Coming Through the Rye (Musaicum Romance Classics). Grace Livingston Hill

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Coming Through the Rye (Musaicum Romance Classics) - Grace Livingston Hill

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Ransom was a handsome man as the world counts beauty in a man. He had regular features and a fine old-fashioned bearing, which his silver hair and well-clipped pointed beard accentuated. He habitually bore himself as one who respected himself and dealt gently, almost reverently, with himself. He was the embodiment of lofty sentiments, and his well-groomed person was always an object of observation and admiration as he walked the streets and went about his daily business. One thought of him as a man who wore glasses attached to a fine gold chain over his ear and carried a gold-headed cane. He was the kind of man who was always well dressed, carried his papers in a fine cloth bag, and wore silk hats whenever there was the slightest excuse for them. He might have been an elder in a church, or even a minister, so dignified, so conventional, so altogether fitting was everything about his appearance. People had always looked upon him as a good man, well-born, well-bred, and upright to the core. This was the general essence of the character that his daughter had always revered, and that more than anything else in her life she had been most proud of. And now she turned eyes that were accustomed to watching him proudly, tenderly, to his face once more, and all those things that she had been accustomed to see in his beloved face had vanished. Instead the lips had grown more ashen, the eyes wild, like a hunted animal, as they glanced from one intruder to another, the skin of his face white like death as he stood perfectly still looking slowly around that room, only his eyes moving in their ghastly setting. He did not seem to be aware of her presence—or—was he?

      She sprang to her feet.

      "Father!" and instinctively reached out her hands toward him.

      It was just at that instant that he crumpled and went down.

      You have seen a balloon that was pricked suddenly lose its inflation, or a tent, let loose from its holdings, sink slowly to the earth. It was like that. The thing that had made the man what he had always been seemed suddenly to have gone out of him. He lay on the marble floor of his entrance hall, a limp heap of cloth. A white face, from which the inhabitant seemed to have departed, and the white skin, withered and lying in loose folds as though that which had held it buoyant and plastic had been suddenly withdrawn from beneath. There was something drawn about the features, as if they had been misplaced and had nothing to give them form or continuity. The thought flashed through the girl’s consciousness as she flew toward him that that could not possibly be her father, lying there, collapsed, inanimate. She must reach him quickly. She must lift him up, as if the life and buoyancy would return to him once more if she could but lift him quickly enough.

      She was by his side, and her strong young arms about his neck, lifting, lifting with all her might. And now the thing she lifted was like lead. She could not get a hold with her trembling hands. She could scarcely breathe as she forced his head from the floor and into her lap. She lifted wild angry eyes to the face of the young man, Sherwood, who came forward now and tried to help her loosen the collar of the fallen man.

      "Don’t touch him!" she said in a terrible suffering young voice. "You have killed him! Oh! Father!"

      That one anguished cry stabbed the young man’s heart as if it had been a bayonet. He stepped back sharply.

      "Go for a doctor!" he said to Chris in a low tone. But the girl’s senses seemed to be abnormally alert.

      "No," she said sharply. "Don’t one of you stir from this room! You are all going to stay right where you are and answer for this. My brother will go! Lawrence! Where are you?"

      She turned her head sharply to look up and back where her brother had stood, but Lawrence had vanished. His white face had disappeared from the doorway almost as soon as it had appeared.

      Romayne lifted a proud head.

      "He is going for the doctor!" she said in a clear, high voice, calm with a terrible excitement. "He will be here in a moment."

      Sherwood motioned to Chris to go, and the boy stepped out from the curtains with a low murmured expression of horror. In order to get out he had to step over her feet as she sat huddled with what was left of her father in her arms. He went stumbling out into the darkened street with tears rolling down his nice boyish face. He had always like Romayne. He had always looked up to her. She had been the head of his class, and he the foot. He had looked upon her as a sort of angel. And now this! And he having to go against her. But he knew what to do in an emergency. He darted across a hedge and two back fences, and was soon ringing the bell of the nearest physician.

      Inside the house Sherwood had quietly organized his forces. Water was brought, and someone produced aromatic ammonia. Stern faces stooped gravely, but the girl’s slender hand took the water from them and held it to the still-ashen lips that somehow seemed like lips no longer.

      Frantically the girl applied the remedies that were brought and held in her aching, eager young arms the form that was so dear.

      "Father!" she called, "Father!" as if she were crying to him to return from a great distance. "It is all right, Father, you needn’t worry! They did me no harm. It was only a ridiculous mistake. They intended to go somewhere else, of course. You needn’t mind, Father! Of course, when they know, they will be very much ashamed!"

      But there was no sign or stir from the limp form in her arms.

      Finally she lifted great eyes of appeal to Sherwood’s face.

      "If you ever have been a gentleman, I beg that you will go to the telephone and call my father’s friend, Judge Freeman. He will explain it all to you, and then perhaps you will have the grace to apologize and withdraw. When my father becomes conscious, if I tell him it was a mistake and that you have apologized and withdrawn, he will be calmer, and perhaps he may get over this. You must get Judge Freeman quickly! There is no time to waste! Tell him I beg that he will come to us at once. We are in great trouble!"

      The young man’s voice was very gentle.

      "I’m so sorry," he said, "but Judge Freeman cannot help you now. He——"

      "Oh—you needn’t be afraid to call him!" she said contemptuously. "I’ll see that you do not get into any trouble through it. We are not the kind who prosecute people even if they are—murderers!" she ended bitterly, with tears dropping upon the white face in her lap.

      There was a little stir behind her. Almost as if a throng were entering. A strange doctor stooped beside her and slipped a practiced finger on the patrician wrist of her father. Just behind came Chris panting. The men in uniform seemed to have multiplied. They were on all sides of the room—silently. Had there been only two of them before? How confused her mind was! Perhaps she was only dreaming. Had she been going to a house party a little while before? Was this all real?

      Stern-faced men were lifting her father now at the doctor’s command, men in uniform, who walked with measured tread as if they were used to doing gruesome tasks, as if they were ordained of God for such terrible offices. They carried him upstairs. They did not ask her where to go. They swept her aside as if she were a child.

      They opened a door at the head of the stairs. She stood dazed, watching them. How had they known which was his room? She seemed to know without seeing that they were laying him upon his bed, and they were shutting the door!

      She cast a look of rebuke about upon the men who stood there silently, the man Sherwood notably at their head, the boy Chris drooping, just behind him, and fled up the stairs.

      But they put her out—silently, gently, but firmly, and shut the door. She stood a moment staring horror in the face and then went swiftly down the stairs as she had come up and stopped in front of Sherwood.


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