The Collected Works of Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb. Charles Lamb

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The Collected Works of Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb - Charles  Lamb

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hinc inde catervam

       Dividit; at rursus coëunt, ubi transiit illa,

       Ut coëunt rursus, puppis quas dividit, undæ.

      Canticulæ interea narraverat argumentum

       Altera Sirenum, infidi perjuria nautæ,

       Deceptamque dolo nympham; tum flebile carmen

       Flebilibus movit numeris, quos altera versu

       Alterno excepit: patulis stant rictibus omnes:

       Dextram ille acclinat, lævam ille attentius aurem,

       Promissum carmen captare paratus hiatu.

       Longa referre mora est, animum quâ vicerit arte

       Virgineum juvenis. Jam poscunt undique chartas

       Protensæ emptorum dextræ, quas illa vel illa

       Distribuit, cantatque simul: neque ferreus iste

       Est usquam auditor, dulcis cui lene camæna

       Non adhibet tormentum, et furtivum elicit assem.

       Stat medios inter baculoque innititur Irus;

       Nec tamen hic loculo parcit, sed prodigus æris

       Emptor adest, solvit pretium, carmenque requirit.

       Fors juxta adstabat vetula iracundior æquo;

       Quæ loculo ex imo invitum, longumque latentem

       Depromens vix tandem obolum, Cedo, fœmina, chartam,

       Inquit; ut æternum monumentum in pariete figam,

       Cum laribus mansurum ipsis, quam credula nymphis

       Pectora sint; fraudis quam plena, et perfida nautis.

      In the same style of familiar painting, and replete with the same images of town life, picturesque as it was comparatively in the days of Gay, and of Hogarth, are the various Poematia—to the "Bellman"—"Billinsgate"—the "Law Courts"—the "Licensed Victualler"—the "Quack"—the "Quaker's Meeting" cum multis aliis—of this most classical of Cockney Poets. In a different strain is the following piece of tenderness:—


      Infans venuste, qui sacros dulces agens

       In hoc sopores marmore,

       Placidissimâ quiete compôstus jaces,

      Beautiful Infant, who dost keep

       Thy posture here, and sleep'st a marble sleep,

       May the repose unbroken be,

       Which the fine Artist's hand hath lent to thee!

       While thou enjoy'st along with it

       That which no Art or Craft could ever hit,

       Or counterfeit to moral sense,

       The Heav'n-infused sleep of Innocence.

      We have selected these two versions from a little volume lately published by Mr. Lamb, to which he has strangely given the misnomer of "Album Verses."

      Album Verses! why, in the whole collection there are not twenty pages out of one hundred and fifty (and cast the acrostics in, to swell the amount) that have the smallest title to come under this denomination. There is a Tragic Drama, filling up more than a third of the book. The rest is composed of—Translations from V. Bourne, nine in number—just so many Verses, and no more, expressly written for Albums—and the rest might have been written any where. But Mr. L. will be wiser another time, than to stand Godfather to his own poetry. A sensible Publisher is always the best names-man on these occasions.

      But if to write in Albums be a sin, Lord help Wordsworth—Coleridge—Southey—Sir Walter himself—who have not been always able to resist the solicitations of the fair owners of these modern nuisances. Southey has owned to some score, and Mr. L.'s offences in this kind, we have said, do not exceed the number of the Muses. This may be said even of them, that they are not vague verses—to the Moon, or to the Nightingale—that will fit any place—but strictly appropriate to the person that they were intended to gratify; or to the species of chronicle which they were destined to be recorded in. The Verses to a "Clergyman's Lady"—to the "Wife of a learned Serjeant"—to a "Young Quaker"—could have appeared only in an Album, and only in that particular person's Album they were composed for.

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