer you a hope in the place of no hope at all. Is that a good bargain?”

      “I’ll see you hung first,” answered Ronicky and turned again to his work at the wall.

      But it seemed a quite hopeless task. The surface of the steel was still covered, after they had cleared it as much as they could, with a thin, clinging coat of plaster which might well conceal the button or device for opening the door. Every moment the task became infinitely harder.

      Finally Jerry, his lungs nearly empty of oxygen, cast himself down on the floor and gasped. A horrible gagging sound betrayed his efforts for breath.

      Ronicky knelt beside him. His own lungs were burning, and his head was thick and dizzy. “One more try, then we’ll turn and rush them and die fighting, Jerry.”

      The other nodded and started to his feet. Together they made that last effort, fumbling with their hands across the rough surface, and suddenly —had they touched the spring, indeed?—a section of the surface before them swayed slowly in. Ronicky caught the half-senseless body of Jerry Smith and thrust him inside. He himself staggered after, and before him stood Ruth Tolliver!

      While he lay panting on the floor, she closed the door through which they had come and then stood and silently watched them. Presently Smith sat up, and Ronicky Doone staggered to his feet, his head clearing rapidly.

      He found himself in a small room, not more than eight feet square, with a ceiling so low that he could barely stand erect. As for the furnishings and the arrangement, it was more like the inside of a safe than anything else. There were, to be sure, three little stools, but nothing else that one would expect to find in an apartment. For the rest there was nothing but a series of steel drawers and strong chests, lining the walls of the room and leaving in the center very little room in which one might move about.

      He had only a moment to see all of this. Ruth Tolliver, hooded in an evening cloak, but with the light gleaming in her coppery hair, was shaking him by the arm and leaning a white face close to him.

      “Hurry!” she was saying. “There isn’t a minute to lose. You must start now, at once. They will find out—they will guess—and then —”

      “John Mark?” he asked.

      “Yes,” she exclaimed, realizing that she had said too much, and she pressed her hand over her mouth, looking at Ronicky Doone in a sort of horror.

      Jerry Smith had come to his feet at last, but he remained in the background, staring with a befuddled mind at the lovely vision of the girl. Fear and excitement and pleasure had transformed her face, but she seemed trembling in an agony of desire to be gone. She seemed invincibly drawn to remain there longer still. Ronicky Doone stared at her, with a strange blending of pity and admiration. He knew that the danger was not over by any means, but he began to forget that.

      “This way!” called the girl and led toward an opposite door, very low in the wall.

      “Lady,” said Ronicky gently, “will you hold on one minute? They won’t start to go through the smoke for a while. They’ll think they’ve choked us, when we don’t come out on the rush, shooting. But they’ll wait quite a time to make sure. They don’t like my style so well that

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