The Lane That Had No Turning, Complete. Gilbert Parker

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The Lane That Had No Turning, Complete - Gilbert Parker

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she made the offer, and the downcast looks of the landlord were assuring her that her request was futile, there was the rattle of hoofs without, and a petty Government official rode up. He had come a journey of three miles only, and his horse was fresh. Agitated, yet ruling herself to composure, Madelinette approached him and made her proposal to him. He was suspicious, as became a petty Government official, and replied sullenly. She offered him money—before the landlord, unhappily—and his refusal was now unnecessarily bitter. She turned away sadly, but Madame Marie had been roused by the official’s churlishness, and for once the placid little body spoke in that vulgar tongue which needs no interpretation. She asked the fellow if he knew to whom he had been impolite, to whom he had refused a kindly act.

      “You—you, a habitant road-watcher, a pound-keeper, a village tax-collector, or something less!” she said. “You to refuse the great singer Madelinette Lajeunesse, the wife of the Seigneur of Pontiac, the greatest patriot in the land; to refuse her whom princes are glad to serve—” She stopped and gasped her indignation.

      A hundred speeches and a hundred pounds could not have done so much. The habitant official stared in blank amazement, the landlord took a glass of brandy to steady himself.

      “The Lajeunesse—the Lajeunesse, the singer of all the world—ah, why did she not say so then!” said the churl. “What would I not do for her! Money—no, it is nothing, but the Lajeunesse, I myself would give my horse to hear her sing.”

      “Tell her she can have M’sieu’s horse,” said the landlord, excitedly interposing.

      “Tiens, who the devil—the horse is mine! If Madame—if she will but let me offer it to her myself!” said the agitated official. “I sing myself—I know what singing is. I have sung in an opera—a sentinel in armour I was. Ah, but bring me to her, and you shall see what I will do, by grace of heaven! I will marry you if you haven’t a husband,” he added with ardour to the dumfounded Madame Marie, who hurried to the adjoining room.

      An instant afterwards the official was making an oration in tangled sentences which brought him a grateful smile and a hand-clasp from Madelinette. She could not prevent him from kissing her hand, she could not refrain from laughing when, outside the room, he tried to kiss Madame Marie. She was astounded, however, an hour later, to see him still at the inn door, marching up and down, a whip in his hand. She looked at him reproachfully, indignantly.

      “Why are you not on the way?” she asked.

      “Your man, that M’sieu’ Havel, has rode on; I am to drive,” he said. “Yes, Madame, it is my everlasting honour that I am to drive you. Havel has a good horse, the horse has a good rider, you have a good servant in me. I, Madame, have a good mistress in you—I am content. I am overjoyed—I am proud—I am ready, I, Pierre Lapierre.”

      The churlish official had gone back to the natural state of an excitable habitant, ready to give away his heart or lose his head at an instant’s notice, the temptation being sufficient. Madelinette was frightened. She knew well why Havel had ridden on ahead without her permission, and shaking hands with the landlord and getting into the coach, she said hastily to her new coachman: “Lose not an instant. Drive hard.”

      They reached the next change by noon, and here they found four horses awaiting them. Tardif, and Havel also, had come and gone. An hour’s rest, and they were away again upon the last stage of the journey. They should reach Quebec soon after dusk, all being well. At first, Lapierre the official had been inclined to babble, but at last he relieved his mind by interjections only. He kept shaking his head wisely, as though debating on great problems, and he drove his horses with a master-hand—he had once been a coach driver on that long river-road, which in summer makes a narrow ribbon of white, mile for mile with the St. Lawrence from east to west. This was the proudest moment of his life. He knew great things were at stake, and they had to do with the famous singer, Lajeunesse; and what tales for his grandchildren in years to come!

      The flushed and comfortable Madame Marie sat upright in the coach, holding the hand of her mistress, and Madelinette grew paler as the miles diminished between her and Quebec. Yet she was quiet and unmoving, now and then saying an encouraging word to Lapierre, who smacked his lips for miles afterwards, and took out of his horses their strength and paces by masterly degrees. So that when, at last, on the hill they saw far off the spires of Quebec, the team was swinging as steadily on as though they had not come twenty-five miles already. This was a moment of pride for Lapierre, but of apprehension for Madelinette. At the last two inns on the road she had got news of both Tardif and Havel. Tardif had had the final start of half-an-hour. A half-hour’s start, and fifteen miles to go! But one thing was sure, Havel, the wiry Havel, was the better man, with sounder nerve and a fostered strength.

      Yet, as they descended the hill and plunged into the wild wooded valley, untenanted and uncivilised, where the road wound and curved among giant boulders and twisted through ravines and gorges, her heart fell within her. Evening was at hand, and in the thick forest the shadows were heavy, and night was settling upon them before its time.

      They had not gone a mile, however, when, as they swung creaking round a great boulder, Lapierre pulled up his horses with a loud exclamation, for almost under his horses’ feet lay a man apparently dead, his horse dead beside him.

      It was Havel. In an instant Madelinette and Ma dame Marie were bending over him. The widow of the Little Chemist had skill and presence of mind.

      “He is not dead, dear mine,” said she in a low voice, feeling Havel’s heart.

      “Thank God,” was all that Madelinette could say. “Let us lift him into the coach.”

      Now Lapierre was standing beside them, the reins in his hand. “Leave that to me,” he said, and passed the reins into Madame Marie’s hands, then with muttered imprecations on persons unmentioned he lifted up the slight form of Havel, and carried him to the coach. Meanwhile Madelinette had stooped to a little stream at the side of the road, and filled her silver drinking-cup with water.

      As she bent over Havel and sprinkled his face, Lapierre examined the insensible man.

      “He is but stunned,” he said. “He will come to in a moment.”

      Then he went to the spot where Havel had lain, and found a pistol lying at the side of the road. Examining it, he found it had been discharged-both barrels. Rustling with importance he brought it to Madelinette, nodding and looking wise, yet half timorous too in sharing in so remarkable a business. Madelinette glanced at the pistol, her lips tightened, and she shuddered. Havel had evidently failed, and she must face the worst. Yet now that it had come, she was none the less determined to fight on.

      Havel opened his eyes and looked round in a startled way. He saw Madelinette.

      “Ah, Madame, Madame, pardon! He got away. I fired twice and winged him, but he shot my horse and I fell on my head. He has got away. What time is it, Madame?” he suddenly asked. She told him. “Ah, it is too late,” he added. “It happened over half-an-hour ago. Unless he is badly hurt and has fallen by the way, he is now in the city. Madame, I have failed you—pardon, Madame!”

      She helped him to sit up, and made a cushion of her cloak for his head, in a corner of the coach. “There is nothing to ask pardon for, Havel,” she said; “you did your best. It was to be—that’s all. Drink the brandy now.”

      A moment afterwards Lapierre was on the box, Madame Marie was inside, and Madelinette said to the coachman:

      “Drive hard—the White Calvary by the church of St. Mary Magdalene.”


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