The Night Riders. Cullum Ridgwell

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The Night Riders - Cullum Ridgwell

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I told you about Jake. Be warned. In spite of what you say, you do not know him.”

      “Thanks, Miss Marbolt,” he replied warmly; “I shall not forget.”

      Diane was about to speak again, but the voice of her father, harsh and strident enough now, reached them from the hallway.

      “Come in, child, and let Tresler go to his work.”

      And Tresler noted the expression of fear that leapt into the girl’s face as she hurriedly passed into the house. He stood for a moment wrathful and wondering; then he strode away toward the corrals, reflecting on the strange events which had so swiftly followed one upon the other.

      “Ye gods,” he muttered, “this is a queer place—and these are queer people.”

      Then as he saw the great figure of Jake coming up the hill toward him, from the direction of a small isolated hut, he went out to meet him, unconsciously squaring himself as he drew near.

      He expected an explosion; at least an angry demonstration. But nothing of the sort happened. The whole attitude of the man had changed to one of studied amiability. Not only that, but his diction was careful to a degree, as though he were endeavoring to impress this man from the East with his superiority over the other ranchmen.

      “Well? You have seen him?”

      “Yes. I have now come to report myself ready for work,” Tresler replied at once. He adopted a cold business tone, deeming it best to observe this from the start.

      To his surprise Jake became almost cordial. “Good. We can do with some hands, sure. Had a pleasant talk with the old man?” The question came indifferently, but a sidelong glance accompanied it as the foreman turned away and gazed out over the distant prairie.

      “I have,” replied Tresler, shortly. “What are my orders, and where do I sleep?”

      “Then you don’t sleep up at the house?” Jake inquired, pretending surprise. There was a slight acidity in his tone.

      “That is hardly to be expected when the foreman sleeps down there.” Tresler nodded, indicating the outbuildings.

      “That’s so,” observed the other, thoughtfully. “No, I guess the old man don’t fancy folk o’ your kidney around,” he went on, relapsing into the speech of the bunkhouse unguardedly. “Mebbe it’s different wi’ the other.”

      Tresler could have struck him as he beheld the meaning smile that accompanied the fellow’s words.

      “Where do I sleep?” he demanded sharply.

      “Oh, I guess you’ll roll into the bunkhouse. Likely the boys’ll fix you for blankets till your truck comes along. As for orders, why, we start work at sunup, and Slushy dips out breakfast before that. Guess I’ll put you to work in the morning; you can’t do a deal yet, but maybe you’ll learn.”

      “Then I’m not wanted to-night?”

      “Guess not.” Jake broke off. Then he turned sharply and faced his man. “I’ve just one word to say to you ’fore you start in,” he went on. “We kind o’ make allowance fer ‘tenderfeet’ around here—once. After that, we deal accordin’—savee? Say, ther’ ain’t no tea-parties customary around this layout.”

      Tresler smiled. If he had been killed for it he must have smiled. In that last remark the worthy Jake had shown his hand. And the latter saw the smile, and his face darkened with swift-rising anger. But he had evidently made up his mind not to be drawn, for, with a curt “S’long,” he abruptly strode off, leaving the other to make his way to the bunkhouse.

      The men had not yet come in for their evening meal, but he found Arizona disconsolately sitting on a roll of blankets just outside the door of the quarters. He was chewing steadily, with his face turned prairieward, gazing out over the tawny plains as though nothing else in the world mattered to him.

      He looked up casually as Tresler came along, and edged along the blankets to make room, contenting himself with a laconic—


      The two men sat in silence for some moments. The pale-faced cowpuncher seemed absorbed in deep reflection. Tresler was thinking too; he was thinking of Jake, whom he clearly understood was in love with his employer’s daughter. It was patent to the veriest simpleton. Not only that, but he felt that Diane herself knew it. The way the foreman had desisted from his murderous onslaught upon himself at her coming was sufficient evidence without the jealousy he had betrayed in his reference to tea-parties. Now he understood, too, that it was because the blind man was asleep, and in going up to the house he, Tresler, would only meet Diane, and probably spend a pleasant afternoon with her until her father awoke, that Jake’s unreasoning jealousy had been aroused, and he had endeavored to forcibly detain him. He felt glad that he had learned these things so soon. All such details would be useful.

      At last Arizona turned from his impassive contemplation of the prairie.

      “Wal?” he questioned. And he conveyed a world of interrogation in his monosyllable.

      “Jake says I begin work to-morrow. To-night I sleep in the bunkhouse.”

      “Yes, I know.”

      “You know?” Tresler looked around in astonishment.

      “Guess Jake’s bin ’long. Say, I’ll shoot that feller, sure—‘less some interferin’ cuss gits along an’ does him in fust.”

      “What’s up? Anything fresh?”

      For answer Arizona spat forcibly into the little pool of tobacco-juice on the ground before him. Then, with a vicious clenching of the teeth—

      “He’s a swine.”

      “Which is a libel on hogs,” observed the other, with a smile.

      “Libel?” cried Arizona, his wild eyes rolling, and his lean nostrils dilating as his breath came short and quick. “Yes, grin; grin like a blazin’ six-foot ape. Mebbe y’ll change that grin later, when I tell you what he’s done.”

      “Nothing he could do would surprise me after having met him.”

      “No.” Arizona had calmed again. His volcanic nature was a study. Tresler, although he had only just met this man, liked him for his very wildness. “Say, pardner,” he went on quietly, reaching one long, lean hand toward him, “shake! I guess I owe you gratitood fer bluffin’ that hog. We see it all. Say, you’ve got grit.” And the fierce eyes looked into the other’s face.

      Tresler shook the proffered hand heartily. “But what’s his latest achievement?” he asked, eager to learn the fresh development.

      “He come along here ’bout you. Sed we wus to fix you up in pore Dave Steele’s bunk.”

      “Yes? That’s good. I rather expected he’d have me sleep on the floor.”

      Arizona gave a snort. His anger was rising again, but he checked it.

      “Say,” he went on, “guess you don’t know a heap. Ther’ ain’t bin

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