Fair Harbor. Joseph Crosby Lincoln

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Fair Harbor - Joseph Crosby Lincoln

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and gray-haired, while the other was like a full moon—a full moon with several chins—and its hair was a startlingly vivid black parted in the middle and with a series of very regular ripples on each side.

      It was the thin face which was hailing him. The other was merely staring, open-eyed and open-mouthed.

      "Here, you—man!" repeated the shrill voice—belonging to the thin face. "Where are you going?"

      The captain smiled. "Why, nowhere in particular, ma'am," he replied. "I was just figurin' that I'd gone about as far as I could this voyage."

      His smile became a chuckle, but there were no symptoms of amusement visible upon the faces framed in the window of the Eyrie. The thin lips merely pressed tighter and the plump ones opened wider, that was all.

      "Why don't you answer my question?" demanded the thin woman. "What are you doing on these premises?"

      "Why, nothin' in particular, ma'am. I was just tryin' to take a little walk and not makin' a very good job at it."

      There was an interruption here. The full moon broke in to ask a question of its own.

      "Who is he? What's he talkin' about?" it demanded.

      "I don't know who he is—yet."

      "Well, what's he talkin' about? Make him speak louder."

      "I will, if you give me a chance. He says he is taking a walk. What are you taking a walk in here for? Don't you know it isn't allowed?"

      "Why, no, ma'am, I didn't. In fact I didn't realize I was in here until I—well—until I got here."

      "What is he sayin'?" demanded the moon-face again, and somewhat testily. "I can't hear a word."

      Now the captain's tone had been at least ordinarily loud, so it was evident that the plump woman's hearing was defective. Her curiosity, however, was not in the least impaired.

      "What's that man talkin' about now?" she persisted. Her companion became impatient.

      "Oh, I don't know," she snapped. "Do give me a chance, won't you? I think he's been drinking. He says he doesn't know where he is or how he got here."

      Kendrick thought it high time to protest. Also to raise his voice when doing so.

      "That wasn't exactly it," he shouted. "I was takin' a little walk, that's all. I have to navigate pretty slow for my legs aren't just right."

      "What did he say wa'n't right?" demanded the plump female.

      "His legs."

      "Eh! Legs! What's he talkin' about his legs for?"

      "Oh, I don't know! Do be still a minute. It's his head that isn't right, I guess he means. … Don't you know you're trespassing? What do you mean by coming in here?"

      "Well, ma'am, I didn't mean anything in particular. I just happened in by accident. I'm sorry."

      "Humph! You didn't come in here to run off with anything that didn't belong to you, I hope."

      The captain looked at her for a moment. Then his lip twitched.

      "No, ma'am," he said, solemnly, "I didn't come with that idea—but—"

      "But? What do you mean by 'but'?"

      "But I didn't realize what there was in here to run off with. If I had. … There, I guess I'd better go. Good day, ladies. Sorry I troubled you."

      He lifted his cap, turned, and limped out of sight around the clump of lilacs. From behind him came a series of indignant gasps and exclamations.

      "Why—why—Well, I never in all my born days! The saucy, impudent—"

      And the voice of the moon-faced one raised in bewildered entreaty:

      "What was it? What did he say? Elviry Snowden, why don't you tell me what 'twas he said?"

      Captain Kendrick hobbled back to the Minot yard. He hobbled through the orchard gate, leaving it ajar, and reaching the bench beneath the locust tree, collapsed upon it. For some time he was conscious of very little except the ache in his legs and the fact that breathing was a difficult and jerky operation. Then, as the fatigue and pain ceased to be as insistent, the memory of his interview with the pair in the Eyrie returned to him and he began to chuckle. After a time he fancied that he heard a sympathetic chuckle behind him. It seemed to come from the vegetable garden, Judah's garden, which, so Mr. Cahoon told his former skipper, he had set out himself and was "sproutin' and comin' up better'n ary other garden in the town of Bayport, if I do say it as shouldn't."

      Kendrick could not imagine who could be chuckling in that garden. Also he could not imagine where the chuckler could be hiding, unless it was behind the rows of raspberry and currant bushes. Slowly and painfully he rose to his feet and peered over the bushes. Then the mystery was explained. The "chuckles" were clucks. A flock of at least a dozen healthy and energetic hens were enthusiastically busy in the Cahoon beds. Their feet were moving like miniature steam shovels and showers of earth and infant vegetables were moving likewise. Judah had boasted that the fruits of his planting were "comin' up." If he had seen them at that moment he would have realized how fast they were coming up.

      The sight aroused Captain Kendrick's ire. He was, in a way of speaking, guardian of that vegetable patch. Judah had not formally appointed him to that position, but he had gone away and, by the fact of so doing, had left it in his charge. He felt responsible for its safety.

      "Shoo!" shouted the captain and, leaning upon his cane, limped toward the garden.

      "Shoo!" he roared again. The hens paid about as much attention to the roar as a gang of ditch diggers might pay to the buzz of a mosquito. Obviously something more drastic than shooing was necessary. The captain stooped and picked up a stone. He threw the stone and hit a hen. She rose in the air with a frightened squawk, ran around in a circle, and then, coming to anchor in a patch of tiny beets, resumed excavating operations.

      Kendrick picked up another stone, a bigger one, and threw that. He missed the mark this time, but the shot was not entirely without results; it hit one of Mr. Cahoon's cucumber frames and smashed a pane to atoms. The crash of glass had the effect of causing some of the fowl to stop digging and appear nervous. But these were in the minority.

      The captain was, by this time, annoyed. He was on the verge of losing his temper. Beyond the little garden and between the raspberry and currant bushes he caught a glimpse of the path and the gate through which he had just come on his way back from the grounds of the Fair Harbor. That gate he saw, with a twinge of conscience, was wide open. Obviously he must have neglected to latch it on passing through, it had swung open, and the hens had taken advantage of the sally port to make their foray upon Judah's pet vegetables. They were Fair Harbor hens. Somehow this fact did not tend to deepen Sears Kendrick's affection for them.

      "Shoo! Clear out, you pesky nuisances!" he shouted, and waving his cane, charged laboriously down upon the fowl. They retreated before him, but their retreat was strategic. They moved from beets to cabbages, from cabbages to young corn, from corn to onions. And they scratched and pecked as they withdrew. Nevertheless, they were withdrawing and in the direction of the open gate; in the midst of his panting and pain the captain found a slight comfort in the fact that he was driving the creatures toward the gate.


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