The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation. Harry Leon Wilson

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The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation - Harry Leon Wilson

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Greatness is born of greatness, and breadth of a breadth profound;

       The old Antaean fable of strength renewed from the ground

       Was a human truth for the ages; since the hour of the Edenbirth

       That man among men was strongest who stood with his feet on the earth!


       CHAPTER I. The Second Generation is Removed

       CHAPTER II. How the First Generation Once Righted Itself

       CHAPTER III. Billy Brue Finds His Man

       CHAPTER IV. The West Against the East

       CHAPTER V. Over the Hills

       CHAPTER VI. A Meeting and a Clashing

       CHAPTER VII. The Rapid-fire Lorgnon Is Spiked

       CHAPTER VIII. Up Skiplap Canon

       CHAPTER IX. Three Letters, Private and Confidential

       CHAPTER X. The Price of Averting a Scandal

       CHAPTER XI. How Uncle Peter Bines Once Cut Loose

       CHAPTER XII. Plans for the Journey East

       CHAPTER XIII. The Argonauts Return to the Rising Sun

       CHAPTER XIV. Mr. Higbee Communicates Some Valuable Information

       CHAPTER XV. Some Light With a Few Side-lights

       CHAPTER XVI. With the Barbaric Hosts

       CHAPTER XVII. The Patricians Entertain

       CHAPTER XVIII. The Course of True Love at a House Party

       CHAPTER XIX. An Afternoon Stroll and an Evening Catastrophe

       CHAPTER XX. Doctor Von Herzlich Expounds the Hightower Hotel and Certain Allied Phenomena

       CHAPTER XXI. The Diversions of a Young Multi-millionaire

       CHAPTER XXII. The Distressing Adventure of Mrs. Bines

       CHAPTER XXIII. The Summer Campaign Is Planned

       CHAPTER XXIV. The Sight of a New Beauty, and Some Advice from Higbee

       CHAPTER XXV. Horace Milbrey Upholds the Dignity of His House

       CHAPTER XXVI. A Hot Day in New York, with News of an Interesting Marriage

       CHAPTER XXVII. A Sensational Turn in the Milbrey Fortunes

       CHAPTER XXVIII. Uncle Peter Bines Comes to Town With His Man

       CHAPTER XXIX. Uncle Peter Bines Threatens to Raise Something

       CHAPTER XXX. Uncle Peter Inspires His Grandson to Worthy Ambitions

       CHAPTER XXXI. Concerning Consolidated Copper and Peter Bines as Matchmakers

       CHAPTER XXXII. Devotion to Business and a Chance Meeting

       CHAPTER XXXIII. The Amateur Napoleon of Wall Street

       CHAPTER XXXIV. How the Chinook Came to Wall Street

       CHAPTER XXXV. The News Broken, Whereupon an Engagement is Broken

       CHAPTER XXXVI. The God in the Machine

       CHAPTER XXXVII. The Departure of Uncle Peter—And Some German Philosophy

       CHAPTER XXXVIII. Some Phenomena Peculiar to Spring

       CHAPTER XXXIX. An Unusual Plan of Action Is Matured

       CHAPTER XL. Some Rude Behaviour, of Which Only a Western Man Could Be Guilty

       CHAPTER XLI. The New Argonauts

       Table of Contents

      "The fair and sometimes uncertain daughter of the house of Milbrey"

      "'Well, Billy Brue,--what's doin'?'"

      "The spell was broken"

      "'Why, you'd be Lady Casselthorpe, with dukes and counts takin' off their crowns to you'"

      "'Remember that saying of your pa's, "it takes all kinds of fools to make a world"'"

      "'Say it that way--" Miss Milbrey is engaged with Mr. Bines, and can't see you"'"

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      When Daniel J. Bines died of apoplexy in his private car at Kaslo Junction no one knew just where to reach either his old father or his young son with the news of his death. Somewhere up the eastern slope of the Sierras the

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