As Seen By Me. Bell Lilian

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As Seen By Me - Bell Lilian

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what they will say to us, in the name of liberty, and of the way they will look at us, in the name of liberty.

      English servants, I have discovered, have no more respect for Americans than the old-time negro of the Southern aristocracy has for Northerners. I once asked an old black mammy in Georgia why the negroes had so little respect for the white ladies of the North. "Case dey don' know how to treat black folks, honey." "Why don't they?" I persisted. "Are they not kind to you?" "Umph," she responded (and no one who has never heard a fat old negress say "Umph" knows the eloquence of it). "Umph. Dat's it. Dey's too kin'. Dey don' know how to mek us min'." And that is just the trouble with Americans here. An English servant takes orders, not requests.

      I had such a time to learn that. We could not understand why we were obeyed so well at first, and presently, without any outward disrespect, our wants were simply ignored until all the English people had been attended to.

      My sister had told me I was too polite, but one never believes one's sister, so I questioned our sweet English friends, and they, with much delicacy and many apologies, and the prettiest hesitation in the world—considering the situation—told us the reason.

      "But," I gasped, "if I should speak to our servants in that manner they would leave. They would not stay over night." Our English friends tried not to smile in a superior way, and they succeeded, only I knew the smile was there, and said, "Oh, no, our servants never leave us. They apologize for having done it wrong."

      On the way home I plucked up courage. "I am going to try it," I said, firmly. My sister laughed in derision.

      "Now I could do it," she said, complaisantly. And so she could. My sister never plumes herself on a quality she does not possess.

      "Are you going to use the tone and everything?" I said, somewhat timidly.

      "You wait and see."

      She hesitated some time, I noticed, before she rang the bell, and she looked at herself in the glass and cleared her throat. I knew she was bracing herself.

      "I'll ring the bell if you like," I said, politely.

      She gave one look at me and then rang the bell herself with a firm hand.

      "And I'll get behind you with a poker in One hand and a pitcher of hot water in the other. Speak when you need either."

      "You feel very funny when you don't have to do it yourself," she said, witheringly.

      "You'll never put it through. You'll back down and say 'please' before you have finished," I said, and just then the maid knocked at the door.

      I never heard anything like it. My sister was superb. I doubt if Bernhardt at her best ever inspired me with more awe. How that maid flew around. How humble she was. How she apologized. And how, every time my sister said, "Look sharp, now," the maid said, "Thank you." I thought I should die. I was so much interested in the dramatic possibilities of my cherished sister that when the door closed behind the maid we simply looked at each other a moment, then simultaneously made a bound for the bed, where we choked with laughter among the pillows. Presently we sat up with flushed faces and rumpled hair. I reached over and shook hands with her.

      "How was that?" she asked.

      "'Twas grand," I said. "The Queen couldn't have done it more to the manner born."

      My sister accepted my compliments complaisantly, as one who should say, "'Tis no more than my deserts."

      "How firm you were," I said, admiringly.

      "Wasn't I, though?"

      "How humble she was."

      "Wasn't she?"

      "You were quite as disagreeable and determined as a real Englishwoman would have been."

      "So I was."

      A pause full of intense admiration on my part. Then she said, "You couldn't have done it."

      "I know that."

      "You are so deadly civil."

      "Not to everybody, only to servants." I said this apologetically.

      "You never keep a steady hand. You either grovel at their feet or snap their heads off."

      "Quite true," I admitted, humbly.

      "But it was grand, wasn't it?" she said.

      "Unspeakably grand."

      And for Americans it was.

      We were still at "The Insular," when one day I took up a handful of what had once been a tight bodice, and said to my sister:

      "See how thin I've grown! I believe I am starving to death."

      "No wonder," she answered, gloomily, "with this awful English cooking! I'm nearly dead from your experiment of getting an English point of view. I want something to eat—something that I like. I want a beefsteak, with mushrooms, and some potatoes au gratin, like those we have in America. I hate the stuff we get here. I wish I could never see another chop as long as I live."

      "'The Insular' is considered very good," I remarked, pensively.

      "Considered!" cried she. "Whose consideration counts, I should like to know, when you are always hungry for something you can't get?"

      "I know it; and we are paying such prices, too. Who, except ostriches, could eat their nasty preserves for breakfast when they are having grape-fruit at home? And then their vile aspic jellies and potted meats for luncheon, which look like sausage congealed in cold gravy, and which taste like gum arabic."

      "Let's move," said my sister. "Not into another hotel—that wouldn't be much better. But lot's take lodgings. I've heard that they were lovely. Then we can order what we like. Besides, it will be very much cheaper."

      "I didn't come over here to economize," I said.

      "Well, I wouldn't say a word if we were getting anything for our money, but we are not. Besides, when you get to Paris you will wish you hadn't been so extravagant here."

      "Are the Paris shops more fascinating than those in Regent Street?" I asked.

      "Much more."

      "More alluring, than Bond Street?"

      "More so than any in the world," she affirmed, with the religious fervor which always characterizes her tone when she speaks of Paris. The very leather of her purse fairly squeaks with ecstasy when she thinks of Paris.

      "Heavens!" I murmured, with awe, for whenever she won't go to Du Maurier's grave with me, and when I won't do the crown jewels in the Tower with her, we always compromise amiably on Bond Street, and come home beaming with joy.

      "We might go now just to look," I said. "I have the addresses of some very good lodgings."

      "We'll take a cab by the hour," said she, putting her hat on before the mirror, and turning her head on one side to view her completed handiwork.

      "Now take off that

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