The Selected Works of Arnold Bennett: Essays, Personal Development Books & Articles. Arnold Bennett

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The Selected Works of Arnold Bennett: Essays, Personal Development Books & Articles - Arnold Bennett

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1 0 Matthew Prior, Poems on Several Occasions: Cambridge English Classics 0 4 6 John Gay, Poems: Muses' Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 ALEXANDER POPE, Works: Globe Edition 0 3 6 Isaac Watts, Hymns: Any hymn-book 0 1 0 James Thomson, The Seasons: Muses' Library 0 1 0 Charles Wesley, Hymns: Any hymn-book 0 1 0 THOMAS GRAY, Samuel Johnson, William Collins, Poems: Muses' Library 0 1 0 James Macpherson (Ossian), Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 THOMAS CHATTERTON, Poems: Muses' Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 WILLIAM COWPER, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 WILLIAM COWPER, Letters: World's Classics 0 1 0 George Crabbe, Poems: Methuen's Little Library 0 1 6 WILLIAM BLAKE, Poems: Muses' Library 0 1 0 William Lisle Bowles, Hartley Coleridge, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 ROBERT BURNS, Works: Globe Edition 0 3 6 £1 7 0


      £ s. d.

       39 prose-writers in 60 volumes, costing 5 1 0

       18 poets " 18 " " 1 7 0

       57 78 £6 8 0

      Chapter XIII

       An English Library: Period III

       Table of Contents

      The catalogue of necessary authors of this third and last period being so long, it is convenient to divide the prose writers into Imaginative and Non-imaginative.

      In the latter half of the period the question of copyright affects our scheme to a certain extent, because it affects prices. Fortunately it is the fact that no single book of recognised first-rate general importance is conspicuously dear. Nevertheless, I have encountered difficulties in the second rank; I have dealt with them in a spirit of compromise. I think I may say that, though I should have included a few more authors had their books been obtainable at a reasonable price, I have omitted none that I consider indispensable to a thoroughly representative collection. No living author is included.

      Where I do not specify the edition of a book the original copyright edition is meant.


      £ s. d.

       SIR WALTER SCOTT, Waverley, Heart of Midlothian, Quentin Durward, Redgauntlet, Ivanhoe: Everyman's Library (5 vols.) 0 5 0 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Marmion, etc.: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 Charles Lamb, Works in Prose and Verse: Clarendon Press (2 vols.) 0 4 0 Charles Lamb, Letters: Newnes's Thin-Paper Classics 0 2 0 Walter Savage Landor, Imaginary Conversations: Scott Library 0 1 0 Walter Savage Landor, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 Leigh Hunt, Essays and Sketches: World's Classics 0 1 0 Thomas Love Peacock, Principal Novels: New Universal Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Mary Russell Mitford, Our Village: Scott Library 0 1 0 Michael Scott, Tom Cringle's Log: Macmillan's Illustrated Novels 0 2 6 Frederick Marryat, Mr. Midshipman Easy: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 John Galt, Annals of the Parish: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Susan Ferrier, Marriage: Routledge's edition 0 2 0 Douglas Jerrold, Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures: World's Classics 0 1 0 Lord Lytton, Last Days of Pompeii: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 William Carleton, Stories: Scott Library 0 1 0 Charles James Lever, Harry Lorrequer: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Harrison Ainsworth, The Tower of London: New Universal Library 0 1 0 George Henry Borrow, Bible in Spain, Lavengro: New Universal Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Lord Beaconsfield, Sybil, Coningsby: Lane's New Pocket Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 W. M. THACKERAY, Vanity Fair, Esmond: Everyman's Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 W. M. THACKERAY, Barry Lyndon, and Roundabout Papers, etc.: Nelson's New Century Library 0 2 0 CHARLES DICKENS, Works: Everyman's Library (18 vols.) 0 18 0 Charles Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers, Framley Parsonage: Lane's New Pocket Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Charles Kingsley, Westward Ho!: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Henry Kingsley, Ravenshoe: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, Professor, and Poems: World's Classics (4 vols.) 0 4 0 Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights: World's Classics 0 1 0 Elizabeth Gaskell, Cranford: World's Classics 0 1 0 Elizabeth Gaskell, Life of Charlotte Brontë 0 2 6 George Eliot, Adam Bede, Silas Marner, The Mill on the Floss: Everyman's Library (3 vols.) 0 3 0 G. J. Whyte-Melville, The Gladiators: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Alexander Smith, Dreamthorpe: New Universal Library 0 1 0 George Macdonald, Malcolm 0 1 6 Walter Pater, Imaginary Portraits 0 6 0 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White 0 1 0 R. D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Samuel Butler, Erewhon: Fifield's Edition 0 2 6 Laurence Oliphant, Altiora Peto 0 3 6 Margaret Oliphant, Salem Chapel: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Richard Jefferies, Story of My Heart 0 2 0 Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland: Macmillan's Cheap Edition 0 1 0 John Henry Shorthouse, John Inglesant: Macmillan's Pocket Classics 0 2 0 R. L. Stevenson, Master of Ballantrae, Virginibus Puerisque: Pocket Edition (2 vols.) 0 4 0 George Gissing, The Odd Women: Popular Edition (bound) 0 0 7 £5 0 1

      Names such as those of Charlotte Yonge and Dinah Craik are omitted intentionally.


      £ s. d.

       William Hazlitt, Spirit of the Age: World's Classics 0 1 0 William Hazlitt, English Poets and Comic Writers: Bohn's Library 0 3 6 Francis Jeffrey, Essays from Edinburgh Review: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-eater, etc.: Scott Library 0 1 0 Sydney Smith, Selected Papers: Scott Library 0 1 0 George Finlay, Byzantine Empire: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 John G. Lockhart, Life of Scott: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Agnes Strickland, Life of Queen Elizabeth: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Hugh Miller, Old Red Sandstone: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 J. H. Newman, Apologia pro vita sua: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Lord Macaulay, History of England, (3), Essays (2): Everyman's Library (5 vols.) 0 5 0 A. P. Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 THOMAS CARLYLE, French Revolution (2), Cromwell (3), Sartor Resartus and Heroes and Hero-Worship (1): Everyman's Library (6 vols.) 0 6 0 THOMAS CARLYLE, Latter-day Pamphlets: Chapman and Hall's Edition 0 1 0 CHARLES DARWIN, Origin of Species: Murray's Edition 0 1 0 CHARLES DARWIN, Voyage of the Beagle: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 A. W. Kinglake, Eothen: New Universal Library 0 1 0 John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte and Positivism: New Universal Library 0 1 0 John Brown, Horæ Subsecivæ: World's Classics 0 1 0 John Brown, Rab and His Friends: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Sir Arthur Helps, Friends in Council: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Mark Pattison, Life of Milton: English Men of Letters Series 0 1 0 F. W. Robertson, On Religion and Life: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Benjamin Jowett, Interpretation of Scripture: Routledge's London Library 0 2 6 George Henry Lewes, Principles of Success in Literature: Scott Library 0 1 0 Alexander Bain, Mind and Body 0 4 0 James Anthony Froude, Dissolution of the Monasteries, etc.: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women: Scott Library 0 1 0 John Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Sir Henry Maine, Ancient Law: New Universal Library 0 1 0 JOHN RUSKIN, Seven Lamps (1), Sesame and Lilies (1), Stones of Venice (3): George Allen's Cheap Edition (5 vols.) 0 5 0 HERBERT SPENCER, First Principles (2 vols.) 0 2 0 HERBERT SPENCER, Education 0 1 0 Sir Richard Burton, Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Mecca: Bohn's Edition (2 vols.) 0 7 0 J. S. Speke, Sources of the Nile: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Thomas Henry Huxley, Essays: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 E. A. Freeman, Europe: Macmillan's Primers 0 1 0 WILLIAM STUBBS, Early Plantagenets 0 2 0 Walter Bagehot, Lombard Street 0 3 6 Richard

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