The Wide, Wide World. Warner Susan

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The Wide, Wide World - Warner Susan

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so pleased with a while ago?"

      "Perfectly, mamma; I know all that was in it."

      "Well, then, you must prompt me if I forget anything. Your desk will be furnished with everything really useful. Merely showy matters we can dispense with. Now let us see. Here is a great empty place that I think wants some paper to fill it. Show me some of different sizes, if you please."

      The shopman obeyed, and Mrs. Montgomery stocked the desk well with letter paper, large and small. Ellen looked on in great satisfaction. "That will do nicely," she said. "That large paper will be beautiful whenever I am writing to you, mamma, you know, and the other will do for other times, when I haven't so much to say; though I am sure I don't know who there is in the world I should ever send letters to except you."

      "If there is nobody now, perhaps there will be at some future time," replied her mother. "I hope I shall not always be your only correspondent. Now what next?"

      "Envelopes, mamma."

      "To be sure; I had forgotten them. Envelopes of both sizes to match."

      "Because, mamma, you know I might, and I certainly shall, want to write upon the fourth page of my letter, and I couldn't do it unless I had envelopes." A sufficient stock of envelopes was laid in.

      "Mamma," said Ellen, "what do you think of a little note-paper?"

      "Who are the notes to be written to, Ellen?" said Mrs. Montgomery, smiling.

      "You needn't smile, mamma; you know, as you said, if I don't now know, perhaps I shall by-and-by. Miss Allen's desk had note-paper; that made me think of it."

      "So shall yours, daughter; while we are about it we will do the thing well. And your note-paper will keep quite safely in this nice little place provided for it, even if you should not want to use a sheet of it in half-a-dozen years."

      "How nice that is!" said Ellen admiringly.

      "I suppose the note-paper must have envelopes too?" said Mrs. Montgomery.

      "To be sure, mamma; I suppose so," said Ellen, smiling; "Miss Allen's had."

      "Well, now we have got all the paper we want, I think," said Mrs. Montgomery; "the next thing is ink—or an inkstand, rather."

      Different kinds were presented for her choice.

      "Oh, mamma, that one won't do," said Ellen anxiously; "you know the desk will be knocking about in a trunk, and the ink would run out and spoil everything. It should be one of those that shut tight. I don't see the right kind here." The shopman brought one.

      "There, mamma, do you see?" said Ellen; "it shuts with a spring, and nothing can possibly come out; do you see, mamma? You can turn it topsy-turvy."

      "I see you are quite right, daughter; it seems I should get on very ill without you to advise me. Fill the inkstand, if you please."

      "Mamma, what shall I do when my ink is gone? that inkstand will hold but a little, you know."

      "Your aunt will supply you, of course, my dear, when you are out."

      "I'd rather take some of my own by half," said Ellen.

      "You could not carry a bottle of ink in your desk without great danger to everything else in it. It would not do to venture."

      "We have excellent ink-powder," said the shopman, "in small packages, which can be very conveniently carried about. You see, ma'am, there is a compartment in the desk for such things; and the ink is very easily made at any time."

      "Oh, that will do nicely," said Ellen, "that is just the thing."

      "Now what is to go in this other square place opposite the inkstand?" said Mrs. Montgomery.

      "That is the place for the box of lights, mamma."

      "What sort of lights?"

      "For sealing letters, mamma, you know. They are not like your wax taper at all; they are little wax matches, that burn just long enough to seal one or two letters; Miss Allen showed me how she used them. Hers were in a nice little box just like the inkstand on the outside; and there was a place to light the matches, and a place to set them in while they are burning. There, mamma, that's it," said Ellen, as the shopman brought forth the article which she was describing, "that's it exactly; and that will just fit. Now, mamma, for the wax."

      "You want to seal your letter before you have written it," said Mrs. Montgomery; "we have not got the pens yet."

      "That's true, mamma; let us have the pens. And some quills too, mamma?"

      "Do you know how to make a pen, Ellen?"

      "No, mamma, not yet; but I want to learn very much. Miss Pichegru says that every lady ought to know how to make her own pens."

      "Miss Pichegru is very right; but I think you are rather too young to learn. However, we will try. Now here are steel points enough to last you a great while, and as many quills as it is needful you should cut up for one year at least; we haven't a pen handle yet."

      "Here, mamma," said Ellen, holding out a plain ivory one, "don't you like this? I think that it is prettier than these that are all cut and fussed, or those other gay ones either."

      "I think so too, Ellen; the plainer the prettier. Now what comes next?"

      "The knife, mamma, to make the pens," said Ellen, smiling.

      "True, the knife. Let us see some of your best pen-knives. Now, Ellen, choose. That one won't do, my dear; it should have two blades—a large as well as a small one. You know you want to mend a pencil sometimes."

      "So I do, mamma, to be sure, you're very right; here's a nice one. Now, mamma, the wax."

      "There is a box full; choose your own colours." Seeing it was likely to be a work of time, Mrs. Montgomery walked away to another part of the store. When she returned Ellen had made up an assortment of the oddest colours she could find.

      "I won't have any red, mamma, it is so common," she said.

      "I think it is the prettiest of all," said Mrs. Montgomery.

      "Do you, mamma? then I will have a stick of red on purpose to seal to you with."

      "And who do you intend shall have the benefit of the other colours?" inquired her mother.

      "I declare, mamma," said Ellen, laughing, "I never thought of that; I am afraid they will have to go to you. You must not mind, mamma, if you get green and blue and yellow seals once in a while."

      "I dare say I shall submit myself to it with a good grace," said Mrs. Montgomery. "But come, my dear, have we got all we want? This desk has been very long in furnishing."

      "You haven't given me a seal yet, mamma."

      "Seals! There are a variety before you; see if you can find one that you like. By the way, you cannot seal a letter, can you?"

      "Not yet, mamma," said Ellen, smiling again; "that is another of the things I have got to learn."

      "Then I think you had

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