The Complete Works. Robert Burns

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The Complete Works - Robert Burns

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Wi’ a’ his noise and caprin,

       And tak a share wi’ those that bear

       The budget and the apron.

       And by that stoup, my faith and houp,


      The caird prevail’d—th’ unblushing fair

       In his embraces sunk,

       Partly wi’ love o’ercome sae sair,

       An’ partly she was drunk.

       Sir Violino, with an air

       That show’d a man of spunk,

       Wish’d unison between the pair,

       An’ made the bottle clunk

       To their health that night.

      But urchin Cupid shot a shaft,

       That play’d a dame a shavie,

       A sailor rak’d her fore and aft,

       Behint the chicken cavie.

       Her lord, a wight o’ Homer’s craft,

       Tho’ limping wi’ the spavie,

       He hirpl’d up and lap like daft,

       And shor’d them Dainty Davie

       O boot that night.

      He was a care-defying blade

       As ever Bacchus listed,

       Tho’ Fortune sair upon him laid,

       His heart she ever miss’d it.

       He had nae wish but—to be glad,

       Nor want but—when he thirsted;

       He hated nought but—to be sad,

       And thus the Muse suggested

       His sang that night.


      Tune—“For a’ that, an’ a’ that.

      I am a bard of no regard

       Wi’ gentle folks, an’ a’ that:

       But Homer-like, the glowran byke,

       Frae town to town I draw that.


      For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

       An’ twice as muckle’s a’ that;

       I’ve lost but ane, I’ve twa behin’,

       I’ve wife enough for a’ that.

      I never drank the Muses’ stank,

       Castalia’s burn, an’ a’ that;

       But there it streams, and richly reams,

       My Helicon I ca’ that.

       For a’ that, &c.

      Great love I bear to a’ the fair,

       Their humble slave, an’ a’ that;

       But lordly will, I hold it still

       A mortal sin to thraw that.

       For a’ that, &c.

      In raptures sweet, this hour we meet,

       Wi’ mutual love, an a’ that:

       But for how lang the flie may stang,

       Let inclination law that.

       For a’ that, &c.

      Their tricks and craft have put me daft.

       They’ve ta’en me in, and a’ that;

       But clear your decks, and here’s the sex!

       I like the jads for a’ that


      For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

       An’ twice as muckle’s a’ that;

       My dearest bluid, to do them guid,

       They’re welcome till’t for a’ that


      So sung the bard—and Nansie’s wa’s

       Shook with a thunder of applause,

       Re-echo’d from each mouth:

       They toom’d their pocks, an’ pawn’d their duds,

       They scarcely left to co’er their fuds,

       To quench their lowan drouth.

       Then owre again, the jovial thrang,

       The poet did request,

       To loose his pack an’ wale a sang,

       A ballad o’ the best;

       He rising, rejoicing,

       Between his twa Deborahs

       Looks round him, an’ found them

       Impatient for the chorus.


      Tune—“Jolly Mortals, fill your Glasses.

      See! the smoking bowl before us,

       Mark our jovial ragged ring!

       Round and round take up the chorus,

       And in raptures let us sing.


      A fig for those by law protected!

       Liberty’s a glorious feast!

       Courts for cowards were erected,

       Churches built to please the priest.

      What is title? what is treasure?

       What is reputation’s care?

       If we lead a life of pleasure,


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