Crimson Mountain (Musaicum Romance Classics). Grace Livingston Hill

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Crimson Mountain (Musaicum Romance Classics) - Grace Livingston Hill

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I congratulate you! How nice to have that happen just now before you leave!"

      "Yes, it’s fine. But it means that I’ve got to call up my captain and get permission to stay over until this business is finished. If I can’t get that, it’s all off, for they won’t wait. They are in a hurry to get started."

      "Oh, will you have trouble getting permission?"

      "Well, I don’t know. I haven’t asked any favors before. As this is a government offer, it may make a difference. Of course Mr. Banfield is trying to arrange it from his end or I couldn’t get anywhere with the captain. But even so, there’s a lot of red tape in the army that can’t be cut, you know."

      "Well now, drive to a telephone station right away and find out. Don’t bother about me. I can find a boarding place later if I need it."

      Pilgrim shook his head.

      "No," he said, "it wouldn’t be any use to telephone yet. He is away from camp this afternoon—won’t be back till six o’clock. I’ve got time enough to find out several boarding places first."

      "Oh!" said Laurel with worry in her eyes. "Are you sure? I would so hate to think you missed this chance of selling at a good price just on my account!"

      "Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. I guess there’ll be a chance to sell all right. I’ll call up at six, and then I’ve got to jog over to the city and see a man to-night. Too bad I’ll have to desert you this evening. I’d much rather stay. But is there anything I could do for you in the city in case your car isn’t fit for travel to-night? Of course I’d ask you to go along with me, but this old car isn’t very comfortable. And besides, I suspect it wouldn’t be considered by your friends as quite the thing for you to take a long ride in a car like this, and in the evening with a comparative stranger."

      "Say now, that isn’t fair. Have I been treating you that way to-day?"

      "No, you haven’t," said Pilgrim, smiling. "I’ll say you’ve been a good sport. But then this would be a different proposition, to go to the city in this old ramshackle car. You know, I never can be sure it will last for a long journey. I might have to spend half the night repairing it. I’m not sure, but I may have a flat tire to deal with before long. But as long as the going is good, I guess I can make it. Now, how about stopping at this house? They tell me Mrs. Price still takes a few boarders. It looks quiet and respectable."

      "Oh, why yes, that looks nice. But, really, if you are going to the city on your own account, I think I’ll accept your invitation and go with you, provided you’ll let me pay for the gas. However, it will do me no harm to run in here and see what the prospect is, in case neither of us has a seaworthy car."

      Laurel was not long inside.

      "Yes, it’s a nice place," she said. "I told her I’d come Monday or perhaps to-night in case my car didn’t get finished. Now, Phil Pilgrim, won’t you please go and telephone your captain?"

      "Yes, presently," said Pilgrim, smiling. "We’ll see how the car is getting on first."

      So they went back to the garage.

      "How you getting on, Mark?" asked Pilgrim as they pulled up beside where he was working.

      "Okay, Phil," said Mark with a grin. "Everything’s fine and dandy. The lady can have her car in about fifteen minutes now. Anything more you want done, son? Say, it looks ta me as if you needed a little tinkering yourself. You just all but got a flat tire, and your engine’s steaming. Wait till I get after her."

      "Oh," said Laurel. "Isn’t this wonderful! My car will be done in time for me to get home to-night!"

      "Sure thing, lady. You hit the nail on the head," said the mechanic. "You take Pilgrim with you, and ya can leave his car here till we doctor it up a bit. I can see at least half a dozen things needs doing to it."

      "Thanks, Mark, but the lady and I each have our own business. If you don’t mind, I’ll just take off my coat and get down and put on my own spare tire and trust to luck for the rest."

      "Not on your tintype, old man, you won’t," said Mark. "I’ve owed you a thank-you for a long time for a lotta good deeds you done fer me, and now I wantta get it off my conscience. Besides, I’m too patriotic to let you get down on them there new soldier trousers knees with them fine creases in ’em. This one is on me, and I mean it, man!"

      "Sorry, Mark, but I’ve simply got to get to the city. Excuse me a minute. I’ll have to telephone. And when I get back, I’ll wager I can get my car in shape as soon as you finish that one."

      So Pilgrim went in to the telephone for a few minutes, and Laurel watched his face and gathered that he had finally reached his officer and that the answer was satisfactory. It was pleasant to watch the glow of light in his eyes and the pleased smile as he talked, as if he and his captain were on friendly terms. Then he came out.

      "It’s okay," he said in a tone of satisfaction. "I’m off for two days longer to get this matter settled up. And now, how is your car? Why but—what has become of mine? Mark, you sinner! What have you done with it?"

      Then, as he rounded the corner into the back of the garage, "What have you taken off those wheels for? I didn’t tell you to repair my car!"

      "Those wheels were out of alignment. Hadn’t you noticed it, pal? Anyhow, I’m fixing it. The lady says she wants you to go in her car. She claims she’s afraid to ride to the city alone at night on that there lonely road." Mark winked affably at Laurel as he turned back to put a final twist to a nut he was tightening in her car before turning it over to her.

      Laurel gave him an understanding grin and turned toward Pilgrim.

      "I can’t credit that," said Pilgrim. "That girl’s not afraid of anything."

      "Listen," said Laurel, stepping to Pilgrim’s side and speaking in a low tone, "this is probably my only chance to do a little repaying for the way you saved my life, and I want you please to be good and let me do it. Please! And besides, it is a very lonely ride some of the way to the city, and I really want your company."

      Pilgrim looked into her wide blue eyes, and something flashed from them to his own and deep into his soul. His own glance softened.

      "All right," he said, "if you really mean it. Only, remember I’m an utter stranger, you know."

      "No," said Laurel, "you’re not a stranger. Not since you saved my life!" And the smile she gave him sent a warm glow around his heart. Then her eyes went down in sudden embarrassment. "You know, I’m really quite unnerved with what I’ve been through this afternoon!" she explained quickly, in what she tried to make a matter-of-fact tone. "I really would feel quite uneasy alone. And besides, we have things to talk over."

      He looked at her in a kind of grave amusement. "Have we?" he asked. "What things?"

      "Why, certainly," said Laurel crisply, avoiding his direct glance. "We—haven’t—made—any plans yet."

      "Plans?" said Pilgrim with a lifting of his brows.

      "Why, yes, plans for meeting again, and all that. You haven’t even given me your address."

      "Address?" he said, almost stupidly. "Why would you want that?"

      She gave him a quick, almost

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