The Canadian Elocutionist. Anna K. Howard

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The Canadian Elocutionist - Anna K. Howard

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       II. Advice to Students


      PART II.


      A Child's First Impression of a Star … N. P. Willis. A Legend of Bregenz … Adelaide A. Procter. A Modest Wit A Prayer … James Russell Lowett. A Slip of the Tongue A Tarryton Romance Advice to a Young Lawyer … Story. An Autumn Day … Bryant. An Order for a Picture … Alice Cary. Ask Mamma … A. M. Bell. Aunty Doleful's Visit Baby's Visitor Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Bells Across the Snow … Frances Ridley Havergal. Brutus on the Death of Caesar … Shakespeare. Calling a Boy in the Morning Cataline's Defiance … Rev'd. George Croly. Christ Turned and Looked upon Peter … Elisabeth B. Browning. Cuddle Doon … Alexander Andersen. Curfew Must not Ring To-night Dios Te Guarde Domestic Love and Happiness … Thomson. Drifting … T. Buchanan Read. Elizabeth … H. W. Longfellow. Eve's Regrets on Quitting Paradise … Milton. Experience with European Guides … Mark Twain. Fashionable Singing First Experience Gertrude of Wyoming … Campell. Ginevra … Rogers. God, the True Source of Consolation … Moore. Good-Bye … Whyte Melville. Guilty or Not Guilty Hagar in the Wilderness … N. P. Willis. Hannah Binding Shoes … Lucy Larcom. Highland Mary … Burns. Home Song … H. W. Longfellow. How We Hunted a Mouse … Joshua Jenkins. How Women say Good-bye I Remember, I Remember … T. Hood I'll Take What Father Takes … W. Boyle. In School Days … Whittier. Jimmy Butler and the Owl Keys … Bessie Chandler King John … Shakespeare. Landing of Columbus … Rogers. Little Bennie … Annie G. Ketchum. Little Mary's Wish … Mrs. L. M. Blinn. Love in Idleness … Shakespeare. Makin' an Editor Outen 0' Him … Will. M. Carleton. Malibran and the Young Musician Marmion and Douglas … Sir W. Scott. Mary Maloney's Philosophy Mary Stuart … Schiler. Memory's Pictures … Alice Cary. My Trundle Bed Nay, I'll Stay With the Lad … Lillie E. Barr. Never Give Up Niagara … John G. C. Brainard. No Kiss Ocean … W. Wetherald. On His Blindness … Milton. On the Miseries of Human Life … Thomson. Only Sixteen Oration Against Cataline … Cicero. Over the Hill from the Poor-House … Will M. Carleton. Papa Can't Find Me Passing Away … Pierpont. Paul's Defence before Agrippa … Bible. Per Pacem ad Lucem … Adelaide A. Procter. Poor Little Joe … Peleg Arkwright. Poor Little Stephen Girard … Mark Twain. Prayer … Tennyson. Reading the List Reflections on the Tomb of Shakespeare … Irving. Rock of Ages … F. L. Stanton. Roll Call Romeo and Juliet … Shakespeare Sandalphon … H. W. Longfellow. Santa Claus in the Mines Satisfaction Saved … Mary B. Sleight. Scene at Niagara Falls … Charlei Torson. Scenes from Hamlet … Shakespeare. Scenes from Leah the Forsaken Scenes from Macbeth … Shakespeare. Scenes from Pizarro … Sheridan. Scene from Richelieu … Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer. Sim's Little Girl … Mary Hartwell. Slander Somebody's Mother Song of Birds … H. W. Longfellow. Sonnet … James Ritttell Lowell. St. Philip Neri and the Youth … Dr. Byrom. Temperance … Rev. John Ireland. The Ague The Approach to Paradise … Milton. The Armada … Macaulay. The Bald-Headed Man The Battle of Agincourt … Shakespeare. The Bishop's Visit … Emily Huntington Miller. The Bridal Wine-Cup … Sidney Herbert. The Chimes of S. S. Peter and Paul The Dead Doll The Death-Bed … Thomas Hood. The Engineer's Story The Faithful Housewife The Famine … H. W. Longfellow. The Field of Waterloo … Lord Byron. The Fireman … George M. Baker. The Foolish Virgins … Tennyson. The Hired Squirrel … Laura Sanford. The Hypochondriac The Inexperienced Speaker The Jester's Choice … Horace Smith. The Kiss The Last Hymn … Marianne Farningham. The Last Station The Launch of the Ship … H. W. Longfellow. The Little Hatchet Story … R. N. Burdette. The Little Hero The Little Quaker Sinner The Miniature The Model Wife … Ruskin. The Modern Cain … E. Evans Edwards. The Newsboy's Debt The Old Man in the Model Church … John H Yates. The Old Soldier of the Regiment … G. Newell Lovejoy. The Opening of the Piano … O. W. Holmes. The Painter of Seville … Susan Wilson.

      The Patriot's Elysium … Montgomery. The Polish Boy … Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. The Potion Scene (Romeo and Juliet) … Shakespeare. The Quaker Widow … Bayard Taylor. The Quarrel of Brutus and Cassius … Shakespeare. The Retort The Rift of the Rock … Annie Herbert. The Seasons … Thomson. The Serenade The Sioux Chief's Daughter … Joaquin Miller. The Sister of Charity … Owen Meredith. The Wedding Fee … B. M. Streeter. The Whistler … Robert Story. The World from the Sidewalk The Worn Wedding Ring … W. C. Bennett. The Young Gray Head … Mrs. Southey. There's Nothing True but Heaven … Moore. Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear … Ruthven Jenkyns. Three Words of Strength … Schiller. To Her Husband … Anne Bradstreet. Tom … Constance Fenimore Woolsen. Trial Scene from the Merchant of Venice … Shakespeare. Trusting Wanted Waterloo … Lady Morgan. Wounded Your Mission


      Miss Kelsey has given special attention to Reading and Elocution for a number of years. She has a powerful voice, with variety of expression. Miss Kelsey I know to be a lady of true Christian principles, ambitions to excel, and set a good example in Elocution and Literature. I commend her to those interested in this branch of learning.

      Allen A. Griffith,

      Author of "Lessons in Elocution,"

       And Professor of Elocution at State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich.

      I have long known Professor Griffith, whose communication is enclosed. Such is his ability in his profession, and so large are his acquirements, And so just and broad his critical faculty, that I cannot commend Miss Kelsey in any way so well as by saying that I accept the Professor's judgment as most satisfactory. His opinion of her is reliable beyond question.

      I have been pleased with Miss Kelsey's views on Elocution, as far as I can learn them from a single interview, and hope she may be successful in the profession she has chosen.

      W. Hogarth,

      Late Pastor of Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Michigan.

      35 Union Square, New York.

      Miss Kelsey has been under my instruction in Elocution, and I take pleasure in saying that she was so earnest in study, and so faithful in practice, that her proficiency was very great. I bespeak for her added success as a teacher; and from the repertoire which her recent study has given, new triumphs as a public reader.

      Anna Randall Diehl,

      Author of "Randall's Elocution," and "The Quarterly


      Ann Arbour, November 3rd, 1880.

       To whom it may concern:

      I have known Miss Kelsey (now Mrs. William J. Howard) for upwards of two years, and have a high respect for her as a conscientious, cultivated and agreeable lady, who is entitled to confidence and esteem. She has a good reputation as an Elocutionist, and I have no doubt would give valuable and faithful

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