A Woman Intervenes. Robert Barr

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A Woman Intervenes - Robert  Barr

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an experienced accountant—have been sent from London to Canada, one to examine the mines, the other to examine the books of the various corporations. Whether the mines are bought or not will depend a good deal on the reports these two men have in their possession. The reports, when published, will make a big difference, one way or the other, on the Stock Exchange. I want to have the gist of them before the London Syndicate sees them. It will be a big thing for the Argus if it is the first in the field, and I am willing to spend a pile of hard cash to succeed. So, don't economize on your cable expenses.'

      'Very well; have you a book on Canadian mines?'

      'I don't know that we have; but there is a book here, "The Mining Resources of Canada;" will that be of any use?'

      'I shall need something of that sort. I want to be a little familiar with the subject, you know.'

      'Quite so,' said the editor; 'I will see what can be got in that line. You can read it before you start, and on the way over.'

      'All right,' said Miss Jennie; 'and am I to take my pick of the two young men?'

      'Certainly,' answered the editor. 'You will see them both, and can easily make up your mind which will the sooner fall a victim.'

      'The Caloric sails in a week, does it?'


      'Then I shall need at least five hundred dollars to get new dresses with.'

      'Good gracious!' cried the editor.

      'There is no "good gracious" about it. I'm going to travel as a millionaire's daughter, and it isn't likely that one or two dresses will do me all the way over.'

      'But you can't get new dresses made in a week,' said the editor.

      'Can't I? Well, you just get me the five hundred dollars, and I'll see about the making.'

      The editor jotted the amount down.

      'You don't think four hundred dollars would do?' he said.

      'No, I don't. And, say, am I to get a trip to Paris after this is over, or must I come directly back?'

      'Oh, I guess we can throw in the trip to Paris,' said the editor.

      'What did you say the names of the young men are?—or are they not young? Probably they are old fogies, if they are in the mining business.'

      'No; they are young, they are shrewd, and they are English. So you see your work is cut out for you. Their names are George Wentworth and John Kenyon.'

      'Oh, Wentworth is my man,' said the young woman breezily. 'John Kenyon! I know just what sort of a person he is—sombre and taciturn. Sounds too much like John Bunyan, or John Milton, or names of that sort.'

      'Well, I wouldn't be too sure about it until you see them. Better not make up your mind about the matter.'

      'When shall I call for the five hundred dollars?'

      'Oh, that you needn't trouble about. The better way is to get your dresses made, and tell the people to send the bills to our office.'

      'Very well,' said the young woman. 'I shall be ready. Don't be frightened at the bills when they come in. If they come up to a thousand dollars, remember I told you I would let you off for five hundred dollars.'

      The editor looked at her for a moment, and seemed to reflect that perhaps it was better not to give a young lady unlimited credit in New York. So he said:

      'Wait a bit; I'll write you out the order, and you can take it downstairs.'

      Miss Jennie took the paper when it was offered to her, and disappeared. When she presented the order in the business office, the cashier raised his eyebrows as he noticed the amount, and, with a low whistle, said to himself:

      'Five hundred dollars! I wonder what game Jennie Brewster's up to now.'

       Table of Contents

      The last bell had rung. Those who were going ashore had taken their departure. Crowds of human beings clustered on the pier-head, and at the large doorways of the warehouse which stood open on the steamer wharf. As the big ship slowly backed out there was a fluttering of handkerchiefs from the mass on the pier, and an answering flutter from those who crowded along the bulwarks of the steamer. The tug slowly pulled the prow of the vessel round, and at last the engines of the steamship began their pulsating throbs—throbs that would vibrate night and day until the steamer reached an older civilization. The crowd on the pier became more and more indistinct to those on board, and many of the passengers went below, for the air was bitterly cold, and the boat was forcing its way down the bay among huge blocks of ice.

      Two, at least, of the passengers had taken little interest in the departure. They were leaving no friends behind them, and were both setting their faces toward friends at home.

      'Let us go down,' said Wentworth to Kenyon, 'and see that we get seats together at table before all are taken.'

      'Very good,' replied his companion, and they descended to the roomy saloon, where two long tables were already laid with an ostentatious display of silver, glassware, and cutlery, which made many, who looked on this wilderness of white linen with something like dismay, hope that the voyage would be smooth, although, as it was a winter passage, there was every chance it would not be. The purser and two of his assistants sat at one of the shorter tables with a plan before them, marking off the names of passengers who wished to be together, or who wanted some particular place at any of the tables. The smaller side-tables were still uncovered because the number of passengers at that season of the year was comparatively few. As the places were assigned, one of the helpers to the purser wrote the names of the passengers on small cards, and the other put the cards on the tables.

      One young woman, in a beautifully-fitting travelling gown, which was evidently of the newest cut and design, stood a little apart from the general group which surrounded the purser and his assistants. She eagerly scanned every face, and listened attentively to the names given. Sometimes a shade of disappointment crossed her brow, as if she expected some particular person to possess some particular name which that particular person did not bear. At last her eyes sparkled.

      'My name is Wentworth,' said the young man whose turn it was.

      'Ah! any favourite place, Mr. Wentworth?' asked the purser blandly, as if he had known Wentworth all his life.

      'No, we don't care where we sit; but my friend Mr. Kenyon and myself would like places together.'

      'Very good; you had better come to my table,' replied the purser. 'Numbers 23 and 24—Mr. Kenyon and Mr. Wentworth.'

      The steward took the cards that were given him, and placed them to correspond with the numbers the purser had named. Then the young woman moved gracefully along, as if she were interested in the names upon the table. She looked at Wentworth's name for a moment, and saw in the place next to his the name of Mr. Brown. She gave a quick, apprehensive glance around the saloon, and observed the two young men who had arranged for their seats at table now walking leisurely toward the companion-way.

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