The Quest. Frederik van Eeden

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The Quest - Frederik van Eeden

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do that, however. He took little dry twigs, and stuck them into his clumsy hood. That made him look silly, and all the others laughed—among them, a little group of tiny toadstools with small, brown heads, who in a couple of hours had sprung up together, and were jostling one another to get a peep at the world. The devil-fungus was blue with rage. That brought to light his poisonous nature.

      Puff-balls raised their round, inflated little heads on four-pointed pedestals. From time to time a cloud of brown powder, of the utmost fineness, flew out of the opening in the round head. Wherever on the moist ground that powder fell, tiny rootlets would interlace in the black earth, and the following year hundreds of new puff-balls would spring up.

      "What a beautiful existence!" said they to one another. "The very acme of attainment is to puff powder. What a joy to be able to puff, as long as one lives!"

      And with devout consecration they drove the small dust-clouds into the air.

      "Are they right, Windekind?"

      "Why not? For them, what can be higher? It is fortunate that they long for nothing more, when they can do nothing else."

      When night fell, and the shadows of the trees were intermingled in one general obscurity, that mysterious forest life did not cease. The branches cracked and snapped, the dry leaves rustled hither and thither over the grass and in the underwood, and Johannes felt the draft from inaudible wing-strokes, and was conscious of the presence of invisible beings. And now he heard, clearly, whispering voices and tripping footsteps. Look! There, in the dusky depths of the bushes, a tiny blue spark just twinkled, and then went out. Another one, and another! Hush! Listening attentively, he could hear a rustling in the leaves close beside him, by the dark tree-trunk. The blue lights appeared from behind this, and held still at the top.

      Everywhere, now, Johannes saw glimmering lights. They floated through the foliage, danced and skipped along the ground; and yonder was a great, glowing mass like a blue bonfire.

      "What kind of fire is that?" asked Johannes. "How splendidly it burns!"

      "That is a decayed tree-trunk," said Windekind. Then they went up to a bright little light, which was burning steadily.

      Having come up closer, Johannes saw him sitting beside his little candle. By the blue light of this, one could plainly distinguish the wrinkled, grey-bearded face. He was reading aloud, and his eyebrows were knit. On his head he wore a little acorn cap with a tiny feather in it. Before him sat a spider—listening to the reading.

      Without lifting his head, the goblin glanced up from the book as the two approached, and raised his eyebrows. The spider crept away. "Good evening," said the goblin. "I am Wistik. Who are you?"

      "My name is Johannes. I am very happy to make your acquaintance. What are you reading?"

      "This is not intended for your ears," said Wistik. "It is only for spiders."

      "Let me have just a peep at it, dear Wistik!" said Johannes.

      "I must not. It is the Sacred Book of the spiders. It is in my keeping, and I must never let it out of my hands. I have the Sacred Book of the beetles and the butterflies and the hedgehogs and the moles, and of everything that lives here. They cannot all read, and when they wish to know anything, I read it aloud to them. That is a great honor for me—a position of trust, you know."

      The mannikin nodded very seriously a couple of times, and raised a tiny forefinger.

      "What were you reading just now?"

      "Kribblegauw caught large birds in his web, and murdered thousands of his own children. There was a spider for you! Finally, a mighty storm arose, and dragged Kribblegauw with his web, and the three trees to which it was fastened, away through the air to distant forests, where he is now everlastingly honored because of his nimbleness and blood-thirstiness."

      "Is that all true?" asked Johannes.

      "It is in this book," said Wistik.

      "Do you believe it?"

      The goblin shut one eye, and rested his forefinger along the side of his nose.

      "Whenever Kribblegauw is mentioned, in the Sacred Books of the other animals, he is called a despicable monster; but that is beyond me."

      "Is there a Book of the Goblins, too, Wistik?"

      Wistik glanced at Johannes somewhat suspiciously.

      "What kind of being are you, really, Johannes? There is something about you so—so human, I should say."

      "No, no! Rest assured, Wistik," said Windekind then. "We are elves; but Johannes has seen, formerly, many human beings. You can trust him, however. It will do him no harm."

      "Yes, yes, that is well and good; but I am called the wisest of the goblins, and I studied long and hard before I learned what I know. Now I must be prudent with my wisdom. If I tell too much, I shall lose my reputation."

      "But in what book, then, do you think the truth is told?"

      "I have read much, but I do not believe I have ever read that book. It is not the Book of the Elves, nor the Book of the Goblins. Still, there must be such a book."

      "The Book of Human Beings, perhaps?"

      "That I do not know, but I should hardly think so, for the Book of Truth ought to bring great peace and happiness. It should state exactly why everything is as it is, so that no one could ask or wish for anything more. Now, I do not believe human beings have got so far as that."

      "Oh, no! no!" laughed Windekind.

      "Is there really such a book?" asked Johannes, eagerly.

      "Yes!" whispered the goblin. "I know it from old, old stories. And hush! I know too, where it is, and who can find it."

      "Oh, Wistik, Wistik!"

      "Then why have you not yet got it?" asked Windekind.

      "Have patience. It will happen all right. Some of the particulars I do not yet know, but I shall soon find it. I have worked for it and sought it all my life. For to him who finds it, life will be an endless autumnal day—blue sky above and blue haze about—but no falling leaves will rustle, no bough will break, and no drops will patter. The shadows will not waver, and the gold on the tree-tops will not fade. What now seems to us light will be as darkness, and what now seems to us happiness will be as sorrow, to him who has read that book. Yes, I know this about it, and sometime I shall find

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