Found Treasure (Musaicum Romance Classics). Grace Livingston Hill

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Found Treasure (Musaicum Romance Classics) - Grace Livingston Hill

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mossy turf, covered by clean, spicy pine needles. She did not know that in the summer arbor, opposite, Ethel and Flora Garner would receive their friends that day.

      She would not have hesitated on that account if she had known. It did not occur to her that she would be liable to hear conversations not meant for her ears. When she had first heard voices approaching the hedge on the other side, she had paid little heed to them, but had read on until she suddenly heard her own name and became aware that she was the subject of much unpleasant remark. Her cheeks flamed with anger, and her big black eyes sparkled dangerously. It did not occur to her that she was an eavesdropper or that she ought to get up and go away. She would probably not have gone if it had occurred to her. It had never been fully impressed upon her that there was anything wrong in listening to what is not intended for one’s ears, especially when the theme is one’s self.

      The girls on the other side of the hedge went on discussing her personal habits. It had never occurred to her that she had personal habits before or that those habits could be agreeable or disagreeable to others. There was something startling in hearing them portrayed in such unpleasant tones. Her heart beat fast with indignation. So this was what they thought of her. Her first impulse was to start to her feet and rush into their midst, but what could she do? They were but stating their opinions.

      She had half started to get up, but now she sank back again. Alas! she could not deny the statements they had made about her, either. She glanced down at her stubby fingers, whose nails, worn to the quick, gave sad evidence of being daily bitten. Now that she recalled it, she supposed she did bite her nails in church. She was tired and longed to get out of doors, and that seemed to give her relief from what seemed to her a dull meeting. She glanced down at her dress. It was even now torn and spotted in many places. She had never paid much attention to her clothes before. She had not minded a few spots or rents, more or less. Now she suddenly saw what others thought of her. How they went on scorning her—those girls of whose circle she had so earnestly aspired to be one. How she hated them for it! What a hateful world she was in! How could they talk that way? Those pretty, simpering girls who could not ride as she could—not one of them—nor pitch a ball so that the boys would as soon have her in the game as one of themselves! They had nothing but nonsense in their heads and were very silly. Why should she care what they said? But all the time, as the talk went on, her cheeks burned redder and redder and her heart throbbed with its painful mingling of emotions.

      Meanwhile the girls, unaware of the angry little listener on the other side of the hedge, arranged their program. They were to rest and refresh themselves at a farmhouse, a pleasant distance from home, and return in the evening by moonlight, if the night was clear. Then came the question of the chosen guests. All the usual girls were named, Eleanor Martin, Effie’s older sister, among the rest. A spasm of almost hatred again passed over Effie as she thought of the selfishness of her sister, who was unwilling that she should take part in the coming pleasure. Eleanor could have managed it for her if she had chosen, but Eleanor was nineteen and did not care to be troubled by “kids,” as she chose to designate her sister, albeit she never breathed this in the presence of their mother. Mrs. Martin disliked slang, and endeavored, as much as in her power, to bring up her daughters properly. But it was a hard task with so many feet to guide, so many mouths to feed, so little in the family treasury. This was, perhaps, the reason that poor Effie had been so often obliged to shift for herself.

      The letters in the book before her were blurred into one long word. Effie felt no further interest in the hero of the historical novel that she had been reading. History was empty and void. Her own life had loomed up and eclipsed the ages, so that there was nothing of interest outside it. She felt that no one had ever been so miserable, so helpless, so disliked, so ill-treated, so utterly unhappy as herself. How could she go on living after to-day? She had suddenly seen herself as others saw her. Her feelings must have had a little touch of what Eve felt when she had eaten of that forbidden fruit and no longer saw the world about her fair. How could she ever endure it? Her thoughts surged through her brain without beginning or end. And through it all she longed to jump through that hedge, with vengeance in her eyes, and pounce upon those hateful girls and make them take it all back, make them suffer for what they had said, or do something that should assuage this dreadful feeling that oppressed her.

      The planning on the other side of the hedge went on. The anticipated pleasure was discussed in animation. This was heightened somewhat by the arrival of a little sister of Janet Chipley, who brought a book her sister had sent her after and contributed this information as she was running away again to play: “Say, Janet, did you know Lawrence Earle had come home? I saw him just now coming from the station in the car with his mother, and he’s going to be home all summer, for he said so, and he’s going to play tennis with me a lot, for he’s promised. Isn’t that lovely? And he isn’t a bit different from a year ago, if he has been to college. I thought perhaps you’d like to ask him to your ride.” And Bessie Chipley flew away to her game, leaving the girls in high glee over the arrival of the young man who had won a most brilliant record in a noted college, and for whose society the girls were all eager.

      “Oh, isn’t that lovely!” “Of course we’ll ask him!” were some of the exclamations from the delighted girls.

      But the listener, on the other side of the hedge, only felt the blood burn hotter in her cheeks as she remembered what the girls had said she had done the year before at the seashore, and that this young man had been a witness. She really felt humiliation on her own account now, as she realized how she must have appeared in his eyes, tearing along like a boy and careless about the great rent in her gown. A year ago she would scarcely have understood why this should have been embarrassing, so much of a child had she been. But now young womanhood was stirring in her heart, with a sense of pride, self-consciousness, and the fitness of things. Self-consciousness had been very slight indeed, until now, but her eyes had been opened and she was ashamed—and Lawrence Earle, of all people! The boy who had taught her to pitch a ball when she was a mere infant. Of course, he was a great deal older than she was—five or six years at least, and had probably forgotten all about her. But she had always remembered him as an ideal hero!

      “We must have another girl to make even couples,” they were saying, and Effie’s humiliation was so complete that she scarcely felt the pang of disappointment that she could not be chosen for the vacant place. No, rather stay at home forever than that she should be of the same company with that immaculate youth who had witnessed her degradation. This was what she felt. Suddenly her feelings rose to such a pitch she could no longer keep still, and scrambling to her feet, she fairly fled from the place where she had so suffered. The tears had gathered in her eyes, and once she fell with a stinging thud to the ground, having tripped over a hidden root. This only brought the tears the faster. And when she reached the house she threw her book upon the floor, ran through the house, slamming all the doors after her, tore up the stairs to her own room where she locked herself in, and threw herself upon the bed in an agony of weeping such as she had very seldom experienced.

      Her patient mother, who had been trying to take a nap with the fretful, teething baby, was awakened by her rushing through the house and sighed. “Oh, there goes Effie! What shall we do with that child?”


       Table of Contents

      Effie had cried perhaps half an hour. Hers was too vehement a nature to do things by halves, and her weeping was so violent that she was thoroughly exhausted. Then she lay still and began to think things over. Why was it that those girls disliked her and she seemed to be so unwelcome everywhere? For now that she thought of it, she saw there were quite a number of people in the world who did not care to have her around. Her mother loved her, she felt sure, but somehow her mother always sighed when she came into the room. Why was that? Was she not wanted in the world? She could not help it, she supposed, or could she? What the girls had said about some

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