TARZAN: 8 Novels in One Volume. Edgar Rice Burroughs

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TARZAN: 8 Novels in One Volume - Edgar Rice Burroughs

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canned foods, blankets, two chairs and a cot—and several books and periodicals, mostly American.

      “They must intend returning,” thought D’Arnot.

      He walked over to the table that John Clayton had built so many years before to serve as a desk, and on it he saw two notes addressed to Tarzan of the Apes.

      One was in a strong masculine hand and was unsealed. The other, in a woman’s hand, was sealed.

      “Here are two messages for you, Tarzan of the Apes,” cried D’Arnot, turning toward the door; but his companion was not there.

      D’Arnot walked to the door and looked out. Tarzan was nowhere in sight. He called aloud but there was no response.

      “Mon Dieu!” exclaimed D’Arnot, “he has left me. I feel it. He has gone back into his jungle and left me here alone.”

      And then he remembered the look on Tarzan’s face when they had discovered that the cabin was empty—such a look as the hunter sees in the eyes of the wounded deer he has wantonly brought down.

      The man had been hard hit—D’Arnot realized it now— but why? He could not understand.

      The Frenchman looked about him. The loneliness and the horror of the place commenced to get on his nerves—already weakened by the ordeal of suffering and sickness he had passed through.

      To be left here alone beside this awful jungle—never to hear a human voice or see a human face—in constant dread of savage beasts and more terribly savage men—a prey to solitude and hopelessness. It was awful.

      And far to the east Tarzan of the Apes was speeding through the middle terrace back to his tribe. Never had he traveled with such reckless speed. He felt that he was running away from himself—that by hurtling through the forest like a frightened squirrel he was escaping from his own thoughts. But no matter how fast he went he found them always with him.

      He passed above the sinuous body of Sabor, the lioness, going in the opposite direction—toward the cabin, thought Tarzan.

      What could D’Arnot do against Sabor—or if Bolgani, the gorilla, should come upon him—or Numa, the lion, or cruel Sheeta?

      Tarzan paused in his flight.

      “What are you, Tarzan?” he asked aloud. “An ape or a man?”

      “If you are an ape you will do as the apes would do— leave one of your kind to die in the jungle if it suited your whim to go elsewhere.

      “If you are a man, you will return to protect your kind. You will not run away from one of your own people, because one of them has run away from you.”

      D’Arnot closed the cabin door. He was very nervous. Even brave men, and D’Arnot was a brave man, are sometimes frightened by solitude.

      He loaded one of the rifles and placed it within easy reach. Then he went to the desk and took up the unsealed letter addressed to Tarzan.

      Possibly it contained word that his people had but left the beach temporarily. He felt that it would be no breach of ethics to read this letter, so he took the enclosure from the envelope and read:

      To Tarzan of the Apes:

      We thank you for the use of your cabin, and are sorry that you did not permit us the pleasure of seeing and thanking you in person.

      We have harmed nothing, but have left many things for you which may add to your comfort and safety here in your lonely home.

      If you know the strange white man who saved our lives so many times, and brought us food, and if you can converse with him, thank him, also, for his kindness.

      We sail within the hour, never to return; but we wish you and that other jungle friend to know that we shall always thank you for what you did for strangers on your shore, and that we should have done infinitely more to reward you both had you given us the opportunity. Very respectfully,

      Wm. Cecil Clayton.

      “‘Never to return,’” muttered D’Arnot, and threw himself face downward upon the cot.

      An hour later he started up listening. Something was at the door trying to enter.

      D’Arnot reached for the loaded rifle and placed it to his shoulder.

      Dusk was falling, and the interior of the cabin was very dark; but the man could see the latch moving from its place.

      He felt his hair rising upon his scalp.

      Gently the door opened until a thin crack showed something standing just beyond.

      D’Arnot sighted along the blue barrel at the crack of the door—and then he pulled the trigger.

      Lost Treasure

       Table of Contents

      When the expedition returned, following their fruitless endeavor to succor D’Arnot, Captain Dufranne was anxious to steam away as quickly as possible, and all save Jane had acquiesced.

      “No,” she said, determinedly, “I shall not go, nor should you, for there are two friends in that jungle who will come out of it some day expecting to find us awaiting them.

      “Your officer, Captain Dufranne, is one of them, and the forest man who has saved the lives of every member of my father’s party is the other.

      “He left me at the edge of the jungle two days ago to hasten to the aid of my father and Mr. Clayton, as he thought, and he has stayed to rescue Lieutenant D’Arnot; of that you may be sure.

      “Had he been too late to be of service to the lieutenant he would have been back before now—the fact that he is not back is sufficient proof to me that he is delayed because Lieutenant D’Arnot is wounded, or he has had to follow his captors further than the village which your sailors attacked.”

      “But poor D’Arnot’s uniform and all his belongings were found in that village, Miss Porter,” argued the captain, “and the natives showed great excitement when questioned as to the white man’s fate.”

      “Yes, Captain, but they did not admit that he was dead and as for his clothes and accouterments being in their possession—why more civilized peoples than these poor savage negroes strip their prisoners of every article of value whether they intend killing them or not.

      “Even the soldiers of my own dear South looted not only the living but the dead. It is strong circumstantial evidence, I will admit, but it is not positive proof.”

      “Possibly your forest man, himself was captured or killed by the savages,” suggested Captain Dufranne.

      The girl laughed.

      “You do not know him,” she replied, a little thrill of pride setting her nerves a-tingle at the thought that she spoke of her own.

      “I admit that he would be worth waiting

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