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      Her Viken Mates

      Interstellar Brides® Program: Book 11

      Grace Goodwin

      Her Viken Mates: Copyright © 2017

      by Grace Goodwin

      Interstellar Brides® is a registered trademark

      of KSA Publishing Consultants Inc.

      All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, digital or mechanical including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning or by any type of data storage and retrieval system without express, written permission from the author.

      Published by KSA Publishers

      Goodwin, Grace

       Her Viken Mates, Interstellar Brides® Book 11

      Cover design copyright © 2020 by Grace Goodwin

      Images/Photo Credit: Deposit Photos: magann, zamuruev

      Publisher’s Note:

      This book was written for an adult audience. The book may contain explicit sexual content. Sexual activities included in this book are strictly fantasies intended for adults and any activities or risks taken by fictional characters within the story are neither endorsed nor encouraged by the author or publisher.


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       Chapter 1

       Chapter 2

       Chapter 3

       Chapter 4

       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12

       Chapter 13

       Chapter 14

       A special THANK YOU to my readers...

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       Also by Grace Goodwin

       About Grace

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       Rager, Planet Viken, Northern Array, Medical Bay 1

      My eyes were closed as I relished the moment, bombarded by my other senses. Soft, silky skin under my hands. The hard pulse of my own heartbeat raging through my cock like pain-filled thunder. The soft scent of feminine heat surrounded me, the musky aroma of my mate’s hot, wet pussy just inches away from my eager mouth and I drew in a deep breath, savoring her desire, the mindless anticipation of her body as I made her wait for what only I could give her.

      She was mine. Her thighs quivered beneath my large palms, and her whimper of need floated in the air and echoed in my body like a cymbal strike, the reverberations traveling straight to my rock-hard cock in agonizing waves. I welcomed the sweet agony of wanting her so badly. This need, my desire for her was like a drug, ruthless and intoxicating. I never wanted this feeling to end. I’d

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