The Canadian Elocutionist. Anna K. Howard

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The Canadian Elocutionist - Anna K. Howard

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closed; used in defiance, courage, threatening, etc.

      5 Pointing; prone hand, loosely closed, with index finger extended; used in pointing out, designating, etc.


      1. Front; the hand descending below the hip, extending horizontally, or ascending to a level or above the head, at right angles with the speaker's body.

      2. Oblique; at an angle of forty-five degrees from the speaker's body.

      3. Extended; direct from the speaker's side.

      4. Backward; reversely corresponding to the oblique.


      R. H. S. Right Hand Supine.

      R. H. P. Right Hand Prone.

      R. H. V. Right Hand Vertical.

      B. H. S. Both Hands Supine.

      B. H. P. Both Hands Prone.

      B. H. V. Both Hands Vertical.

      D. f. Descending Front.

      H. f. Horizontal Front.

      A. f. Ascending Front.

      D. o. Descending Oblique.

      H. o. Horizontal Oblique.

      A. o. Ascending Oblique.

      D. e. Descending Extended.

      H. e. Horizontal Extended.

      A. e. Ascending Extended.

      D. b. Descending Backward.

      H. b. Horizontal Backward.

      A. b. Ascending Backward.


      The dotted words indicate where the hand is to be raised in preparation.

      The gesture is made upon the words in capitals.

      The hand drops upon the italicized word or syllable following the word in capitals. If italicized words precede the word in capitals, it indicates that the hand is to follow the line of gesture.

      The following examples have appeared in several works on Elocution—"The

       New York Speaker," "Reading and Elocution," etc.

      R. H. S.

      D.f. This sentiment I* will* maintain* | with the last breath of LIFE.

      H.f. I* appeal* | to YOU, sir, for your de cis ion.

      A.f. I* appeal* | to the great Searcher of HEARTS for the truth of what I ut ter.

      D. o. Of* all* mistakes* | NONE are so fa tal as those which we incur through prejudice.

      H. o. Truth*, honour*, | JUS tice were his mo tives.

      A. o. Fix* your* eye* | on the prize of a truly NO ble am- bi tion.

      D. e. AWAY* | with an idea so absurd!

      H. e. The* breeze* of* morning* | wafted IN cense on the air.

      A. e. In dreams thro'* camp* and* court* he* bore* | the trophies of a CON queror.

      D. b. AWAY* | with an idea so abhorrent to humanity!

      H. b. Search* the* records* of* the* remotest* an TI quity for a _par_allel to this.

      A. b. Then* rang* their proud HURRAH!

      R. H. P.

      D. f. Put* DOWN | the unworthy feeling!

      H. f. Re* STRAIN the unhallowed pro pen sity.

      D. o. Let every one who* would* merit* the* Christian* name* | re PRESS | such a feeling.

      H. o. I* charge* you* as* men* and* as* Christians* | to lay a re STRAINT on all such dispo si tions!

      A. o. Ye* gods* | with HOLD your ven geance!

      D. e. The* hand* of* affection* | shall smooth the TURF for your last pil low!

      H. e. The* cloud* of* adver* | sity threw its gloom over all his PROS pects.

      A. e. So* darkly* glooms* yon* thunder* cloud* that* swathes* | as with a purple SHROUD Benledi's distant hill.

      R. H. V.

      H. f. Arise!* meet* | and re PEL your foe!

      A. f. For* BID it, Almighty God!

      H. o. He generously extended* the* arm* of* power* | to ward OFF the blow.

      A. o. May* Heaven* a VERT the cal am ity!

      H. e. Out* of* my* SIGHT, | thou serpent!

      H. b. Thou* tempting* fiend,* a VAUNT!

      B. H. S.

      D. f. All personal feeling he* de* POS ited on the al tar of his country's good.

      H. f. Listen,* I* im PLORE you, to the voice of rea son!

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