The Forest Monster; or, Lamora, the Maid of the Canon. Edward Sylvester Ellis

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The Forest Monster; or, Lamora, the Maid of the Canon - Edward Sylvester Ellis

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into the thickly gathering gloom, while the blasts that whirled the snow in blinding drifts about their tops, came moaning and sweeping over the bleak prairie, as if searching for some one to inclose in its icy grasp, and to strangle out of life.

      Now and then the desolate howl of the mountain wolf, came borne on the wind, adding to the gloomy desolation of the scene, while the dark, swarming multitude of buffaloes hurried over the frozen ground, as if fearful of being caught in the chilling blast. It was a bad night to be lost upon the prairie.

      Is there no one abroad to-night?

      From the grove of hardy cottonwood yonder, a starlike point of light suddenly flashes out upon the night. Surely that is the light of some hunter’s camp-fire.

      A party of emigrants have halted for the night, and this is the first camp-fire that has been started, for it is not only cold, but there is cooking to be done, and a fire is indispensable.

      The emigrant party numbers some twenty men, a half-dozen women, and about double that number of children. They are on their way to Oregon, and have penetrated thus far without encountering any obstacle worth noting, although for days they had been journeying through the very heart of the Indian country.

      Among the party was a man named Fred Hammond, who had joined it more for the purpose of adventure than any thing else. He was mounted on a magnificent black horse, was an amateur hunter, and a general favorite with the company.

      Among the latter was not a single experienced mountaineer or prairie-man. They had secured the service of an old man, who professed to be thoroughly acquainted with the overland route to Oregon, but there was more than one who suspected his knowledge and believed he was nothing but a fraud.

      Extremely good fortune had attended them thus far. They had caught sight of numerous parties of Indians, and indeed scarcely a day passed without something being seen of them. They had exchanged shots at quite a distance, but no harm had befallen the whites, and they had penetrated thus far on their way to distant Oregon.

      But Hammond and one or two of the members were filled with misgiving. Through the day they had seen evidence of an immense Indian party being in their vicinity, and they feared the worst. It was with pain that they saw the huge camp-fire kindled, and Hammond called his comrade, Beers, to one side, and said, in his earnest voice:

      “I tell you, things look darker than ever before.”

      “So I think.”

      “I believe we are followed by over a thousand Indians, and they intend attacking us to-night.”

      “What shall we do?”

      “God only knows; I don’t like that camp-fire.”

      “Let it burn for a short time; they don’t need it long, and then it can be allowed to die out.”

      “But it will betray our position.”

      “Do you suppose there is any means possible by which we can conceal it?”

      “Not entirely, but partly.”

      As the night deepened it became of intense darkness. There was no moon, and the sky was entirely overcast with clouds, so that there was scarcely any light at all. The few flakes of snow that were whirling through the air had entirely ceased, but the wind still whistled through the grove.

      “There is a moon up there,” said Hammond, “and if the clouds break away at all, we shall have enough light to guide us on our way.”

      On account of the danger, which all knew threatened them, a number proposed that as soon as their animals had had sufficient rest, they should move out of the timber and continue their journey; but this was finally overruled, as they were not only likely to go astray in the darkness, but the Indians could easily find them, from the unavoidable noise made by their wagons.

      If attacked on the open prairie at night, they were entirely at the mercy of their assailants, who could easily encircle and tomahawk and shoot them all, while in the grove they could make a fight with some prospect of success.

      So it was prudently determined to remain where they were.

      In the course of an hour, when there was no imperative necessity for a fire, it was allowed to slumber and finally die out. The wagons were placed in a rude circle, with the animals within, while the women and children, and such men as were relieved from duty, sought their quarters for the night, and soon silence rested upon all.

      A double guard was set. Ten men were scattered around the outer edge of the globe at regular distances from each other, on the alert for the first indications of danger.

      Beers and Hammond stood next to each other, and the former finally left his station and took his position beside the latter.

      “What’s the use?” he muttered, by way of apology. “When it’s so dark that you can’t see any thing, where’s the good of straining your eyes? As we have got to depend on our sense of hearing, we’ll help each other.”

      The air was so sharp and keen that they had great difficulty in keeping themselves comfortable. They dare not stamp their feet or swing their arms, and such movements as they made, were made with a stealth and caution that nearly robbed them of all their virtue.

      At the end of an hour the sky gave some signs of clearing. It was somewhat lighter overhead, but still the earth below was little benefited thereby. There was scarcely any variations in the wind, although several fancied that it had somewhat decreased.

      Another hour passed drearily away, and then Beers suddenly laid his hand on the arm of Hammond.

      “What is it?”


      Borne to them on the wind came the distant but distinct sound of a horse’s feet, as he galloped over the hard prairie.

      The rapid clamp of the hoofs were heard for an instant, and then the varying wind swept the sound away from their ears, and all was still.

      But in a moment they rallied out again with startling distinctness—then grew fainter—died away and rung out once more.

      “Some one is riding fast,” said Beers.

      “And he is coming this way,” added Hammond.

      A few minutes convinced them of the truth. A single horseman was riding at great speed over the prairie, and was manifestly aiming straight for the grove where the emigrants had halted for the night.

      As a matter of course, all the sentinels had observed it by this time, and there was great excitement among them. They gathered about Hammond to receive his directions.

      “Go back to your stations,” said he. “Keep your eyes and ears open for others, whether they be mounted or afoot, and I will attend to this one.”

      His orders were obeyed, for he was looked upon as having authority in this matter, and with an interest difficult to understand they awaited the coming of the horseman.

      As the latter came nearer, he seemed to be heading straight for the point where Hammond and Beers were standing.


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